
The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance


In the past, it was always said that knowledge changed destiny, but I don't know when it became a face value to change fate, and today's society has become a world that looks at faces, and face value is justice! In fact, this phenomenon has existed as early as ancient times, and in history, some people have jumped from the rank of prisoner to become the prince of the Governor's Palace because of their good looks, this person is the famous flower and bird painter Yun (yùn) Shouping in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties!

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping, who has a super high appearance

How did Yun Shouping change his fate with his appearance? It all starts with his birth.

Yun Shouping was born in a family clan in Wujin, Jiangsu Province, since childhood smart and clever, should have studied well, embarked on a career path, but was not born at the right time, at the age of 11, the Ming Dynasty fell, he had to follow his father and brother to live in seclusion in Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang; soon after the Qing army entered the customs, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas to carry out massacres, Yun Shouping followed his father and brother all the way to Fuzhou, and then to Guangzhou;

At the age of 15, several fathers and sons joined the rebel army in Jianning, Fujian Province, participated in anti-Qing activities, Yun Shouping's eldest brother was killed in battle, the second brother's whereabouts are unknown, his father escaped a disaster because he went out to ask for help, but the father and son were separated, and Yun Shouping was also reduced to a prisoner.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping "Ou Xiangguan Sketch Book" Pipa

This matter should be rested on ordinary people, I am afraid that this life will be cold, but Yun Shouping's life seems to be open, and his luck is so good that it explodes!

At that time, the governor of Jianning City was Chen Jin, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and his wife just wanted to create a batch of jewelry, but she was dissatisfied with the drawings provided by the painter, and someone recommended Yun Shouping, who had excellent painting skills, to her.

Lady Chen saw that Yun Shouping was beautiful and handsome, and her demeanor and speech were in a way that she liked it very much, and it happened that she had no children under her knees, so she accepted him as a righteous son.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping "Ou Xiangguan Sketch Book" Blue Sea Coral

What was it like to go from being a prisoner of the ranks to becoming a prince of the Governor's Palace? If only the average person would have been happy to blossom! However, Yun Shouping was a young hero who followed his father and brother to kill the enemy at the age of 15, how could he covet the glory and wealth of the Qing court? In fact, he never forgot his father.

It was also Yun Shouping's good luck that four years later (at the age of 20), Chen Jin was stabbed to death by Jia Ding, and Lady Chen took him to the Lingyin Temple to do things for Chen Jin, and actually let him see his father Yun Richu among the monks. It turned out that after the defeat of the army, Yun Ri had cut his hair and become a monk at the beginning of the day, traveling all over the world to find the whereabouts of his son, and happened to hang an order at the Lingyin Temple.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping "Ou Xiangguan Sketchbook" Feng Xian

In order to recognize his father, Yun Shouping and the abbot Master Gu De performed a play. Gu De told Lady Chen that Yun Shouping's life was not good, and if he wanted to live a long life of 100 years, it was best to become a monk. Yun Shouping himself also expressed that he did not love wealth and was willing to take refuge in Buddhism. Mrs. Chen was reluctant to do so, but had to tearfully agree for the sake of her son.

Years later, the dramatist Wang Shu (qiān), the son of landscape painter Wang Shimin, also adapted this tortuous experience into the drama "Vulture Peak Edge", which was widely sung during the Kangxi Dynasty.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping "Ou Xiangguan Sketch book" Chrysanthemum

After the father and son recognized each other, they returned to their hometown together. Yun Shouping immersed himself in calligraphy and painting, sold paintings to support his father, and successively met a group of like-minded friends such as Tang Yuzhao, Zhuang Zichun, and Mao Xianshu, the most famous of which was Wang Yi (huī), one of the "Four Kings of the Early Qing Dynasty".

The two young people saw each other as they were, and they felt sorry for each other, Wang Fei was intelligent since childhood, and he also studied with the famous landscape painters Wang Shimin and Wang Jian, who were quite accomplished in landscape painting, and Yun Shouping knew that he could not surpass him in this regard, so he worked flower and bird painting.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Qing Wang Fei landscape map

Others picked flowers to give to beautiful people, but he folded branches and learned to paint. He set great demands on himself, "Every time he paints a flower, he will fold it in the bottle of flower arrangement, and he will try his best to describe it, and he will get its raw fragrance and vivid color", believing that "only if it can be very similar, can it convey God." ”

In addition to paying attention to sketching, Yun Shouping also chased the boneless flowers of Xu Chongsi of the Southern Tang Dynasty in terms of technique, and the boneless method, as the name suggests, is not to first use ink lines to outline the specific structure and then fill in the color, but directly use color to depict the shape of the object. This kind of painting method breaks free from the limitations of pen and ink restraint, but at the same time, it has the meticulousness of the brush and color, which has high requirements for the painter.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping "Ou Xiangguan Sketch Book" Peach Blossom

Yun Shouping also created a "Yun Body" flower painting style, with transparent brushwork, clear color, elegant style, influence throughout the north and south of the river, and created the Changzhou School of painting. "Recently, no matter whether it is the north and south of the jiangnan river, the family is in the south of the field, and the household is the uncle, so there is the purpose of the 'Changzhou faction'." (ps: Yun Shouping, Zi Zheng Shu, Nan Tian)

In addition to painting, Yun Shouping's poetic style is super easy, there is a poetry collection "Ou Xiang Guan Collection" (Ou Xiang Guan is the former residence of Yun ShouPing) passed down, calligraphy is chu Sui Liang divine essence, easy and flexible, painting theoretical achievements, has many times for others to paint inscriptions.

The beautiful man among the painters changes his fate by his appearance

▲ Yun Shouping 《九蘭图》

Perhaps Yun Shouping spent all his good fortune in the first half of his life, and his later life was very lonely. When his father died, in order to fulfill his last wish to be buried by the West Lake, he desperately sold paintings to raise funds and owed many debts; he had children in old age, resulting in the eldest son drowning and dying, and the second son died of smallpox. At the age of 58, he was still painting with an illness, but he fell ill and died soon after.

Poor him, when he died, his son was only 5 years old, and he couldn't even handle the affairs after his death, and finally his former friend Wang Yi and others paid for the aftermath.

A generation of masters thus ended his sad and lamentable life.

For more information, please pay attention to "Yicui" This article is the original art collection, reprint please private message art collection

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