
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

author:Good-running baking

Salty and delicious, with a rustling grainy salted egg yolk, can be an excellent companion to thousands of delicacies, some people say, the world's food can be salted egg yolk, this is not, let people bite an addictive salted egg yolk toast to come ~ ~

Happy Tears Teacher, the latest masterpiece - salted egg yolk toast, salted egg yolk and bread pair cp group together, soft cotton skin, salty egg yolk quicksand "breathing out", the softness of the entrance toast, with the salted egg yolk has a grainy chewing feeling, rich taste, gently torn, the filling reveals the salty taste of the salted egg yolk neutralizes the sweetness, the aroma is just right ~ ~ ~

Salted egg yolk toast

by:Eyes of Happiness

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps



260g of Japanese toast powder, 4g of salt, 20g of caster sugar;

1 egg, 2.6 g dry yeast, 26 g butter;

52g of old noodles; water to taste

Salted egg yolk quicksand filling

2 salted egg yolks, 19 g of caster sugar, 22 g of butter;

Milk powder 10 g; milk 12 g;

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

1: Knead the dough with oil and knead until it reaches the complete stage. The dough can pull out a film, the edge of the hole is smooth without serrations, or the edge of the hole is smooth like the picture, with a very small number of fine serrations, and the dough is also very tough and will not break off as soon as it is pulled. The temperature of the kneaded dough is controlled at 24-26 degrees, try not to exceed 26 degrees, and do not exceed 28 degrees if it is not well controlled. More than 28 degrees This toast is not delicious!

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

2, the dough rolled round, placed in a 26-28 degree environment, humidity 75% fermentation, fermentation to do filling: salted egg yolk put some wine, put in the steamer steamed, crushed

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

3: Soften the butter in advance, add caster sugar and beat evenly, add crushed salted egg yolks and stir well

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

4. Add milk powder and mix well, add milk and mix well

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

5, if you make a toast on the average divided into 3 balls, do two according to the formula to increase the amount, and then average six balls, put in the refrigerator frozen, you can do more than one point at a time frozen, freeze hard and then take gloves to pinch into balls, continue to put back in the refrigerator to freeze

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

6, the dough fermented to the original twice as large can be, fingers dipped in flour on the dough pressed, there is a slight rebound, but also can leave finger prints, it is sent, divided into three parts of the roll, covered with relaxation for 30 minutes

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

7: Loosen well and roll out the dough in the back, wrap the salted egg yolk filling, and pinch the seal tightly

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

8, the sealing pressure on the bottom, put in the toast box, put in 30-35 degrees, 80% humidity environment fermentation, there is a wrapping method, not easy to leak filling. One dough is divided into large and one small, and the small one I divide is 50 grams

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

9: Wrap the small dough first with filling, seal the mouth, and then wrap the small dough with salted egg yolk and then wrap it on the large dough

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

10, and then put into the toast box to ferment, fermentation to the toast box of 8-9 points full, the top of a thin brush layer of whole egg liquid

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps
Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

11, if the surface can be sprinkled with some pastry better, no can also not be put, put into the lowest layer of the preheated oven, on the fire 160, under the fire 230 degrees, bake for 35 minutes, the specific temperature time according to their own oven adjustment

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

12, after baking, take it out immediately, shake the mold twice, release the bread, put it on the grill to cool, and when there is residual temperature, put it into a plastic bag and seal it, and when the bread is completely cold, the skin will be soft

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps

Soft and brushed, if you want to see the flow effect, just cut it open!

finished product

Salted egg yolk toast, the teacher failed many times to sum up the experience and finally succeeded, too difficult to make steps


The amount of water and eggs, a total of 190g, is almost the same, according to the water absorption of bread flour used by each person and the humidity of each place is different, the amount of water please increase or decrease by yourself, and finally the good dough is a little sticky like in the video, but the dough will not be soft and collapsed.

The recipe is suitable for a 450g toast box, the filling is divided into exactly 3 balls, if you make two toasts, the filling can be appropriately doubled.

When just mixing the dough, it is more sticky, do not easily add powder at this time, the dough will not be too wet and sticky after the tendons.

There is no old noodle can not be added, other materials do not have to change.

© Copyright notice: The content and picture copyright of this recipe belong to the original author, handled by Liangrun Baking editor, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you.

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