
Thy fate is the common fate of all Your fate is the same as everyone else's

author:Mountain man witty remarks

Inscription: The kindergarten incident and the bus crash incident make people feel sad. Life is impermanent, talk about it. In the poetic expression of Longfellow: Your fate is the same as that of many people, and everyone has a rainy encounter in their lives, and some days are bound to be dark and heartache. (Translated by Zhang Zuqiao)

Thy fate is the common fate of all Your fate is the same as everyone else's
Thy fate is the common fate of all Your fate is the same as everyone else's

(henry wadsworth longfellow photographed by julia margaret cameron in 1868)

【Appreciation of English Poetry】

(henry wadsworth longfellow)

the day is cold,and dark,and dreary;

it rains,and the wind is never weary;

the vine still clings to the moldering wall,

but at every gust the dead leaves fall,

and the day is dark and dreary.

my life is cold and dark and dreary;

it rains and the wind is never weary;

my thought still cling to the moldering past,

but the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,

and the days are dark and dreary.

be still,sad heart!and cease repining;

behind the clouds is the sun still shining;

thy fate is the common fate of all,

into each life some rain must fall,

some days must be dark and dreary.

Thy fate is the common fate of all Your fate is the same as everyone else's

[English poetry chinese translation] mountain people witty words

(H.W. Longfellow)

It's cold, dark, and dull;

It's raining, and the wind isn't stopping;

The vines are still clinging to the ruins of the decadent wall,

With each gust of wind, dead leaves fall to the ground.

The weather was dark and dreary.

My life is cold, gloomy, and dull;

My mind is still entangled in the trivialities of the past,

In the strong wind, the hopes of my youth are shattered,

The sky is really dark and dull.

Be quiet, sad heart! Stop regretting it;

The sun is still brilliant behind the dark clouds;

Your fate is the same as that of all,

Everyone has a rainy encounter in their lives,

Some days are bound to be dark and heart-wrenching.

Thy fate is the common fate of all Your fate is the same as everyone else's

【About the Author】


(henry wadsworth longfellow 1807-1882)

poet. Born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, Maine, to a family of lawyers. In 1822 he entered the Academy of Bodoin. After graduating, he went to France, Spain, Italy and Germany to study the languages and literatures of these countries. In 1836, he began to teach language and literature at Harvard University, devoted himself to introducing the works of European culture and Romantic writers, and became an important figure in the literary and social circles of Cambridge, the cultural center of New England. In 1839, he published his first collection of poems, NightIng, including the famous lyric poems such as "Hymn of the Night", "Ode to Life", and "Light of the Stars". In 1841, he published the poetry collection "Ballads and Others", including story poems "ArmorEd Skeleton", "The Shipwreck of Venus", and "Country Blacksmith" and "Climbing Higher" with simple and philosophical narratives. The poem is full of quenched spirit and optimism. These two collections of poems were all the rage on both sides of the Atlantic, and he has since become known as a poet. In 1845, Longfellow published his poetry collection Blüge Bell Tower and Others, which was credited with such excellent works as The Arsenal of Springfield, The Bridge, Nuremberg, and The Bell Tower of Bruges. The Seashore and the Fireside (1849) contains the Poet's Dedication, which declares his intention to the reader, and the long poem "The Construction of the Ship," which celebrates the creation of the Federation through the image of shipbuilding.

Longfellow's major poems include 3 long narrative poems, or "popular epics": Ivan Gilling (1847), The Song of Haywar, and The Marriage Proposal of Miles Statish (1858). In 1854, he resigned from harvard university to specialize in creation. The following year, he published "The Song of Haysaw". It is a long poem carefully conceived using Indian legends, writing about the heroic deeds of the Indian leader Haywar in his life to defeat the enemy, and his important contributions to ending tribal scuffles, teaching the people to plant corn, clearing rivers, and eliminating diseases. In the history of American literature, this was the first epic poem to depict indians, but the material for the poem was mainly derived from the work of Skolcraft, and the author lacked direct life experience; the rhythm of the poem was completely imitated by the Finnish epic "Kalevala", which was appreciated by readers at the time and criticized by some critics of later generations.

From 1843 onwards, the Longfellows spent 17 years of blissful family life in the secluded Villa Cregie. In 1861 his wife was unfortunately burned to death by fire, which has always caused him great grief. In order to get rid of the spiritual burden, he devoted himself to the translation of Dante's Divine Comedy and wrote 6 sonnets about Dante, which is his best poem. The Story of the Roadside Lodge (1863) is largely modeled after Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. A trilogy of poems named after Christ was completed in 1872.

In his later years, Longfellow was highly respected and honored, and he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Cow law and the University of Cambridge, respectively. On his 75th birthday, schools across the United States celebrated. Longfellow died on 24 March 1882. He was the first American poet to receive such an honor by placing his bust at the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey in London.

During his lifetime, Longfellow wrote a large number of lyric poems, ballads, narrative poems and poetic dramas. His poetry was widely recited in the United States, appreciated in Europe, and translated into more than 20 languages; since the 20th century, his poetry titles have declined dramatically, and their status has changed so much that it is rare in the history of American literature.

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