
Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

author:Kairo literature

Children are carefree, people who enter puberty are sentimental, especially some people who do not spend their minds on learning, people who like to talk about love, are more sentimental, like to send circles of friends, like the feeling of being concerned, once no one pays attention, not to be concerned, it is easy to be discouraged.

People after coming out of society, slowly began to become less talkative, like silence, for most people, feel that this is a kind of maturity, is in the society to experience some after-the-fact maturity. If there are three kinds of silence, which three will you think of without reading Longfellow's quotations?

Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

It is estimated that many people will say that there is a kind of silence, called helplessness, that is, they are not silent, they cannot change, and even worse, so it is better to be silent. There is also a kind of silence, called wisdom, that is, to see through and not to say, to see through and not to say, and not to like to argue with people, like to be a bystander next to them, and to seek a quiet and inactive life.

Then the third kind of silence is a kind of extreme disappointment, failure, silence after setbacks, this kind of person is like a discouraged person after a lost love, not interested in anything, even like a person who has lost his soul, living like a walking dead. It can be said that these three kinds of silence have been analyzed carefully enough, which one do you belong to?

Speaking of which, if you are not very satisfied with the above answers and analysis, we may wish to read a quote from Longfellow together, and it is even more said that there are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to? The text is as follows:

There are three kinds of silence: one is not speaking; the other is no desire; the third is no thought. —Longfellow, Three Meditations of Molinos, #朗费罗语录 #

After reading this quote from Longfellow, I believe that many people will say that they are the first kind and do not like to talk. This answer can be said to be in line with reality and in line with this society. Why? Because many people hold mobile phones every day and lack communication with their relatives around them, natural words are becoming less and less, not to mention people outside, communication is even more rare.

Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

Without speaking, it may also be that as we have analyzed above, is a wise person, seeing through and not saying, seeing through and not saying, only willing to be a bystander, to be a sober and understanding person. And people who belong to the second kind, no desire, such a person, may be a kind of disappointment, will become desireless, that is, disappointed in society, disappointed in love, disappointed in everything, so there will be no desire. Otherwise, how can people live without desire? Some people say that some practitioners, such as some monks and laymen, have no desire.

In fact, this kind of person is either escaping, or is a really thoughtful person, pursuing a kind of quiet and inaction, wanting to live a healthy life, free from human desires, that is, the so-called monasticism, but there are so many cultivators, how many can get the tao? Many people give up halfway or lie to themselves under the guise of monasticism.

Then the third kind of people without thought, it can be said that there are many, but also a kind of thoughtlessness after disappointment, willing to follow the tide of the world and live, how everyone is, how they are. Don't make too many changes, everyone struggles for the house, he will also choose to silently fight for the house for a lifetime.

Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

Today, I have the honor to read this quotation of Longfellow with you, and we may wish to use this quotation to analyze it in more depth, discuss it, and reflect on it.

YiShu said: "People must be wounded to be silent and focused, whether it is mental or physical trauma, it is good for growth." ”

Silent people, it is really easy to focus on doing a certain thing, why some people after falling out of love, it is like a changed person, the work is very desperate, the career is very desperate, and finally, it is very quick to succeed. Because of such a person, he is turning grief into strength, the failure of love, let him feel humiliated, he wants to win this shame, only to go to success, better than before.

After encountering certain traumas, many people will really choose to fight silently, not to speak, to talk less, and to focus only on their dreams, which is undoubtedly of great help to growth. Fear is afraid of seeing through the red dust, young age, no longer work hard, living a life without thoughts, without souls, like the walking dead, every day chaotic life.

Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

Longfellow: There are three kinds of silence! Which one do you belong to?

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