
Car dealership employees test drive second-hand Tesla consecutive collisions with multiple cars, person in charge: the parties are not in serious trouble

Jimu news reporter Zhang Qi Zhao Delong

On the morning of April 25, at Panfeng Automobile City in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, an employee of a car dealership driving a Tesla car crashed into several cars for sale in the parking space, including two Audi cars.

Online video shows that the airbags in the Tesla car have popped out and the front part of the car has been damaged. One of the Audi cars that was hit looked more badly damaged, and the front bumper was knocked out of shape. Netizens also wrote in the above video that Tesla's speed is really fast, less than 10 meters away, pushing three cars in a row.

Car dealership employees test drive second-hand Tesla consecutive collisions with multiple cars, person in charge: the parties are not in serious trouble

On the afternoon of April 25, a car dealer in Panfeng Automobile City told Jimu News reporter that the incident occurred at about 10:00 a.m. on the 25th, when a man test drove a Tesla vehicle, due to improper operation, he hit multiple cars, and the cars that were hit were parked on stalls for sale, including two Audi cars. The man was an employee of a nearby car dealership.

Car dealership employees test drive second-hand Tesla consecutive collisions with multiple cars, person in charge: the parties are not in serious trouble

Jimu News reporter contacted the person in charge of the car dealership to which the man belonged, he said that the man's body was not in serious trouble, it was indeed a test drive Tesla used car that caused the accident, the matter has been dealt with, the situation is not serious.

Tesla Hangzhou staff told jimu news reporters that according to their understanding, the accident was caused by second-hand car dealers in the market test, Tesla did not receive more relevant reports.

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