
Bald men grow new hair half a month without shampoo, expert: not for everyone

Jimu news reporter Ding Peng

On May 2, after Mr. Wang of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, claimed not to have used shampoo for half a month, new hair grew in the bald area. Mr. Wang told jimu news reporters that the current effect is the comprehensive effect of cutting off sugar, improving diet and insisting on washing hair in warm water. Experts said that Mr. Wang's method has a certain role, but it varies from person to person and does not apply to everyone.

Bald men grow new hair half a month without shampoo, expert: not for everyone

Video screenshots

Mr. Wang said in the video posted that he has male hormone baldness, he has only washed his hair with warm water for half a month, no shampoo, his hair is not only not oily, but also very thick and hard, and his bald area has grown new hair. Another video shows that in addition to washing his hair with warm water, Mr. Wang also paid special attention to diet and quit smoking and alcohol, insisting on not staying up late and exercising.

Bald men grow new hair half a month without shampoo, expert: not for everyone

Video screenshots

In this regard, some netizens said that they did not use shampoo for half a month to worry that their hair would be too dirty, and some netizens said that they wanted to try it.

"Cutting off sugar and developing a good lifestyle is the first step." On May 2, Jimu News reporter contacted Mr. Wang, who said that what was described in the video was true, he had been plagued by hair loss for three or four years, first began to control sugar, and improved his diet, and after not using shampoo for half a month in the past half a month, there was a more obvious improvement, and he would continue to insist on it. Mr. Wang introduced that you can eat some coarse grains to improve your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day, and you can eat more vegetables and green leafy vegetables containing dietary fiber.

Cai Xiang, chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Wuhan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, told Jimu News that he also paid attention to the video sent by Mr. Wang, and the method has a certain effect, but it varies from person to person and does not apply to everyone. Cai Xiang said that male hormone alopecia is also called seborrheic alopecia, which is related to androgen levels and is also related to heredity. As can be seen from the video released by Mr. Wang, the hair loss area is not completely restored, but it is thicker than the previous hair, which can be done through the control of sugar, the control of diet and fat, regular work and rest mentioned in Mr. Wang's video, but specific to how much new hair each person can grow, it also varies from person to person.

Cai Xiang introduced that the choice of shampoo needs to be selected according to the personal scalp situation, and Mr. Wang can grow new hair without shampoo, which cannot be completely equated with shampoo that will damage hair. "Sometimes doctors do advise some patients not to use shampoo products that contain chemical ingredients, but it usually takes a long time to re-grow hair." Cai Xiang said that it is recommended that patients with hair loss problems should first go to the hospital to let the doctor diagnose which situation it is, and then determine whether they need medication or which way of treatment they need.

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