
Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

author:What is worth buying

This content comes from @What's worth buying APP, and the views only represent the author's own |Author: Yinian Pill

Hey! Hello guest officers, I'm a ball~ It's time for everyone to break the word again!

The heroine of last year's hit drama "Anna" said, "To judge whether a person's life is calm, look at hair and shoes", which shows that in addition to clothing, hair is also an important part of image improvement. But with the exception of those who win the genetic lottery, most of us have our own hair problems.

Oil: just wash in the morning, stick to the scalp in the afternoon;

Dry and frizzy: the hair strands are facing each other, and it is harder to tame them than to smooth the rebar;

There are also people who have more dandruff than the wool on the streets of Beijing this season...

So, what should we do about our hair and scalp health problems?

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

Personally, I think that hair care, like skin care, is all about solving problems.

The first thing to do is to choose the right shampoo that will relieve or solve your hair problems. Avoid promotional items and trendy/popular products, which may not be suitable for you.

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

Today, in view of common hair problems, let's talk about shampoos suitable for each problem~

How to choose shampoo when the scalp is oily?

The scalp, like the face, has sebaceous glands that secrete oil to form a barrier against external stimuli.

The problem is that the rate of oily scalp sebaceous glands is different in different people, and the hair strands of people who produce oil quickly will soon become greasy, which is not only greasy but also easy to clog the pores of the scalp, causing more serious problems such as folliculitis.

If the oil is serious, the oil control shampoo is generally chosen, but many people have entered the misunderstanding: this bottle of shampoo will be oily after two days of use, and it is not easy to use; That bottle of shampoo is not too oily after three days? This is good!

We all know that excessive cleansing can destroy the barrier, and the same is true for the scalp, excessive oil control may cause the opposite effect, too much dryness will compensate and accelerate the oiliness, and over time destroy the healthy scalp environment. Therefore, the oil control or cleansing power of shampoo products is not as strong as possible.

Oily scalp: Choose a shampoo with moderate cleansing power, moisturizing, fluffy, and gentle scalp conditioning effect.

Recommended product: Dove Air Rich Moisturizing Shampoo

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

Dove's shampoo is just right, as you can see from the name the characteristics and positioning, the air is rich and fluffy, moisturizing and conditioning. It is a gentle conditioning shampoo that is both fluffy and moisturizing.

Its effect mainly depends on the surfactant [guar hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride], which can form a cation protective film on the hair, reduce the friction between the hair, soft and smooth, and at the same time, the cations between the hair strands are excluded from each other, and the hair will not clump, which can help maintain natural fluffiness; The cleaning power of SLES with betaine surfactant is relatively mild and will not be over-cleaned; Combined with hydrolyzed keratin + arginine to repair damaged hair, it has a certain smoothing effect on hair dry and frizz.

But the reputation of this shampoo is quite polarized, some say that it is not fluffy at all, and it oils quickly; It is said that it is very easy to use, fluffy and not oily, and it is very smooth.

Personally, I feel that it may be not quite the right way to use it.

If Dove uses this alone, it is more suitable for friends who have aggravated seasonal oil. It is not suitable for heavy oil head to use, nor is it suitable for single use and continuous use.

For heavy oily heads, you can choose a bottle of shampoo with a stronger cleansing power and use it in turn. The previous intense cleansing, the next gentle moisturizing, let the scalp get used to it first, and then slowly wean off the powerful cleansing shampoo and enter into gentle conditioning. For those who are accustomed to washing their hair and shampoo twice, they can wash a strong cleanse + a gentle moisturizing, and also slowly quit the strong cleansing model~

How to choose shampoo for dandruff?

Dandruff is a more difficult and common problem than oily scalp, but until now there is no clear cause.

However, there are thousands of anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, but there are not many effective ones, and the formula and ingredient principle of each anti-dandruff shampoo are also different.

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

The main ingredients of dandruff shampoo are as follows:

Salicylic acid: the bactericidal power is weaker

Sulfur dioxide, ketoconazole, coal tar: strong bactericidal power


There is no slight dandruff that is severe enough to be accompanied by redness and flaky dandruff, and basically a shampoo with salicylic acid and piroctone olamine as the main ingredients is sufficient. For more serious cases, it is recommended to go to the white coat and consult whether to use sulfur dioxide, ketoconazole and other ingredient products with strong bactericidal power.

Recommended product: Neutrogena T-Sal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

This shampoo is one of the representative products of acid-containing shampoos, and it is very popular with coal tar shampoos in the same series.

The ingredient contains 3% salicylic acid, which can no longer be regarded as a daily shampoo, and is more inclined to an efficacious shampoo.

Salicylic acid, which mainly plays an effective role, has a strong ability to inhibit oil secretion, and indeed has a good oil control effect. The acid destroys the scalp environment that the fungi like, and the acid has a certain anti-inflammatory, which will affect the activity of Malassezia, so the super oil scraping power + fluffiness is coming~

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

However, the concentration of salicylic acid in this bottle is not suitable for daily use, and it can be used 1~2 times a week. If you want to use it on a daily basis, consider Vichy's 1.3% Salicylic Acid Shampoo, which is also good for medium to mild oily hair.

Salicylic acid shampoo is especially suitable for seborrheic scalps.

⚠️ Reminder: Shampoos with strong oil control can often lead to dry hair. I will use it in combination with a nourishing and moisturizing shampoo, use an oil-controlling model for the scalp and the part close to the scalp, and a moisturizing model for the hair, otherwise it will really blow up the hair~

What shampoo to use for dry hair?

Most people have their own dry hair, right? Pull bleaching and dyeing perms in turns, and it's strange that the hair can withstand it~

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

How to save dry hair?

In addition to taking care of your hair and tossing your hair less, you can focus on reducing irritation & deep conditioning.

I have severely damaged and dry hair, and shampoos generally avoid sulfate ingredients to reduce irritation. If you use it with a conditioner or hair mask, you will choose a silicone-free shampoo.

Recommended product: Sukin Balancing Shampoo

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

The reputation of this bottle is also mixed, mainly because its advantages and disadvantages are outstanding.

Advantages: Australian organic brand, super mild and silicone-free, the price is not high, you can get twenty or thirty yuan when you are engaged in activities, and it is really a clear stream in a crowd of sixty or seventy-one bottles of shampoo~ Disadvantages: Because it does not contain silicone, the washing feeling is very dry, the texture of the transparent gel, the foaming is also very general, the fragrance is the taste of natural plants, not to mention high-end, but I personally like it very much.

Oily scalp? Dry hair? Dandruff? Shampoo targeted purchase strategy

Although it has a very good formula, it is not welcomed by many people because of its unfriendly sense of use, but if you strive to be gentle and the sense of use can be slightly behind, then this bottle can still be tried~


Compared with face skin care, everyone is obviously much more casual about hair care.

In fact, as long as we carefully choose a shampoo that suits our scalp condition and hair quality, and insist on using conditioner, hair mask, scalp serum, etc., our scalp dryness, itchiness, oiliness, dandruff and other problems will be improved. I wish you all healthier and thicker hair~~

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