
"Relatives and friends are prohibited from teaching skiing in the snow resort" is hotly discussed! Senior coaches and lawyers: It goes against common sense

Extreme News Reporter Yao Yun

In recent years, the popularity of ice and snow sports has risen, and the ski resort has become a good place for many citizens to relax and recreation. However, a snow friend recently posted that his ski card was suspended because he took his niece to ski at the ski resort in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province.

For a time, "ski resorts prohibit teaching relatives and friends to ski" caused heated discussions, is the practice of ski resorts overlord clauses or safe moves? A lawyer analyzed to Extreme News that although the regulation has the starting point and positive effect of regulating ski teaching, restricting the unpaid help and teaching behavior between relatives is obviously contrary to common sense, and this situation should be exempted and excluded.

"Relatives and friends are prohibited from teaching skiing in the snow resort" is hotly discussed! Senior coaches and lawyers: It goes against common sense

Phu Long Ski Resort

The ban on teaching relatives and friends to ski at the ski resort has caused controversy

Recently, a snow friend took his niece to ski in Fulong Ski Resort in Zhangjiakou City, causing his ski card to be suspended by the snow resort, and the season card was not restored until the household registration book was presented. The ski resort staff said that private teaching is prohibited in the venue, and "according to the rules of the ski resort, even teaching your own children some simple movements is not allowed." ”

According to media reports, the staff of the Chongli District Sports Bureau of Zhangjiakou City said that according to relevant regulations, only those who have a professional qualification certificate for social sports instructors (skiing) can carry out teaching activities. "In addition to the qualification certificate, there is also the issue of the venue. There is an operating ski school in the ski resort, where the instructors are both licensed and insured, and (reminder behavior) is also for the safety of visitors. ”

This matter has attracted attention on the Internet, and many netizens said that they have experienced a similar situation.

Extreme News reporters combed and found that "forbidding to teach skiing between relatives and friends" caused heated discussions a few years ago. In November 2020, at Wanda Changbaishan Ski Resort in Baishan City, Jilin Province, a snowmate was stopped by staff while taking a friend to learn skiing, saying that teaching in the ski resort was not allowed. On December 28, 2021, when Mr. Wei from Beijing took his girlfriend to Yunfoshan Ski Resort to ski, because the staff in the ski resort found that he was teaching his girlfriend to ski, they told him that the ski resort stipulates that private teaching is not allowed.

"Relatives and friends are prohibited from teaching skiing in the snow resort" is hotly discussed! Senior coaches and lawyers: It goes against common sense

Phu Long Ski Resort

The lawyer called the move clearly counterintuitive

Is the snow resort's approach a tyrant clause or a safe move?

Senior ski instructor, Hubei Lithium Outdoor Ski Club lithium chong north coach introduced to polar news reporter that most snow resorts will restrict "non-snow coaches" and "non-contracted coaches" to carry out teaching activities in the field, "snow coach refers to the coach hired by the snow resort itself, the contracted coach refers to the professional coach and club coach who have signed a teaching contract with the snow resort, generally need more than ten conditions such as coach qualification certificate, physical fitness certificate, safety insurance and other conditions to sign a contract, and the access conditions are relatively strict." ”

"Most snow resorts are relatively severe in cracking down on long-term stealing and black personal training." Coach Li Chongbei believes that on the one hand, the snow resort is indeed for the safety of tourists, skiing is a professional sport, teachers need to have professional knowledge reserves, and the level of personal training is uneven, can not be standardized, it is difficult to ensure the safety of students. Tourists have safety problems in the process of being hacked private teaching, and the snow resort will increase many unknown liability risks. On the other hand, teaching activities are also a source of income for snow resorts, and the emergence of a large number of personal trainers and black teachings will inevitably affect the income and normal order of snow resorts.

As for "prohibiting teaching skiing between relatives and friends", Coach Li Chong North said that the regulations of the snow resort are more of a warning and management role, but from a personal point of view, the practice of the snow resort is indeed a bit excessive. "I have also taught my son in the snow resort before, but I need to report to the snow resort relatives in advance and show the instructor qualification certificate, which is generally allowed. But those who do not have the qualifications will find it difficult to report successfully. ”

A senior coach in Beijing also told Extreme News that the northern snow resort is large, and it is very difficult to completely prohibit teaching skiing between relatives and friends, "In my experience, the starting point of the snow resort is mainly to combat black personal trainers, and prohibit teaching between relatives and friends, which is a bit unkind." ”

In this regard, Chen Liang, a lawyer at Hubei Haolu Law Firm, also said that although the regulations on snow resorts have the starting point and positive effect of regulating ski teaching, restricting the unpaid help and education between relatives is obviously contrary to common sense, and this situation should be exempted and excluded.

(Image source: Fulong Ski Resort official Weibo)

(Source: Polar Eye News)

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