
Ski resorts prohibit tourists from teaching friends and relatives to ski? Isn't it too broad

Extreme News commentator Xu Hanxiong

Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that a snow friend was suspended by the ski resort because he took his niece skiing in a ski resort in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and the season card was not restored until the household registration book was presented.

Hong Sheng shows the family registration book to the ski resort staff. Photo courtesy of interviewee

After the video was released, it caused heated discussions, and many netizens said that they had experienced a similar situation. (According to Tenmu News on January 29)

Ski resorts prohibit tourists from teaching friends and relatives to ski? Isn't it too broad

Ski resort staff register tourist information (Source: Tenmu News)

According to the person in the video, it actually happened at the end of December 2022, when I took my 5-year-old niece to a ski resort, "Since my niece is on the ski slope for the first time, I have been playing with her in the junior slope area." After about half an hour, three snow patrolmen approached me and said that I was teaching privately in the snow resort and wanted to collect my snow field card. ”

There are other ski enthusiasts who have reported encountering the same thing. The staff said that they have the right to manage the snow resort, prohibit private teaching, and if necessary, they will find a coach of the snow resort to teach.

Captain Zhou surnamed Zhou, captain of the inspection brigade of the Chongli District Sports Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, said in an interview that according to relevant regulations, only those who have a professional qualification certificate for social sports instructors (skiing) can carry out teaching activities.

According to Article 31 of the Regulations on Fitness for All, the State implements a technical hierarchy system for social sports instructors who provide services such as teaching fitness skills, organizing fitness activities, and publicizing scientific fitness knowledge to the public without the purpose of receiving remuneration. The State implements a professional qualification certificate system for social sports instructors who take fitness guidance as their profession. Social sports instructors whose profession is to provide fitness guidance for high-risk sports shall obtain professional qualification certificates in accordance with relevant national provisions.

Guidance of skiing should have a professional qualification certificate, should refer to specialized sports instructors, and did not see any regulations required, guide relatives and friends fitness to have a certificate, or fitness people can not guide each other. Some netizens questioned, just like the coach of the swimming place must have a professional qualification certificate, but swimming enthusiasts point out each other's technical movements, or parents guide their children to swim, they have not heard of the qualification certificate.

Ski resorts prohibit unauthorized teaching, and there have been many reports of controversy over ski resorts from Jilin to Beijing for preventing tourists from teaching each other technical essentials. Tourists complain that family members and friends who are accompanying them will be stopped from teaching the technical essentials of skiing and asked to leave the venue, so if you want to learn basic skiing techniques, you can only ask a ski instructor? Visitors question whether such regulations are unreasonable or to maintain the teaching and income of ski resort instructors.

According to reports, the 1-to-1 teaching fee for the beginner slope of this ski resort in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province is 750 yuan for two hours on weekends, and private teaching is prohibited in the venue, "According to the regulations of the ski resort, even teaching some simple movements to one's own children is not allowed." ”

Tourists are not allowed to teach privately, although there are safety considerations, after all, skiing has certain dangers, but such a blanket ban is difficult to accept, and it is difficult to get rid of the suspicion of monopolizing teaching income.

Ski resorts prohibit tourists from teaching friends and relatives to ski? Isn't it too broad

Ski resort related price list (Source: Tenmu News)

Such unspoken rules, even if they exist, are not visible. In November 2020, a resort in Jilin sincerely apologized to the majority of snow friends for netizens who broke the video of "the ski resort stopped guests from teaching their friends to ski", admitting that the working attitude of employees was too rigid and the interpretation of the rules of the snow resort was not clear enough!

The manager of a ski resort in Beijing also said that although different ski resorts may have their own unwritten rules, there are no "unspoken rules" that prohibit fellow tourists from pointing to each other: "If tourists learn skiing skills from friends and family members who travel with them, as long as they do not incur teaching fees in the process, the snow resort has no right to interfere." ”

It is understandable that ski resorts crack down on "black coaches", and it is understandable to manage teaching activities from a safety perspective, but if the normal technical exchange between tourists is regarded as private teaching and banned, it is a bit expanded, and the management hand is suspected of being stretched too long.

(Source: Polar Eye News)

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