
Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

author:Gang Brother Kitchen

"Green pepper stir-fried chicken shreds are delicious and have tips, Brother Gang teaches you the correct method, the chicken is smooth and tender, fragrant and nutritious." Green pepper is a common ingredient, green pepper flesh is thick and crisp, rich in vitamin C content. Green pepper, also known as green bell pepper, vegetable pepper, bell pepper, etc., its vitamin C content is 7 to 15 times the tomato content, accounting for the first place in vegetables. Its unique taste stimulates saliva secretion, and the capsaicin contained in it can increase appetite, aid digestion, and prevent constipation. As a result, green peppers became a common dish on the table. Chicken breast, the two largest pieces of meat on the chicken. Common chicken, chicken breast is meat on the inside of the chest, shaped like a bucket, breast meat. The meat is tender, delicious, nutritious and nourishing.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shreds is a good dish, whether from the nutrition or the texture of the ingredients themselves are a good choice, green pepper meat is thick and crisp, chicken breast meat is tender and delicious, the two ingredients can better reflect its nutritional value.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

The following Brother Gang will share the specific method of this green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded and some of its small tips to everyone, hoping that Brother Gang's cooking method can provide valuable reference and help for many friends who like home-cooked food.

---【Stir-fried chicken with green pepper】---

Ingredients: 1 green pepper, 1 piece of chicken breast, 1 egg white, appropriate amount of chicken powder, appropriate amount of salt, a little sugar, a taste of fresh soy sauce, a suitable amount of cooking wine, a suitable amount of corn starch, 5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of garlic, 5 grams of ginger, a suitable amount of wet starch, and a suitable amount of cooking oil.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

Procedure steps :

1: Take out the semi-frozen chicken breast and rinse it with water, cut it into even filaments and put it into a container to rinse it with water and drain it. Chicken breast meat is tender, fresh chicken breast shredding is very difficult for many novices, we first put the chicken breast into the refrigerator to freeze to a semi-frozen state and then cut the shredded, easier to operate, and cut out the chicken shredded thickness evenly.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

2: Wash the green peppers, remove the roots, remove the seeds and cut them into even strips, put them on a plate and set aside.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

3: Take an egg and put the egg white into the cut chicken shreds, add a little cooking wine, salt and the appropriate amount of corn starch to grasp it well and sizing the chicken shreds. Chicken breast meat is tender, directly under the pot cooking will make the chicken breast shrink rapidly, the meat will become hard, become wood, we should cut the chicken shredded marinade and sizing and then cook, so that both can maintain the smoothness of the meat, but also can not lose its nutrients.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

4: After the onion, ginger and garlic are treated cleanly, the green onion is cut into green onions, garlic slices, and ginger are cut into small slices and put on a plate for later.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

5: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the wok and heat the oil to 50% into the marinated and sizing chicken silky oil. Meat silky oil is not fried, we must also pay attention to this link, so the amount of cooking oil does not need too much, you can evenly cut the chicken shreds.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

6: Pour out the excess cooking oil in the chicken shreds, wash the wok and heat the wok and add the appropriate amount of cooking oil to the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry the aroma.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious

7: Then add the smooth chicken shredded chicken with cooking wine, a little bit of fresh soy sauce, chicken powder over medium heat and stir-fry evenly, then pour a little water from the side of the wok, add green pepper shreds, add a little sugar, salt seasoning and stir-fry until the green pepper shreds are broken, and finally a little wet starch can be hooked.

Green pepper stir-fried chicken shredded delicious tricks, Gang Ge taught you the correct method, chicken shredded smooth, tender, nutritious and delicious


1, buy back the chicken breast into the refrigerator and freeze to semi-frozen state is easier to operate.

2. After the chicken shreds are marinated and sizing, the chicken is smooth and tender, and the taste is delicious.

3, chicken shredded is a process through the process of sliding oil rather than frying.

4, green pepper shredded fried until broken, frying time too long green pepper will be black, losing its nutrition and emerald green feeling.

The above is the method of green pepper meat shredded and some tips shared by Brother Gang, and some favorite friends remember to help like and forward.

Pay attention to the gang brother kitchen, there will be more home-cooked recipes for your reference, there is always a suitable one for you.

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