
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation

author:Superb art
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation

Chasi Biao, the word Erzhan, the number of mei canyon, do not call lazy biao, lazy old, plum valley Daoist. Born in the forty-third year of the Ming Dynasty (1615). Anhui Xiuning Ximen people. The Cha clan is a large surname of Wang, Xiuning, Anhui. When Cha Shibiao was a teenager, his family was very rich, and he collected a large number of books, Ding Yi and ancient calligraphy and paintings. Uncles and brothers in the clan, such as Cha Yingguang, Cha Weiyin, Cha Weiding, etc., have become popular in the study of poetry, words, books, domains and antiquities. It was in this environment that Chasti studied poetry. Study "lifting a career". When he was in his 20s, he won the Xiucai, and people often called him "Cha Literature". He was a young man and entered the Xin'an painting circle with the attitude of a good prince. Rank among the "Ten Sons of Heaven", reward each other with poetry and paintings, drink and enjoy pleasure, and live a comfortable life of fine clothes and jade food, dashing and elegant. It should be said that this "field" full of good atmosphere is very suitable for the growth of Chasbiao. However, when he was 30 years old, that is, in 1645, with the Destruction of Jixi Congshan Pass that Jin Sheng and Jiang Tianyi insisted on was broken by the Qing soldiers, Cha Shibiao's happy life was also interrupted. He took his wife and fled his hometown when the smoke was rising. Since then, his life has become low-key: "Hide in the New An Mountain, and get a pen to send a day." "Or travel to Jinling, Zhenjiang and other places, write and paint, drink and write poetry, and live a life of remnants who seem to be at ease but are helpless."

Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation

The early art of calligraphy and painting of Cha Shibiao was influenced by Dong Qichang, who can be regarded as the "idol" of the young Cha Shibiao. In his later years, Dong traveled around Huizhou and lectured at Xiuning Ancient City Academy and other places, leaving a lot of calligraphy and painting ink. During Xiuning's travels, Dong often went to and from the Cha family to admire the ancient calligraphy and paintings and antiques treasured by the Cha family, and occasionally improvised and painted, leaving some ink manuscripts. Dong Qichang's master's demeanor and his views on calligraphy and painting in small talk are engraved in his heart. He took the name "Hou Yi Sheng", which is derived from Dong Qichang's nickname "Yi Di Sheng". It means that he has a nail after Dong Qichang, and also expresses his affection for Dong's family. Dong's calligraphy claims to be beautiful in his own mind, and his calligraphy combines the elegance of Wang Xizhi, the roundness of Yan Zhenqing and the clarity of Mi Fu with a pen. Cha Shi Biao's essence is his essence, but compared with the "reserved state" that Dong's calligraphy occasionally reveals, Cha Shi Biao's calligraphy is more spontaneous and naïve, going in and out of nature, and sometimes even wandering. This may be due to the fact that Dong Shi is a person in the officialdom, and it is inevitable that he sometimes has a bad attitude, while Chasi has been dressed all his life and has a more relaxed mentality. In painting, although Dong Shi is called "pen", in fact, his achievements in ink are more prominent. Fang Fu believed that Dong Shi's "magic of ink law is particularly unique, with his hands on it, and his charm is vivid", and yun: "The servant thinks that those who learn the light of incense without first realizing the method of using ink are like water and take advantage of the public opinion." "Chash marked on ink. Obviously, it absorbed Dong's "Qingrun", making it unique in the Xin'an school of painting that "thirsty pen and scorched ink".

Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation

Cha Shibiao's paintings traced back to Dong, Ju, Ermi and Yuan sijia at the same time as learning From Dong Qichang. He had close contacts with Wanjiang and Wang Zhirui, and also had some influence on each other. Earlier paintings from the upper label are much smaller, and the dating has not yet been found before 1644. However, from the reflection of his later works, the techniques of his early teachers have been creatively applied. The language of painting is ever-changing

Wanhua is seamlessly integrated, and the appearance of painting is not the same as a model, which is inseparable from his early erudition and understanding. In the early years, Chasbiao, Huigen Tianzhi, was just emerging. At that time, some of Dong Qichang's theories of calligraphy and painting had penetrated deeply into his marrow, and his views such as "gathering his great achievements and making his own machines" and "surviving from familiarity and survival, seeking old age and tenderness" were all brilliantly reflected in the paintings of Chasi Ri Dun.

Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation
Xin'an Painting School Cha Shi Biao 丨 Chinese painting landscape fine appreciation

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