
Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

author:Secret Dream Red Chamber
Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

Blue-white-red trilogy

Love never dies naturally, it dies only from blindness, error and betrayal, from boredom, withering and bleakness. - "Criminal Minds"

The blue, white and red tricolor flag was once a symbol of the French Revolution, the tricolor represents the french national motto, blue represents freedom, white represents equality, and red represents fraternity.

Taking film classes in college, the Blue, White and Red Trilogy is an unavoidable classic. At that time, I couldn't understand it, but I saw that the sweater was red, the pool was blue, and the wedding dress was white, which could correspond to the name of the movie one by one.

Regarding "Red, White and Blue", Liu Xiaofeng wrote an article titled "A Glimpse of the Fragments of Love" (selected from "Heavy Flesh"). He said that director Kislowski's film narrative "gazes affectionately at the broken personal moral feelings in modern society with a gaze that is loyal to the fate of the individual." ”

Kieslowski holds a pessimistic and skeptical worldview, but uses the cinematic lens to patiently gaze at the individual's life. People struggle when they encounter mental difficulties and develop their own solutions. It's just that some people seek freedom of mind, some people take revenge like self-abuse, and some people get salvation.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"


In an accidental car accident, Julie loses her husband and daughter. Lying injured in the hospital, her first thought when she woke up was suicide. She grabbed a handful of medicine and stuffed it into her mouth, but under the quiet gaze of the nurse, she spit out the medicine in her mouth.

The theme of Blue is freedom, and there's a line in The Great Gatsby:

If you intend to love someone, you must think clearly whether you are willing to give up a god-like free heart for him, and henceforth willingly have a bondage.

The greatest unfreedom is emotional bondage, and Julie's bondage is a memory of her husband and daughter. Julie had only cried while lying in her hospital bed watching her husband and daughter's funeral, and the rest of the time was just a blue melancholy and indifferent expression, because "great compassion has no tears."

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

Julie thought of a way to get out of the bondage by selling the house, destroying the sheet music, and moving to a strange place. Before leaving, she took the blue crystal lamp from her home, which she could not completely give up. The new home did not give her peace, she saw the scene of violent chase in the corridor, and the neighbors asked her to jointly evict a prostitute.

Freedom should be like a body diving into the pool, like a sugar cube dipped into coffee, isolated from the outside world surrounded by warmth.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"
Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

When awake, Julie rubbed the uneven wall with the back of her hand, oozing blood, and the pleasure of the pain was greater than the pain itself.

She went to visit her mother in a nursing home, an old lady who looked like she could only wait to die. There are various extreme challenge projects on the TV, and an elderly man is challenging bungee jumping. They have no passion for life, but they envy people whose life shines.

Through the glass window of the café, the faltering old woman trembled and put the glass bottle into the recycling bin. In the closed room, a borrowed cat was eating a litter of newborn mice. She watched the old woman silently, waiting for the fate of the rat to be eaten.

The most cherished people in her life were gone, and she cared about the old lady on the street, the rats that scared her, and whether the prostitutes lived next door.

Late one night, a prostitute cried to her, and her father sat offstage during the performance. She asked prostitutes why they did this profession? The prostitute replied: Because I like it. She can not care what kind of man she meets, and the neighbor's disgusted and ironic eyes can also be ignored. However, she felt ashamed in front of her father. Because emotions are bound, the soul is not free.

Oliver, a former friend of her husband,took a picture of her husband and her lover on a television show. Julie learned of her husband's infidelity at this point. Pain is compounded by resentment, with no intention of adding to the emotional dilemma.

She found her husband's lover, a beautiful female lawyer, and a widow. She asked: Are you my husband's lover? The other person replied: Yes. Without swords rattling and tearing at each other, the objects of their nostalgia and fighting no longer exist. Do you want to know what happened to us in the past? I don't need to know. Do you want to know he loves me? No need, I know he loves you. She saw the same cross necklace on the other's chest as hers.

She gave her inheritance to her widow and gave the child the surname of her husband. Hear your husband's lover say sincerely: I'm sorry and praise her for being a kind, trustworthy person.

Liberation in the heart, not mixed with regret, self-blame and resentment, inner peace is freedom.

She asks Oliver if he still loves her, and after getting an affirmative answer, she starts experimenting with new emotions.

Oliver's love for Julie is mature and firm, and he understands her past and accepts her present.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"


Carol is a hairdresser who smuggles his girlfriend from Poland to France. In a foreign country, he did not speak the language, his only skill failed to bring him a decent life, in addition to his loss of sexual ability, and his wife Domini sued for divorce.

The theme of "White" is equality, and the inequality of money, love, and physical conditions becomes the reason for divorce.

In court, Domini said that he used to love Carol and now he doesn't. After the divorce, Carol is not reconciled, and Domini throws him in the street with a suitcase.

Penniless and wandering, Carol plays ugly songs in the underground passageways, and a passing Pole hears that this is a song from his hometown. He said that there was a person who wanted to commit suicide but did not have the courage to ask for help and was paid afterwards. They made a deal, and the Pole helped him smuggle him back home.

Before leaving, he still did not die when Domini called and heard the moans of his ex-wife.

Carol says he likes her even though his wife did this to him. The film flashes back several times to Domini smiling at the camera in a crisp white wedding dress.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

He hid in his suitcase and was dragged to the outskirts, robbed and beaten by a group of people, and rolled to the foot of the mountain. A man has the most decaying looks he has.

In his polish hometown, he had many loyal customers with his haircut skills, but it was not enough to make him rich. With little cleverness, he made a fortune selling the land and started a company with the Pole. The rich man who did not have the courage to commit suicide was this Pole. After experiencing a fright of an empty gun, Carol said that we are all people who have tasted pain.

Carol initially returned to Poland with the intention of one day winning back his wife. But he orchestrated his own deception to let Domini come and receive his inheritance, which was the only way he felt that Domini could come to see him. Seeing Domini in tears at his funeral, his dignity as a man had a strong basis, and he needed to believe that his ex-wife loved him.

Money restored his self-confidence and sexual prowess, and he spent the night with Domini, similar to The Vanishing Lover, and later designed to put Domini in jail. He wants to prove his ability in front of her, and he also wants to redeem the lost equality and dignity through revenge.

Because of his fraudulent death, he could not walk in the sun after that.

Domini said to him in a dumb voice through the window of the upper floor: When I am out of prison, we will leave together, or I will stay, and we will get married.

He stood there, tears streaming down his face. Love never dies naturally, and it will resurrect inadvertently.

Even when Carol was forced to flee, she still regarded Domini as a goddess.

Even though Domini was murdered and imprisoned, he still wanted to marry Carol.

From the highest to the far bright moon, the closest relatives to the estranged couple.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"


Valentine studied alone in Geneva, Switzerland, and worked part-time as a model, and she could only contact her boyfriend in the UK by phone, and the response to her outpoured thoughts was often his suspicions and insults.

The theme of "Red" is fraternity. The heroine treats the injured puppy, helps the old lady on the street, and chats with a desperate old judge.

After filming an advertisement, Valentine drives home and accidentally injures a dog. She found the dog's owner, a retired old judge, who said that he had already left the dog to fend for itself, and Valentine had to take the dog home.

She found the old judge eavesdropping on a neighbor's phone, and the deception and lies in the phone made him convinced that there was betrayal between people. She wanted to tell her neighbors the truth, but people preferred to believe happiness under the cover of lies.

The old judge, who was deeply in love with his sister when he was young, found her lying in the arms of another man. Because of the unforgettable damage, full of doubt and pessimism about the world. Auguste, a young law student, climbed up the window and saw his girlfriend tangling with another man. Fate is cyclical, and they experience similar betrayals.

The old judge had a distinctly world-weary complex, cold and lonely, but also most eager for attention. Valentine's kind and elegant side infected him.

Valentine rejects the advertising photographer's quest to visit her boyfriend in England, and August travels to England to forget her pain, and they are on the same ship.

In the event of a storm, the ship capsized and sank, but only 7 people survived. The old judge looked at Valentine flashing on the television, next to Augustus, and they met in this way, giving a hopeful ending.

Auguste may not repeat the fate of the old judge, who met the wonderful Valentine at the right age.

Blue-White-Red Trilogy| Love never dies naturally, it only dies... "Blue of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The White of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy", "The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy"

Kieslowski calls himself a "professional pessimist" whose pessimism lies in the meticulous display of the "blindness, error and betrayal, weariness, withering and bleakness" of the destruction of love.

Watch the sorrows, pains, frustrations, humiliations that every life is likely to experience, and watch without disturbing your eyes as you look down and think or have misty eyes. I believe that everyone can find a way to reconcile with themselves and the world.

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