
The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

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"Blue, White and Red Trilogy" is the representative work of the famous French director Kieslowski. Blue, white and red are symbols of French culture, representing freedom, equality and fraternity. Kieth tells the story of ordinary people in the form of a film, behind which is actually an inquiry and exploration of French culture, and the trilogy expresses the emotions and confusion of modern people in the face of the traditional values of freedom, equality and fraternity in three stories.

As the final chapter in the trilogy, "Red" has also received the most praise and praise, and it has been shortlisted for the Cannes and Academy Awards, which is enough to see its position in film history.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

The story of the film is not complicated. Valentin, a part-time model, lives with her boyfriend in a lonely place. One day, she accidentally bumped into a dog and met the eccentric old judge who took pleasure in eavesdropping on a neighbor's phone. In the increasing exchanges between the two, Wa knew the story of the old man, and the old man's explanation of her also made her out of the misery, and the two gradually developed a feeling like a relative.

At the same time, on the other line, August, a young judge who lives next door to wa, is suddenly betrayed by his girlfriend like glue. From the various coincidences in the film, it is not difficult to judge that O and the old man are two versions of the same person. At the end of the film, Wa and Ott, who survived the disaster, finally confirmed our conjecture. The old man and Valentine missed forty years of meeting, and a vine of love was reborn between Va and O.

The most impressive thing about the whole movie is the red color that fills the whole film. As the color tone and an important visual image of the whole film, the use of red not only stimulates the audience in the senses, but also makes the slightly obscure film charm lose its bitter and dull feeling.

Director Pu Jian once commented: "The colors in 'Red' not only have a sense of form and beauty, but also a stand-in or signal of a psychological state, which is a symbol."

We know that red is a symbol of fraternity, but in this film I think that red has at least three meanings, representing love and redemption, fate and reincarnation, loneliness and silence.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the first meaning: red is the color of fraternity and redemption</h1>

The Russian painter Kandinsky once said, "The infinite warmth of red does not have the frivolous appeal of yellow, but it expresses the inner firmness and strength." Red belongs to the positive, expansive, outward-looking warm tone area and is one of the three primary colors of the purest quality. "

Dai Jinhua, a professor at Peking University, believes that "a space full of red tones refers to a warm destination." And this warmth belongs to the symbol of the spirit of fraternity. Fraternity, its original meaning is to care for life, respect each individual, and attach importance to the main value of each person.

As early as ancient China, many thinkers put forward similar views. Confucius's "benevolent one, love others", Mozi's "both love", and the Buddhist family's "compassion for the heart", all of which are the same. It was not until after the European Enlightenment that the modern West really put forward the value of "fraternity". The utopia designed by philosopher More and the Sun City envisioned by Cambonella, the Christian spirit of "caring for all", are extensions of the spirit of fraternity. These ideas of fraternity all reflect the yearning and pursuit of the spirit of fraternity by Chinese and foreign thinkers from multiple angles.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

Valentine is one of the characters in which the director projects the idea of fraternity. Her kindness, warmth, and purity, like a warm red, give endless love and hope to those around her.

Her love for her family was unreserved, and her love for strangers was unmixed, as if it were her instinct. The bottle-throwing old woman who appears in the "Trilogy", only Valentine of this film came forward to help her, which shows that the director still has expectations for human nature, and all the misunderstandings and contradictions have achieved a happy ending under this fraternity.

Valentine and the old judge are a stark contrast to the director's set, one kind and loving, one cold and eccentric. Valentine's appearance redeems the old judge, and in the exchange between the two, the old judge reports himself to the police station, the cold shell is melted, the door of the heart is opened, and he is redeemed. Loving others is also loving oneself, and fraternity is salvation. The film's final stop-motion shot illustrates this point, and the red life jacket implicitly confirms the fundamental purpose of red - redemption.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

Wang Yangming once said: "There is no good and no disgusting body, there is good and malicious movement." Knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and removing evil for good is a special thing. "

Fraternity is a great wisdom, a kind of happiness in the sky and water in the bottle, a kind of transparency for good and evil.

In our real life, contrary phenomena abound:

Exquisite egoism;

Eliminate private business owners who cannot work hard for physical reasons;

College students who are well-read but have no feelings of home;

Possessors of power who are familiar with human feelings but seek personal gain;

Modern urbanites with polite manners but indifferent hearts;

In modern society, especially in capitalist society, the individual living conditions have been highly materialized, but the spiritual world has fallen apart, the cold barriers are between people, the cultural values of thousands of years ago have melted away, and the spirit of fraternity has become a faint red on the tricolor flag. Maybe it's time to pick up the banner of fraternity.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the second meaning: red is the color of fate and reincarnation</h1>

"My only strength is that I'm pessimistic." Kieslowski once described his character in this way. Called "dark purple narrative thinkers," Kild's films often have fatalistic and mystical religious overtones, and the source of this pessimistic fatalism is existentialism.

Existentialism: Existence precedes essence, and the essence of man is the decision of human action, and action directly leads to consequences. Freedom of choice, absolute freedom. Existentialism first arose in Germany, and then spread to France, Japan, South Korea and China since the 1980s. Existentialism embodies a pessimistic fatalism. It feels that man is full of accidents and absurdities.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

Reflected in the plot of the movie, there is a lot of accidents, coincidences and hints. There are three main places:

1. Are August and the Old Judge two versions of the same person?

August and the old judge have too many similar traits, such as both judges, both have a blonde girlfriend who is two years older, the girlfriends have betrayed them, they have dropped a book just to turn the exam questions, and both have a dog. Auguste lived opposite Valentine, while his girlfriend happened to live next door to the old judge.

All of this points to the director's true intention: August is the reincarnation of the old man forty years later. The old judge and Valentine missed forty years of meeting, which is to lay the groundwork for the two people in the same frame at the end of the film.

2. Lots of panning shots hint at the fate that the hero and heroine missed

Keech deliberately uses a large number of immediacy panning shots to hint at the connection between Valentine and Auguste, who lived close by but never met, always passing by, but not knowing each other. Here, the camera truly becomes a narrative language, with the director cleverly stringing together two unrelated characters with the lens.

3. All the protagonists in the Trilogy are in the same frame

After the shipwreck, the survivors appear on camera and are actually all the protagonists in the trilogy. It also hints at a fatalistic ending.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

Regarding fatalism, it originated from the oldest Stoic school in ancient Greece. They believe that one way to keep us at peace is to adopt a fatalistic attitude toward what happens to us.

The famous Western philosopher Mark Aurelius once said: "A good man should welcome the loom of fate to weave all the experiences for him." Feng Youlan wrote in "A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy" that people should first do their best for the outside world before calmly accepting the parts that human beings cannot change.

Behind the fatalism, there is actually a sense of calmness, which is both safe and peaceful, and it is to wait and watch the flowers blossom and fall before the court. Therefore, we should have this calm and calm, to laugh at the various circumstances of life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > third meaning: red is the color of loneliness and silence</h1>

Kiech once said: "As I made films, I found that everyone from Poland to Germany, from France to Britain and even the United States, had pain that could not be resolved." Therefore, I want to use the film to show the topic of loneliness, and I hope to find an answer to this solution. "

Although the film is based on the highly saturated color of red, it can make the viewer feel one of the most intense and primitive feelings, that is, loneliness. All the characters in the film are lonely, whether it is Valentine, August, or the old judge.

First, red bears the medium of loneliness as an emotion. Valentine used a red phone to maintain his relationship with her boyfriend, holding her boyfriend's red coat and crying, "I am so lonely", taking sad photos under the red background board. Auguste's Red Sedan with a Red Title Page book. The old judge, accompanied by a dog, had the sole pleasure of eavesdropping on a neighbor's phone, with red brick walls and lights behind it.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

In addition, the clever use of lens language also reinforces the sense of loneliness. Keech is good at using the lens to explore the hidden spiritual world of human beings, especially the closedness of lonely living individuals and the lonely spiritual communication. There is very little dialogue between the protagonists in his films, which makes the film give people a "quiet" tone. But behind the silence, every detail, action, look, and intention is silently speaking.

In addition, the figure of the "telephone" can be seen everywhere in the film, including the process of simulating the transmission of radio waves with a long set of lenses at the beginning, and the telephone ringing at any time. Telephones represent modernization, and urbanization brings about the loneliness of modern people: people tend to communicate more with electronic network communication devices than face-to-face conversations. In this modern reinforced concrete forest, full of skyscrapers and loud horns, people care about stocks, listings, and financing, but few people care about the lonely inner world of modern people.

The Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy: The Dazzling Red on the German Flag: Red is the Second Meaning of the Color of Fraternity and Redemption: Red is the Third Meaning of fate and reincarnation: Red is the color of loneliness and silence

Chinese historian Xu Qiuyun once said: "The loneliness and loss of values brought about by interpersonal alienation are common diseases of modern urbanites."

So, how to get out of the predicament? According to Xu's theory, here are three suggestions:

1. Perfect yourself and others.

Fulfilling oneself includes not demeaning oneself and exerting one's own power to the extreme. At the same time, it can also fulfill others, "establishing people when you want to, and reaching people when you want to reach."

2. Interact more with the crowd and not be an alienated marginal person.

When getting along with people, have more respect for each other, take care of more idle things, take the initiative to pay a little more, and you will not feel lonely.

3. Starting from the Confucian principle of "do not do to others what you do not want", establish a mode of getting along with each other in good faith.

People get along with each other, compare hearts to hearts, and gradually build trust in each other.

If we can do these three things, the individual will no longer feel lonely in the human social system, and the soul can also be at peace.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

The famous photographer Storaro once said: "Color is part of the language of cinema, and we use color to express different emotions and feelings, just like using light and shadow to symbolize the conflict between life and death." "Film color has its own unique style and charm from the first day of film's birth, which plays a vital role in film. Color is the language of silence, and the use of color can play a role in leading plot clues, hinting at the theme of the film, and setting off the atmosphere of the film and the psychological activities of the characters. And Kishi's use of color in his masterpiece "Trilogy" has undoubtedly reached the invisible realm of elephants, which is worth watching and reminiscing repeatedly.

For other films of Kiech, see The Charm of "Blue of the Blue," White, Red, trilogy, and style of expression, as well as the theme presentation, expression of intent, and creative style

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