
The 3rd Silk Road International Film Festival Screening Film: The Red of the Blue, White and Red Trilogy
The 3rd Silk Road International Film Festival Screening Film: The Red of the Blue, White and Red Trilogy

The Silk Road International Film Festival is entering its third year and marks the 20th anniversary of the death of director Kieslowski. We especially present the "Blue, White and Red" trilogy screening feast for fans and friends.

"Blue" and "White" won the Venice Golden Lion Award in 1993 and the Berlin Silver Bear Award in 1994, respectively, while "Red" was also nominated for best film in Cannes in 1994 ("Pulp Fiction" won the grand prize), and the grandeur is unprecedented. Such a good film, fans and friends must not miss Oh ~ ~ ~

Red of the Blue-White-Red Trilogy (1994)

Directed by: Krzyshtov Kieslowski |

Starring: Jelena Jacob / Jean-Louis Trentinion / Jean-Pierre Rowlett / Samuel Le Bihan | France / Poland / Switzerland

Duration: 93 minutes 丨 Language: Mandarin Chinese 丨 Subtitles: Chinese

The 3rd Silk Road International Film Festival Screening Film: The Red of the Blue, White and Red Trilogy

Valentine is a model who accidentally injures a puppy and allows her to meet an old judge with an eccentric temperament. Auguste is a bright student, but he faces the infidelity of his lover's feelings. After a confrontation of first acquaintances, Valentine and the Judge gradually became acquainted, while the young Augustus existed in their lives in a special way. Finally, Valentine and Auguste, with different purposes in mind, boarded the same ship. Strong convective weather caused shipwrecks, more than a hundred people died and seven people survived, at this time time seemed to be intertwined...

Red is fraternity. Valentine, whose temperaments seem to be very different, and the old judge are actually the same kind of people, they are always concerned about the lives of others, that is, the so-called "fraternal" character. But in comparison, Valentine was the more virtuous man, who came to his aid when he saw the injustice in his heart; the old judge, in a way that was difficult to understand— eavesdropping, observed the world, to understand the complexity of human nature, and to avoid the injustices and misjudgments he might cause in his judgment.

In the shot, Valentine and the old judge have been torn for decades, but in another world (in the parallel story implied by the film), they may be a pair of lovers with different stories.

The rich red color on the poster reflects Valentine's worried look, which coincides with the last scene after the shipwreck at the end of the film, and the protagonists in the "Blue, White and Red" trilogy are also reunited in a transcendental way, reaching their respective redemptions.

Editor: Zhao Peiyu

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