
It's in the public interest! The "whistleblower" system is not a workplace infernal affairs

author:Bright Net

【Net Talk】

The State Council recently issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening and Standardizing Supervision During and After the Event" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which clearly proposes to establish systems such as "whistleblowers" and internal whistleblowers, and give heavy rewards and strict protection to meritorious personnel who report serious violations of laws and regulations and major risks and hidden dangers.

"Whistleblower" refers to an internal whistleblower who exposes violations of laws and regulations by institutions and enterprises. The basic bottom line for treating "whistleblowers" well is to take care of their safety. "Whistleblowers" are often insiders, and they are more susceptible to coercion and even retaliation. Needless to say, in reality, whistleblowers are often treated unfairly, and some cannot attract enough attention; some are revealed as soon as they are reported... The "Opinions" require "heavy rewards and strict protection for meritorious personnel who report serious violations of laws and regulations and major risks and hidden dangers", and hope that the relevant departments will see it in their eyes, remember it in their hearts, and implement it in action. Treat the "whistleblowers" kindly, the greater the role they play, the less the elements of social evil. From this point of view, we must be kind to the "whistleblower" system and make it stable and more effective.

(Originally published on the surging news network Author: Wang Shichuan Excerpt: Liu Chao)

Guangming Daily (2019.09.25. 11th edition)