
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal

author:Duo xiang 781

Life is more ruthless and deeper, and the flow of time is more sincere. Hong Kong reality writer Yi Shu's work "The Golden Years" has been adapted to the screen twice. One is a 1980s Hong Kong film starring Chung Chu Hong and Maggie Cheung; the other is a 21st century mainland TV version, Chen Daoming, Yuan Quan, Wu Yue, Ni Ni, Tian Yu, Liu Shishi, Yang Youning, the stars gathered, affectionately interpreting love, family affection, love and hate in the workplace, entanglement...

The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal

First of all, let's talk about family affection: Zhu Suosuo's mother abandoned her when she was young and ignorant, her father was a seafarer who wandered around for many years, she was fostered in her aunt's house since she was a child, but it was Jiang Nansun's family that gave her a sense of belonging and security, she and Jiang Nansun were sisters and brothers and sisters; on the contrary, Jiang Nansun's family, the father fell off the building and died after failing to speculate in stocks, and the mother remarried after leaving Italy under the persuasion of her sister-in-law, leaving the male grandmother to send her to a nursing home, on the grounds that she was abandoned by the Jiang family for a lifetime and had no obligation to support her... The key is that you have been doing less grandma in people's homes for 30 years, the family is not less, even a meal will not be done, and compared with the identity and pie of the male grandchildren and grandmothers, they are still too small and childish and the human feelings are weak... There is also a layer of relationship is also very ambiguous, that is, between Zhu Suosuo and Ye Jinyan, just because she and Ye Jinyan's own daughter have the same birthday, after her own daughter committed suicide abroad, he loves Wu and Wu, and zhu suosuo treats Zhu Suosuo as his own daughter, and when the unsuspecting Zhu Suosuo understands his kindness to her as a kind of love, we see a relationship of father-daughter and lover in these two people.

The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal

Let's talk about love. Ask what is the world's situation, and call life and death to each other? Jiang Nansun's first love is the "phoenix man" Zhang Anren, after the Accident of the Jiang family, a series of operations exposed the selfish, indifferent and unjust face, resulting in his and Jiang Nansun's love affair to end, and inserting a hometown of Qingmei Bamboo Horse Yuan Yuan in the middle, which is also disgusting. Fortunately, there is a Wang Yongzheng in the back, and it is still a happy ending. Zhu Suosuo is more sadistic, before in the aunt's house to send people under the fence is the cousin's favorite, and then was deceived by the driver of the Jingyan company to pursue, straight to marry the rich family's son Xie Hongzu, and was held hostage by the mother-in-law with the family business, born and separated, the special sadness is that she ran thousands of miles away to confess to Ye Jianyan, was rejected, in fact, too can understand such an ice and snow smart and sophisticated woman, what kind of person she wants, must be based on the principle of survival, not pure love brain, Moreover, Ye is also full of charm and gold and power, Jiang Nansun's aunt is not also secretly willing, and finally returns to jingyan company to complete the relay of love: sometimes people who love each other do not have to be together, do everything he wants her to do for him, help him succeed, make him happy, and it is also a kind of love.

The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal

In fact, there is also a clue in this TV series that the workplace is deceitful, conspiring to fight, setting up pits for each other, digging corners for each other, full of people's rough fighting in the face of interests, naked money relations.

First of all, Yang Ke, Jingyan knows that he is leaving, has proposed him as vice president, but still can't keep, not only that, but also the company's most profitable Tang Xin also took away, Tang Xin and Yang Ke are people with supreme interests, Jingyan can't satisfy them, at the beginning of Jingyan's entrepreneurship, Daisy was also because no Tang Xin would make money, and was given up by Ye Ren. Li Ang had previously been trained according to the standards of his successor, but Ye Jinyan, who was old, was single-minded in his heart and supported Wang Yongzheng's library plan, and he wanted to let the ideal shine into reality, but forgot that idealism was hypocritical in front of those who needed it. In the face of money and profit, change is also the norm. So when Ye Jinyan decided to help Xie's comeback, he asked Daisy to come back and preside over Jingyan's work for him, Daisy cooperated with Yang Ke's company for the benefit of the company, and the original Way was different, and the colleagues who did not conspire became partners again. This is the weakness of human nature and the driving force of social progress.

The workplace is full of suspicion, fighting, exploitation and betrayal, but Fan Jingang is Qingliu, Wang Yongzheng, Zhu Suosuo, Jiang Nansun are all Qingliu, they are strong, brave, kind and intelligent, heavy on love and righteousness, with the true feelings for each other, warm the years, deep affection.

The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal
The workplace in "The Golden Years" is infernal

Compared with the original, the intensity of the ADAPTATION of the TV series is very large, and it seems to retain some plots, but the entire structure, the temperament of each character, gives the audience a completely different feeling. But it is undoubtedly successful, and the breadth and depth of its expansion have left the audience with the imagination space and comment space of the benevolent and the wise.

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