
Alibaba responds to female employee abuses: Believe in justice

author:Fortune Chinese Network

On September 7, Alibaba Group's WeChat account issued a statement saying that it had paid attention to the judicial organ's briefing on Wang Mouwen's related case. Ali said that the facts have been clarified and the judiciary has been determined. The whole process of the incident has had a profound impact on Alibaba and every Ali person. "We will learn from this to continuously improve and improve ourselves."

Alibaba responds to female employee abuses: Believe in justice

Image source: Visual China

Fortune Plus Netizen: Tea Room Jokes

This Ali sexual assault case has gradually moved to the direction of infernality in the workplace, from the current police report, the high probability is that Zhou and Zhang have premeditated, want to join forces to get rid of Wang, may have interests between Zhou and Zhang, or personal friendship. Ali female employees take advantage of the weakness that girls are prone to sexual harassment in the workplace. Although the case began vigorously, a group of netizens played the role of a messenger of justice and held grievances for the girl, but the facts were finally chilling.

What is chilling is the complex human nature in the workplace and the living environment of women in the workplace. This Ali female employee incident is undoubtedly a typical example of future workplace sexual harassment cases, and perhaps after this, it will bring another "interpretation" of workplace sexual harassment, and women's rights protection may also become difficult.

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