
What Meat Ternel Is Made Teaches you the simplest meat ternel recipe

author:Fun Monk

The delicious meat swallow and the meat swallow skin are inseparable, good meat swallow skin is not afraid of water, it is not the same as the wonton, the meat swallow skin is mixed with the filling, has a more delicious taste, then, how is the meat swallow skin made?

What Meat Ternel Is Made Teaches you the simplest meat ternel recipe

Meat swallow skin is what is made

Meat swallow skin, often called swallow skin, is one of the famous traditional snacks in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, and has a history of hundreds of years. Meat swallow skin is refined with fine meat with starch and other accessories, shaped like paper, white smooth and fine, emitting meat aroma, quite a bird's nest flavor when eating, very refreshing, so it is known as meat swallow skin.

The production of meat swallow skin must use sweet potato flour reply Yes, sweet potato starch texture is relatively smooth, viscosity is also better. Cooked meat swallow skin will be transparent, the taste is elastic, so it is more suitable for making meat swallow than other starches.

Can the skin of the meat swallow be starched?

It's okay to reply, but it can only be replaced with potato starch, and definitely not corn starch.

Problems related to meat swallow skin

First, how to choose the raw materials for good meat swallow skin?

Pork must choose the lean meat of the hind legs, according to the texture of the slices, with the above good potato flour, meat powder ratio is just right

Second, how to make "as thin as paper" meat swallow skin?

First, use a rolling pin to roll out the flesh of the hind legs

Then beat by hand, this step seems simple, but it is necessary to operate with extreme care, beating the meat into minced meat (the finer the better!)

Then use the "Tai Chi Bagua Palm" to knead the minced meat, rigid and soft at the same time

Mix in the finest sweet potato flour and continue kneading.

Minced meat blends perfectly with sweet potato flour and rubs into long strips for easy packing

Pounded and rolled open with an old wooden stick, it becomes thinner and tougher, penetrating but not broken

We eat translucent, paper-thin, crispy flesh and swallow skins before they come out.

Third, how to achieve a perfect meat swallow?

The exclusive secret meat filling is the key to the tender and juicy meat swallow (the teacher does not want to disclose, only the little sister knows it!)

Because the meat swallow filling is full, the hand of the meat swallow needs to be faster and more dexterous than the hand of the wonton.

4. How to make the most delicious meat swallow?

Boiled and eaten: Soup roast, which is the traditional method of roasting meat swallows. Put the phylum in boiling water and cook for five minutes, then add various spices to the soup according to your personal taste, and cook for another 5 minutes.

Steaming to eat: put in the steamer basket, fill the bottom with water, steam for about 10 minutes, before steaming, pour some water on the surface of the swallow and wet. After coming out of the pan, the meat swallow is full and clear, shiny! Dipped in vinegar, the crunchy filling is full and more delicious than the big dumplings. #p# subtitle #e #

To prepare the skin of the meat swallow

Meat swallow skin is refined with fine meat with starch and other accessories, shaped like paper, white smooth and delicate, emitting a faint meat aroma. Its production method is not very complicated, but the materials and production are still very exquisite.

1, to make meat swallow skin, we must choose fresh and unhydrated pork hind leg meat 50 kg, remove the fascia and broken bones, and divide the pork into large pieces weighing about 800 grams.

2. Place the cut pieces of meat on a cutting board and beat them repeatedly with solid coarse wood. When pounding, the force should be even, the meat should be repeatedly flipped while pounding, and the fine fascia should be removed during the pounding process, until the meat is beaten into a meat paste, add 250 grams of boiled and cooled rice paste, continue to pound until the meat puree is sticky, and then add the mixed sweet potato starch (sweet potato starch 50 kg and vegetable ash 500 g mixed evenly. Plant ash alkali can be replaced by edible alkali, which mainly plays a role in increasing elasticity). Each sprinkle of sweet potato starch is covered with a layer of pureed meat, and it can be repeated. When all the sweet potato starch is added, the pureed meat becomes a ball made of meat and starch, like a "dough". It is then rolled out into a large thin skin of 0.1 cm thick like a rolling dough. Pick up the dough with a long rolling pin, hang it in a cool, ventilated place to air dry naturally, and cut into slices like the wonton skin.

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