
Phoenix, crane, mandarin duck, partridge, yellow warbler, what kind of human relations do they represent?

author:History 100

After the Tang Dynasty, an ominous map with the theme of ethics appeared in China, called "Wulun Tu" or "LunShu Tu". This picture uses phoenixes, cranes, mandarin ducks, partridges and yellow warblers to represent the way of kings, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers, and wrongdoers, including the deepening connotation of traditional civilization. These five bird distinctions represent five human relations. Which five kinds of human relations?

Phoenix, crane, mandarin duck, partridge, yellow warbler, what kind of human relations do they represent?

"Wupin" is "Wulun", also known as "Five Classics" and "Five Constants", but its meaning is not exactly the same as the "Wulun" mentioned by Mencius. Later commentators often used the "five products" as the father, mother, brother, brother, and son, and the implementation of the "five religions" was to achieve the purpose of fatherly righteousness, motherly kindness, brotherhood, brotherhood, and filial piety. Later, Confucius proposed "kings, subjects, fathers, and sons", on this basis, Mencius added the relationship between kings and subjects and the relationship between the wrongdoers in the "five luns", thus extending the "five luns" from the family ethics norms to the standards of behavior that the whole society should follow.

Phoenix, crane, mandarin duck, partridge, yellow warbler, what kind of human relations do they represent?

Now back to explaining the previous results. "WulunTu" means "Wulun" with five kinds of birds, although it is the artist's creation, it is not a random arrangement, but is created according to the ancestors' deepened views on the living habits of these five birds. The five birds in the picture are general and beautiful, with different postures, and are accompanied by trees, stones, flowers and water, making the picture more natural and vivid. This way of educating and educating in fine arts has undoubtedly made traditional ethical and moral education more three-dimensional and diversified.

Phoenix, crane, mandarin duck, partridge, yellow warbler, what kind of human relations do they represent?

Although man is the spirit of all things and the last animal on the earth, there is an interdependent relationship between man and all things. Every animal has its own value of existence and the advantages that human beings should learn. The fact that humans learn the virtues of animals does not mean that man is inferior to animals, but rather reflects the humble attitude that human beings should adhere to in the face of all things.

Phoenix, crane, mandarin duck, partridge, yellow warbler, what kind of human relations do they represent?

The Qing Dynasty was the most popular period of the Wuluntu, and many artists and official craftsmen participated in the creation of the Wuluntu, and the most works were conveyed. For example, the painter Ren Bonian at the end of the Qing Dynasty, feeling that the west wind was gradually moving from the east, and the traditional ethical virtues were gradually forgotten by people, so he painted the "Five Lun Diagrams" and gave it to his friend Zhang Jingfu.

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