
After growing up, I understand Long Yingtai's "Happiness" I think that friends who have experienced life should be able to understand the meaning of these sentences!

author:Efforts on canola flowers AmberG

Hi friends, do any of you remember the fear of being dominated by Happiness as a language reading comprehension, whether in junior high school or high school. At that time, it was clear that this article had no difficult logic to read, no jerky words, no flowery rhetoric, and the whole article was very plain, plain as water. However, a few reading comprehension questions are very headaches, and I still remember struggling to make those two or three language reading questions, reading the article several times, seeing the article as a flower, and finally I can only give up helplessly.

At that time, I was struggling with reading comprehension, trapped in the quagmire of getting grades and couldn't get out. Living in the ivory tower of the school, I lamented the boredom of life day after day, in the words of the time, "This day is also too boring, plain like water." Now that I have grown up and walked out of the ivory tower of the school, I understand that Long Yingtai's "Happiness" is actually really happy! In this article, she wrote: "Happiness is that life does not have to be afraid all the time; happiness is that ordinary days are still the same; happiness is that ordinary people are still the same; happiness is that even if life is dark, you can still see the beauty of life." "Famous Artist Meiwen | Longyingtai: Happiness is... _American Literature Appreciation_Reading Channel

Happiness is actually like boiled water, plain and plain, but it can be endlessly reminiscent. In fact, everyone's definition of happiness is different. What I think of as happiness is that in the hot summer, there is a delicious popsicle; in the winter, I can sit in the warm sun, sniff melon seeds, chat about the sky, and enjoy a moment of leisure. When you send a message to a friend you haven't contacted for a long time, you can get the joy of getting a message from her in seconds; you can accompany your parents and eat dinner around the table. So what do you think happiness looks like?

Now, occasionally on busy days, my parents look at the time on their phones and exclaim, "It's going to be the New Year (liao), and it's going on too fast (liao)!" Flipping through the 2021 calendar, there are not many pages left. So, let me ask you in advance, "Are you happy this year?" ”

Finally, I would like to give you a sentence that I like very much: "May there be lights in the dark, and may there be umbrellas when it rains."

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