
【Original】 Delicious ham cake

author:Empress Huang 80410891
【Original】 Delicious ham cake

The days went by so fast, it was the weekend again, but for me, the weekend was the same as usual, going to work as usual. However, I am still willing to teach everyone a delicious and easy to make cake, friends and friends may wish to try it on the weekend, the taste is good.

This is our senior pastry chef Yun Jie, personally guided and made with us Oh, 500 grams of flour, 300 grams to 350 grams of 30 degrees -40 degrees warm water.5 grams of yeast, 3 grams of filial piety powder, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Roll it into a cake, spread it with puff pastry, and you can put the oil directly without making puff pastry. fig

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Spread the green onions and sprinkle with a little salt. fig

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

If there is a leftover ham sausage at home, stir-fry it, [this ham is to eat the leftovers, but also to eat their own employees, not takeaway] figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Spread on top of the green onion. fig

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Roll up slowly. fig

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Cut into small pieces, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Both sides roll up and put down the bottom, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Start the pot, brush the pot with oil, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Cover the pot and cover for three minutes, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Open the lid and quickly cover the lid with some water from the side of the pot or from the middle gap. fig

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Put the lid on the lid, three minutes or open the lid yourself to see. [Flexible mastery, not immutable, you are good when you are burned] Drizzle oil again, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Turn the surface again. [If you don't master it for a few minutes, open the lid to see, and the home can use electric cake bells.] ] figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

The fluffy and delicious ham cake is out of the pan, pictured

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

This is not to put the ham sausage, figure

【Original】 Delicious ham cake

Because it is noodles, will it be noodles, a pot of a roast, there are green onions, salt, oil, ham, as long as it is cooked, it is not good to do well.

"People live a mouth", this "mouth" refers to food and survival, which means that first people have to live, eat enough, can survive, can live better, and then you go to pursue better material and spiritual pursuits.

When you are full of warm and lustful thoughts, you also think about it, a grain of rice, a thousand drops of sweat, grain of grain sweat beads, whether you have money or not, I hope that all friends and friends cherish grain.

【Original】 Delicious ham cake
【Original】 Delicious ham cake