
An unfinished fate in a state of flux

author:Poetry and far away
An unfinished fate in a state of flux

Lao She (1899-1966), formerly known as Shu Qingchun, was a Native of Beijing, Manchu, and writer. His major works include the novels "Camel Xiangzi", "Four Generations Together", dramas "Tea House", "Dragon Sugou" and so on.

The above is the introduction of Lao She in the middle school textbook "Winter in Jinan". When I expand these introductions to mr. one by one, it is not enough to introduce a lesson.

The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the rule of the Manchu Qing government and ended more than two thousand years of feudal rule in China, which is the historical significance of the Xinhai Revolution as memorized in high school history books. At that time, it was an important point of knowledge, and now combined with reading, the understanding of this sentence is deeper. As a Manchu, mr. Zhenghongqi in the Eight Banners, on the surface it seems to be a nobleman, but he was born in 1899, the last year of the Qing Dynasty, in the period of aristocratic loneliness, and his mother gave birth to him in his 40s, at that time he was old and had children, the whole family relied on a little salary of his father to support, Yin ate grain, often green and yellow, not born at the right time, Mr. Zongyue mentioned in the "Master of Zongyue" that his family was poor and could not afford to go to school, until he was 11 years old, he was generously sponsored by Master Zongyue to enter the school. At that time, I also wondered how the People of Beijing, the Manchus, and their families could be so shabby, and now that they know the new and warm past, they suddenly realize. Master Zong yue's various acts of kindness planted good thoughts in Lao She's heart, and he always thought that the "she" of Lao She lao she only came from the surname "Shu", and the "she" of "she" was dismantled, and Mr. Liu Zongyue's she and great love were the "she" that affected Mr. Lao She.

I once read Mr. Wang's "My Life", before reading the book, I mistakenly thought it was the author's autobiography when I read the title, and after reading it, I felt deep and painful. It is still depressing to think about it, because that short story collection wrote a lot of analysis of the low-level characters in the society at that time, and its situation was as tragic as that of Shoko the camel, or even more bitter. Tragedy is the tearing of something of value to show to people, without mercy in the author's pen. Because of that era, the author only recorded what he saw and heard in a whiplash technique.

Seeing the introduction of "Zhenghong Flag" is said to be Mr. Lao She's autobiographical novel, I am still a little happy, this time I can really fully understand mr. Understanding, the key is autobiographical, written by myself, should be the most real, how 24k purity is very high, even if it is a novel, there is also a prototype. From the moment of birth, he wrote about the surrounding hundreds of things, his own aunt, the eldest sister's mother-in-law, the eldest sister's father-in-law and husband, as well as the uncle of the grandmother's family, the second brother... How the Eight Banners of the late Manchu Qing Dynasty could not put down the shelves, how to eat, drink and have fun when their days were stretched, and at the same time, from their natural aristocratic blood, they learned that they were not willing to engage in the work of craftsmen, did not want to do business, did not want to ... Doing a lot of jobs that they think is lowly, but the change of the tide of history, the invasion of the Eight-Nation Alliance, makes their sense of crisis worse, but they still can't let go of their stature, and sometimes numb themselves in contradictions. Just as some people in big cities are now poor and are already at the bottom of society, they are not only unconscious, but also look down on outsiders for no reason, maybe their only sense of superiority is at work. Sir is introducing himself at the same time, telling us history.

An unfinished fate in a state of flux

Mr. Is a writer, known as the "master of language", what to write like, "Winter in Jinan" The author's love for Jinan is reflected in those intimate tone words and child sounds, embodied in those exquisite rhetoric, embodied in those seemingly casual colloquial language. Every word is emotional, but it is so untraceable. In recent days, there has been a two-year-old little guest at home, that smart and loving, especially cute and well-behaved, people can't help but talk to her are "ah", "ah", "it", "bar", see her, all the troubles have turned into clouds outside the window. I also slightly experienced Mr. Lao She's love for the winter in Jinan. He once stayed in Jinan for 7 years, 1930-1937, teaching in the university, his wife said that he always missed those years in Jinan, when he went to school, he did not feel how special "Jinan Winter", and now after knowing a little about Him, you can imagine that that time is indeed precious in Mr. Life. He was poor in his youth, war in middle age, and the Cultural Revolution in his later years. Every time I recall, maybe those years in Jinan were really happy, and there are several articles in "All Things Are Self-Satisfied" that are memories and attachments to Jinan.

I thought that "Under the Red Flag" could better understand Mr. Lao She, but when I read 400 pages, I was a little flustered, I only wrote until 190 years ago, I didn't go to school, until the end of reading, the last page introduced that this book is Mr. Undecided' last work... He began writing in 1962, and in 1966 he threw himself into Taiping Lake because of the persecution of the Cultural Revolution... As the last page says, the book came to an abrupt end as Mr. Ru's life. It became a masterpiece! I couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

Thank you!

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