
By arresting Tsai Ing-wen and her henchmen, compatriots on both sides of the strait have the responsibility to put "Taiwan independence elements" to trial

author:Motherland Lookout

Recently, under the military pressure of a series of anti-"independence" and propaganda to promote reunification in the Chinese mainland, the Kuomintang, Taiwan's main political party, abandoned the "three noes" policy of vague attitude toward national reunification in its party program and explicitly put forward its opposition to "Taiwan independence." It can be said that it has severely damaged the "Taiwan independence forces," including the Tsai Ing-wen authorities. There are widespread voices in the media that the countdown to reunification and the complete annihilation of the "Taiwan independence forces" has entered the countdown.

In the face of the current complicated and severe situation in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland has always strived for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the greatest efforts, but has not promised to renounce the use of force. It should be known that the root cause of the crisis in the Taiwan Strait is "Taiwan independence," and the more arrogant the "Taiwan independence" is, the greater the mainland's countermeasures.

By arresting Tsai Ing-wen and her henchmen, compatriots on both sides of the strait have the responsibility to put "Taiwan independence elements" to trial

In fact, the PLA's actual combat exercises in the Taiwan Strait area have become normalized. According to statistics from Taiwan's defense department, the mainland sent more than 380 military planes into Taiwan's southwestern airspace last year, and since the beginning of this year, PLA military aircraft have entered "Taiwan's airspace" more than 400 times, higher than last year's total. It can be said that the Taiwan Strait area has become a training ground for the PLA, and the PLA is ready for military struggle against Taiwan at any time, and has used the roar of warplanes and the tracks of warships to constantly sound the alarm bell for the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island: "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and we must not take any chances.

Once unified, Chinese mainland have an overwhelming advantage, and the Taiwan military will first face the choice of whether to be cannon fodder, and if the brothers of the Taiwan army do not want to die, they should have the courage to surrender to the PLA and cooperate with the PLA in recovering Taiwan. Since the Tsai Ing-wen authorities are the main culprits in pushing Taiwan's military and people into the war, the Taiwan military and people must show their correct stand on the cross-strait issue; once Tsai Ing-wen is desperate to take risks and does such stupid things as declaring "Taiwan independence" or inducing wolves into the house, the Taiwan military should resolutely and improperly use the cannon fodder of the "Taiwan independence" authorities, arrest Tsai Ing-wen at the first time, and hand her over to all the Chinese people for trial.

China should pursue lifelong responsibility for stubborn "Taiwan independence elements." Some experts believe that in this regard, the mainland must soberly realize that Taiwan independence is not an isolated phenomenon, nor is it an individual person, but is headed by a mainstream figure in Taiwan's political circles, who represents a development trend of the Taiwan situation, and if the mainland does not take certain measures, there will be others in the future. Taiwan independence elements jump out one after another, and it is not like some bricklayers, scholars, beasts, media, and commentators on the mainland who think that Taiwan politicians have called out extreme remarks on independence for electoral considerations and in order to win votes to attract attention. These people are the only ones who are the leader of the United States and Japan, and there is no shortage of Taiwan politicians who have been bribed and served by the United States and Japan; they are desperately selling their lives for their sons, and the masters have given them money to help them become famous and help them ascend to power; what is even more important for the people of Taiwan and the mainland is that once the mainland seizes Taiwan by force, these people will slip away, they will be sheltered by the United States and Japan, and these people will certainly be taken away by the United States and Japan, so they have no worries about the future and will vigorously advocate Taiwan independence.

Therefore, the mainland must now take resolute measures to crack down on Taiwan independence elements and leading figures of Taiwan independence organizations; that is to say, in such common actions as military exercises and military planes circumnavigating Taiwan, there must be new measures, that is, after announcing that the mainland does not welcome Taiwan independence artists and businessmen, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council will issue a statement or an editorial in the official media, naming Taiwan independence elements and organizations and indirectly declaring that once Taiwan independence is achieved by military reunification, these people are war criminals.

Just two months ago, the so-called "Ketagalan Forum Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue" jointly organized by the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities and the think tank appeared on August 31.

By arresting Tsai Ing-wen and her henchmen, compatriots on both sides of the strait have the responsibility to put "Taiwan independence elements" to trial

On the same day, Taiwan's defense department released the so-called 2021 "People's Liberation Army Military Strength Report," revealing deep concern about the mainland's armed reunification of Taiwan. The report clearly pointed out that under these seven circumstances, the PLA may be triggered to unify Taiwan militarily, including "Taiwan declares 'independence'", "clearly moves toward 'independence'", "Taiwan's internal turmoil", "Taiwan acquires nuclear weapons", "cross-strait peaceful reunification dialogue is delayed", "foreign forces interfere in island affairs", "foreign forces stationed in Taiwan", and so on. Taiwan's military also bluntly called it "very dangerous" after 6 years.

The report also openly expressed concerns about the imminent commissioning of the people's liberation army's third aircraft carrier, saying that the Taiwan military assessed that the Type 003 aircraft carrier would enter service in 2025 and would be equipped with electromagnetic catapults, corresponding to the "high-risk period of conflict in the Taiwan Strait from 2027 to 2030" predicted by the outside world. According to the report, after the 003 aircraft carrier enters service, the PLA will have a complete advantage in the "regional denial and anti-intervention" capability against Taiwan and the United States within the first island chain.

In addition, the report also admits for the first time that the PLA now has the "soft and hard killing electronic attack, communication blocking, and obscuring capabilities" in the area west of the first island chain, and can launch a wired and wireless global network attack in combination with the network army, and has begun to have the ability to paralyze the Taiwan military's air defense, sea control, and anti-production warfare systems, which is "a huge threat."

In fact, Taiwan's move has the meaning of creating public opinion for the "Taiwan independence" authorities to continue their lives, and with Tsai Ing-wen and the United States tossing and turning, there is no need to wait for 6 years, even if it is a recent military reunification, it is not too strange. The Platon Can Fight at Any Time, and it can win a war, and "Taiwan independence" has no chance. The mainland's high-speed rail will be repaired to Taipei City in the near future, which is something that the Chinese government has planned. Tsai Ing-wen and other stubborn "Taiwan independence forces" should also have seen the end of the world coming, living a few more years is a few years, fooling the outside world into confusion, and inserting a pole into 6 years later. They also want to continue to sabotage cross-strait relations on stage. You know, as long as Tsai Ing-wen steps down, whether she steps down after three years of her term of office or is ousted during this period, Tsai Ing-wen's fate will not be good. Tsai Ing-wen and the like may have plans to escape the United States or Japan, but even so, our People's Liberation Army can encircle Taiwan in the sea and air. It is not so easy for Tsai Ing-wen to run. According to media reports, the people of Taiwan have learned that the mainland encourages and rewards Taiwanese for their contributions to cross-strait reunification and opposing "Taiwan independence, and that the heavy historical task of arresting Tsai Ing-wen and his gang at that time is really likely to fall to the Taiwan compatriots who won the month first in the near-water building. It is a historical necessity to seize Tsai Ing-wen and have all the Chinese people put on trial. Therefore, from now on, the Taiwan military, police, and people and political parties should effectively monitor the faltering Tsai Ing-wen and his ilk, not allow these ethnic scum to go unpunished, and promote reunification and opposition to "independence" through practical actions to create meritorious deeds for the reunification of the motherland and the great righteousness of the nation. Taiwan compatriots should take active action!!! (Yanlong)

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