
Delicious on the tip of the tongue – stuffed skins

author:Linxia City released

Deep in everyone's taste buds, there is a hometown that cannot be forgotten. When you travel all over the world, you only love this taste of righteousness and mind.

Delicious on the tip of the tongue – stuffed skins

In the face of food, some people need its energy, some people covet its delicacy, some people miss its warmth, whether survival must or life is attached. In the face of good food, almost no one can resist its temptation. Linxia is not just a place, it is a taste. Please come with me into my hometown and unveil the mystery of Linxia cuisine.

Delicious on the tip of the tongue – stuffed skins

As the saying goes, "The people take food as the sky." "China's food culture is extremely rich, and there are unique cuisines everywhere. The stuffed skin is a typical snack in Linxia. Its color is crystal yellow, translucent as jade, and its blue, yellow, red and white are bright and attractive. Delicate and lubricated in the mouth, sour and spicy, flexible and delicious, it is a popular cool pasta. Excellent flavorful snacks. Especially in the hot summer and autumn season, it is popular with locals and tourists.

Stuffed skin is the most famous cold mix in Linxia, which is made of high-weight rich and strong powder. Composed of stuffed skin, gluten and garlic water (i.e. seasoning seasoning), it is delicious and refreshing, soft and strong, and the sourness and spiciness can be adjusted by itself, which is in line with the tastes of everyone, especially women. Today's stuffed skin has gone out of the deep boudoir of folk snacks, and has been on the elegant hall of banquets, whether in Linxia or even Lanzhou, it has become a cold dish that must be ordered on the menus of various restaurants and restaurants.

Delicious on the tip of the tongue – stuffed skins

Let's take a look at its production process with Xiaobian:

1, stirring noodles: (1) put the high-gluten rich powder into the pulp basin, generally about 30-50 pounds, stir while adding water, stirring with force, adding water must be moderate, constantly stirring - stirring, and finally stirring into a dough, softness mastery in the dough hardness of the beef noodles is appropriate, spare.

2, wash the noodles: put the stirred dough into the pulp basin, add water, knead it with both hands, soak the washed starch water on the side, put it into another pulp basin, add water, wash again, and then leach, and finally until the starch is washed out.

3, wash the gluten: the remaining dough washed out without starch after kneading, turning and washing, tearing with both hands, kneading, and then washing, repeating many times, and finally to a little starch can not be washed out as a degree. The washed starch water leaches out and places it in another basin.

4, steaming skin: (1) the bottom of the shabu-shabu with flax grass and other force to rub the test, the brighter the better; (2) use a spoon to scoop out the floating water stored in the powder slurry basin, and then add water, put the appropriate amount into the alkali noodles, stir well, scoop into the shabu pot that has been wiped clean, the thickness is about 0.8 cm, slowly rotate and rotate, make it turn evenly and flat, put it on the pot that is boiled on high heat and the shabu pot matching, steam for about 8-10 minutes, wait for the top to be full of foam and then put on the pot, cool, smear the oil on it, carefully take it out, and stack it. Steam in turn and steam the starch water until the water is finished.

5, steaming gluten: after the steaming of the skin, spread the washed gluten in the shabu-shabu, swing evenly, the thickness of the base is 6 cm, steamed with high heat, generally about 45-60 minutes, after the gluten is launched, the pot is cooked, cool, take out.

6, mixed with garlic water (seasoning seasoning): the condiments used for stuffing the skin are generally oil spicy seed juice, garlic foam juice, mustard juice, sesame pulp juice, aged vinegar and salt.

Delicious on the tip of the tongue – stuffed skins

The vessel containing the stuffed skin is generally filled with special tableware deeper than the dish, the bottom is the stuffed skin, covered with gluten, then sprinkled with salt, poured with a special long-handled small copper spoon with various colors of condiments (garlic water), and finally poured with oil and spicy seeds, placed in the middle of a variety of cold dishes, almost like a colorful oil painting, the color, fragrance and shape have reached a high level.

How can such a wonderful thing not be heartwarming! Presumably, you can't resist its temptation, and you have already "salivated three thousand feet". Then come and taste the stuffed skin of Linxia with Xiaobian.

Source: Linxia Municipal Tourism Bureau

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