
An old shop in the deep lane of Ningxia Zhongwei, the appearance and delicious coexistence of brewed skins

author:China Food News Big Health Industry

In the deep alley of Ningxia Zhongwei, there is an old shop, Xiaoling Brewing Leather Shop, which is a special food carefully concocted by Huang Xiaoling and Han Wenqi, which is favored by local citizens.

  Stuffed skins are commonly known as "cool skins" in folklore and are made everywhere. Xiaoling's stuffed skins are handmade, mixed with high-quality flour and made into dough, then soaked in a large basin filled with water. After a few hours, when the dough is soaked in water until it is soft and soft, start rubbing it back and forth with your hands in the water, and the batter will peel off into the water layer by layer. As the scrub becomes longer, the dough will get smaller and smaller. In addition to a pot of white and clear batter soup, only a piece of gluten that is as tough as silk, smooth as jade, and soft as cotton remains.

  Once the batter is ready, stir well and place in the oiled tin seeds. Each time a thin layer must be spread out with a small spoon and then steamed over high heat in a large iron pot. And so on, over and over again. "The brewed skin made in this hurry is exquisite, crystal clear, crystal jade, soft but not greasy, soft and tangible." Han Wenqi said.

  In Xiaoling's brewing skin shop, the clean and spacious table top is placed with oil and spicy seeds, soy sauce, old vinegar, onion ginger juice, garlic juice, mustard juice, coriander segments, carrot shreds, cucumber shreds, etc., more than a dozen flavorful and appetizing seasonings, which is enough to spy the store's seriousness and intention for the taste of the small stuffed skin. "Some brewing shops also have ancestral sauces, which look ordinary, but they are not the same." Han Wenqi said, "The reason why we are unique and fragrant, in addition to the pure handmade production process, lies in the combination of spices, using local goji berries, sesame oil, star anise, pepper and other spices to make a sauce, and then accompanied by goose yellow cold skin, so that this snack has a soul, both beautiful and delicious." ”

  Stuffed skins into bowls, the store moves sharply to add more than a dozen seasonings to the bowl, and the last scoop of exclusive secret sauce is a magic weapon to attract diners. Soft gluten, watery carrot shreds, crisp raw cucumber shreds, emerald green coriander, just the appearance can get a full score. Mix evenly, the cold skin and pepper violently collide, sour, fresh, fragrant, spicy to the nose, stimulate the appetite, the taste is rooted in the heart.

  The reason why stuffed skins are popular, in addition to taste, is that they are both convenient and fast, but also economical. You can eat it immediately, you don't have to wait for a long time, and you can enjoy a delicious fast food for a few dollars. And the perennial supply, not limited by the season, even in the middle of winter, counting nine cold days, can not stop the enthusiasm of diners.

  As a local snack, sake skin is eaten by delicious citizens, tastefully, and cultured. Today, this delicacy on the tip of the tongue has long become an indispensable part of the life of the locals, and has become an inseparable hometown feeling in the taste buds of Zhongwei people.


An old shop in the deep lane of Ningxia Zhongwei, the appearance and delicious coexistence of brewed skins

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