
In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

author:Watching movies tells history

In 1961, General Chen Geng died of a myocardial infarction, which was undoubtedly a huge loss to the party and the country!

After Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Taiwan, learned of this news, he actually wept bitterly for Chen Geng to set up a spiritual hall: Without him Chen Geng there would be no me!

Why Chiang Kai-shek said this, he can be said to hate our party personnel to the bone, and he has always preferred to kill the wrong person than let it go.

The Communists should be happy that Chiang Kai-shek lost a major general, but why would he be so sad?

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > big matchmaker Chen Geng</h1>

Among the many generals in our army, Chen Geng can be described as an all-round talent, who can write and be able to use martial arts and have a high emotional intelligence.

Moreover, he is also the first matchmaker in the army, some people call him the first medium of the Red Army, many generals are married with the help of Chen Geng, even Mr. Peng is no exception, so Chen Geng's popularity in the team is particularly good.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Chen Geng's family lineage is different</h1>

Chen Geng was not the same as most of the generals, and the team began to be called the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, because most of the members were the children of the workers and peasants. Although this is a team that is sincerely for the people, poverty is really poor.

And Chen Geng's family was not poor, nor was he the son of a worker or peasant, but a landlord family that the Red Army wanted to fight against.

Chen Geng's grandfather was a general of the Xiang Army, and his family was very well-off, but Chen Geng did not have the vices of a rich young master since he was a child, and his grandfather was also very optimistic about him, teaching him martial arts marksmanship and battlefield strategy from an early age.

Gradually, Chen Geng felt that he had done it, and he was very curious about the battlefield in his grandfather's mouth, so he secretly ran away from home to join the Xiang Army, at this time Chen Geng was only 13 years old, and no one expected that a child who was not yet a gun tall would actually make many military achievements to fight against Wu Peifu, expel Zhang Jingyao, and Zhao Hengti.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > learn knowledge out of the army</h1>

After the battle, Chen Geng realized that he still had to continue to study. So he broke away from the army, began to learn knowledge, and participated in the Youth Salvation Congress to actively engage in anti-imperialist patriotic activities.

By chance, he joined chairman Mao's self-study university. Here Chen Geng learned what revolutionary thought was. He understood that only by changing his mind, only revolution could save the country.

In 1922, Chen Geng formally joined the Communist Party of China and then actively participated in revolutionary activities. The February 7 Massacre strike demonstrations, anti-Japanese struggles, etc.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > acquaintance with Chiang Kai-shek</h1>

Chen Geng, who began to learn knowledge, was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy.

The principal of the Whampoa Military Academy was Chiang Kai-shek, and because Chen Geng was one of the first batch to be admitted to Huangpu, he was referred to as the first batch of Huangpu students. Chiang Kai-shek attached great importance to the first batch of trainees, so each trainee Chiang Kai-shek had to personally interview.

The first time they met, Chen Geng left a very deep impression on Chiang Kai-shek. Most of the trainees would be afraid to take the stage when they saw Chiang Kai-shek personally interviewing. Chen Geng was different, not only did he not have a hint of timidity, but he also talked about his glorious experience of fighting in battles, and even had to perform martial arts on the spot, which was stopped by Chiang Kai-shek laughing.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

To say that Chiang Kai-shek's most successful life was to persuade Dr. Sun Yat-sen to make himself the president of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek also cultivated a large number of die-hard loyalists in the Whampoa Military Academy.

In the Whampoa Military Academy, Chen Geng has always been ranked among the top and is one of the three masters of the first phase of Whampoa.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek</h1>

The story between Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Geng has only just begun.

In ancient times, Yu Yi Bo Yun Tianhua Rong DaoYi explained Cao Cao, and now Chen Geng Zhiyong saved Chiang Kai-shek.

The first time was in 1924, in the Battle of the Pacifying Merchant Regiment, Chen Geng became famous in the First Battle, he volunteered to sneak into the city of Guangzhou to inquire about military intelligence, ran all over the city on two legs, and drew all the firepower points of the Merchant Regiment Army.

If Chen Geng hadn't been around, it wouldn't have been the leader of the business group who flew out, but the head of Chiang Kai-shek.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek also believed that Chen Geng really had martial skills, and in this battle of the merchant group, it was said that Chen Geng had provided accurate information to make the normal battle victorious, and to a small extent, Chen Geng had saved Chiang Kai-shek with a flying kick, and the Huangpu Military Academy was spread everywhere: Huangpu Sanjie, Jiang Xianyun's pen, and He Zhihan's mouth could not withstand Chen Geng's legs.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

The second time was in 1925, when Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, and the rebel Chen Jiongming took the opportunity to gather the remnants of his troops and occupy Dongjiang, Huizhou, and then Bingfeng pointed directly to Guangzhou.

The National Revolutionary Army was forced to start the Second Crusade, with Chiang Kai-shek as the commander-in-chief and Premier Zhou as the director of the General Political Department, and the rebels were eventually rebels and were quickly repulsed by the National Revolutionary Army. They held the old lair of Huizhou and planned to resist stubbornly, and the terrain of Huizhou was dangerous and easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the National Revolutionary Army attacked Huizhou for two consecutive days and two nights, but failed to conquer Huizhou. At this time, Premier Zhou suggested concentrating forces to attack, forcing the rebels to flee, and then gathering and annihilating them.

However, the difficulty is who will attack the city, if the attack is not strong enough, it is not enough to deter the rebels, so it is difficult for them to have the idea of fleeing. Seeing that no one was willing to come forward, Chen Geng volunteered to take on this task and made a vow: never turn back without conquering Huizhou.

When Chen Geng led the team to start the siege, the vanguard troops had already climbed the city tower. A stray bullet hit Chen Geng's ankle, and the subordinates next to him persuaded Chen Geng to withdraw to the treatment, but Chen Geng gritted his teeth and directly used his hand to pull out the bullet that hit the ankle.

Then without even bandaging, they directly crossed the city head to launch an attack on the enemy, and the rebels saw that the city wall was lost, and began to scatter and flee, and Premier Zhou's plan to open up the side of the net was smoothly carried out.

He was promoted to the position of company commander of the guard company, and was directly responsible for protecting Chiang Kai-shek's personal safety.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

After Huizhou was captured, the soldiers of the National Revolutionary Army surrounded and suppressed the rebels in two ways, which was originally a situation of beating the falling water dogs, but because the commander of the Third Division, Tan Shuqing, had no self-awareness and was greedy and aggressive, he was actually surrounded by the rebels.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was sitting in the third division, after the rebels completed the encirclement, first bombarded with heavy artillery for a whole day, the third division suffered heavy casualties Chiang Kai-shek is also six gods and no master, it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed, at this time Chen Geng made a bold decision: break through.

When the rebels launched a general offensive, Chen Geng carried Chiang Kai-shek and ran, worthy of being ranked first among the three masters by his legs, Chen Geng carried Chiang Kai-shek for three hours in one breath, the rebels looked at Chen Geng's back and looked out of reach, after running out of the encirclement, Chen Geng just put Chiang Kai-shek down and collapsed on the ground tired, and the old ankle injuries that had been hit before recurred, and began to bleed non-stop.

Chiang Kai-shek's heart is not a taste, the first time he led the soldiers alone, he brought out this, just like Cao Cao cut his hair and acted as the head, Chiang Kai-shek took out a pistol and committed suicide.

Of course, the clever Chen Geng knew what he meant by this, and quickly grabbed the pistol: Headmaster, victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers, you want to drive some. Chiang Kai-shek sighed as he borrowed the donkey.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

The third time to save Chiang Kai-shek was when Chiang Kai-shek gathered the remnants of the Third Division, he decided to let the First Division counterattack, but at this time the First Division was far away and communication was also cut off, chiang Kai-shek wanted the soldiers to send letters, but none of the hundreds of soldiers dared to stand up.

After getting the letter, the clever Chen Geng knew that it was difficult to deliver the letter if it was normal, so he dressed himself as a merchant, did not carry any weapons on the road, crossed the mountains and rushed to the first division station, on the way encountered bandits or rebels, he said that he was a merchant, and then used money to open the road.

In this way, Chen Geng sent the letter to the First Division in time, and the First Division launched a counterattack in time, avoiding the fate of Chiang Kai-shek being surrounded and suppressed by the rebels.

Chiang Kai-shek commented on Chen Geng afterwards: Chen Geng is a good student I trust the most.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

However, he did not expect that this good student, whom he trusted the most, would later embark on the opposite path with him, and as the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communists became more and more rigid, after the Zhongshan incident, the Kuomintang and the Communists began to struggle face to face, and after Chen Geng secretly went to the Soviet Union to study, he returned to Shanghai and began to secretly cooperate with Premier Zhou in gathering intelligence and carrying out a covert struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries.

Although Chen Geng had been very careful, there were always traitors and bad things, and he was targeted by the enemy's spies.

When Chen Geng was arrested in 1933, Chiang Kai-shek was grateful to Chen Geng for saving his life, and did not want to let this rare talent go, so he personally met with Chen Geng and hoped to persuade him to surrender: Chen Geng, you are much thinner.

Chen Geng sneered and said: Thin and fat, this is what the principal taught us, I see that the principal is also much thinner, as the leader of one party and one country, you are thinner, and the world is thinner, why is this?

The air quieted down, and after a moment of silence, Chiang Kai-shek advised: You write a statement, admit your mistake, and I will give a good way out.

In 1961, Chen Geng died, and Chiang Kai-shek wept bitterly in Taiwan: Without Chen Geng there would be no me, the family lineage of the great matchmaker Chen Geng Chen Geng was different from the army to learn knowledge and meet Chiang Kai-shek Chen Gengsan to save Chiang Kai-shek

However, Chen Geng resolutely refused to comply, and Chiang Kai-shek left first, at which time Soong Ching-ling came to the door to rebuke Chiang Kai-shek, and Soong Ching-ling had only one reason for rescuing Chen Geng: Chen Geng was Chiang Kai-shek's savior. Rebuke Chiang Kai-shek: After the defeat in the Battle of Huayang, did you forget to carry you through the siege for 160 miles at night?

After Chiang Kai-shek listened, his heart was like a knife, but he was still unmoved, and after this, the benefits of Chen Geng's old and good people were revealed, and more than a dozen classmates, including Soong Qingling, Lu Xun, and Song Xilian of the Huangpu Department, jointly wrote to Chiang Kai-shek and asked for forgiveness of Chen Geng.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's concerns were even more, so he could only be detained separately, and Chen Geng also lived a period of immortal life, and more than a dozen Huangpu classmates were afraid that Chiang Kai-shek would rebel, so they took turns to feast on Chen Geng and later escaped smoothly under the rescue of our party.

In 1961, Chen Geng died of illness in Shanghai, and after Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan heard the news, he set up a spiritual hall for Chen Geng and wept bitterly, still chanting in his mouth: Without Chen Geng, there would be no Chiang Kai-shek.

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