
Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

author:Central Plains hot brother

Presumably, during the time when everyone stayed at home, they also made a lot of food by themselves, and they were very happy to eat. As a snack food that likes to taste all kinds of food, Xiaobian also has no "resistance" to spicy and delicious pepper fried belly slices, and likes to eat. The dish of chili fried belly slices is not only wonderful in taste, but also has a high nutritional value, rich in protein and fat and other nutrients, with the effect of replenishing weakness and strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

When he learned that our chef was going to make chili fried belly slices, Xiaobian was very excited, and immediately ran to the kitchen to guard, waiting for the appearance of the food. And when our chef made the chili fried belly slices, he also specially matched the peach garden Jianmin beef with a rich sauce to consume peppers, which was spicy and delicious, and everyone ate it very enjoyably. Next, let's briefly say that the chili fried belly slices are more delicious, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to eat on a plate.

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

Delicious chili fried belly slices

Ingredients: Pork belly, Taoyuan Jianmin beef with chili peppers, chili peppers, green onions, star anise, ginger, starch, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, salt

Method: 1, we need to first grab the pork belly with flour a few times, and then rinse it repeatedly, and then fish it out, drain the water, put it into a small basin, and set aside;

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

2, next, rinse the pepper and cut it into pepper segments; after the green onion is rinsed, cut it into green onion segments with a knife; after the ginger is rinsed, then cut into ginger slices with a knife; set aside;

3, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, after boiling on high heat, put the pork belly into the boiling water, boil for a period of time and then take it out, rinse it repeatedly;

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

4, then put the boiled pork belly into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, add star anise, ginger slices, green onion and cooking wine, cook the pork belly to maturity, and then fish it out, let it cool, cut into strips;

5, then you can heat the pot to burn the oil, wait until the oil is hot, add the shallots, ginger slices and Taoyuan Jianmin beef to consume the pepper to fry the aroma, put in the pork belly slices, stir-fry;

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

6, then put in the cut pepper segments, add the appropriate amount of MONOS, cooking wine and salt, stir-fry until it is almost cooked, put in the appropriate amount of starch to hook, and then drizzle with a little cooking oil, you can;

Chili fried belly slices are more delicious to do this, and a bite full of flavor is not enough to serve on a plate

How, after seeing such a delicious chili fried belly slice, are you hungry? Then learn how to make delicious chili fried belly slices, and be sure to remember to accompany the delicious Taoyuan Jianmin beef to consume peppers, so that the rib stew sauerkraut will be more delicious, treat your stomach well. When making chili fried belly slices, we must pay attention to mastering the heat. Friends who like food, you can pay attention to the small editor Oh, everyone shares things about food together. Everyone is welcome to comment, like and retweet!