
Qian Jun beat Zhang Guotao with the soles of his shoes, and Chairman Mao apologized for him, saying that he was not a monk as a general

author:Wang wei

On November 13, 1927, Pan Zhongru, Wu Guanghao, Dong Biwu, Li Xiannian, Han Xianchu and others led the "Jute Uprising" in Hong'an and Macheng, Hubei Province, and the uprising team later became the main team of the Red Fourth Front, one of the three main forces of the Red Army. Xu Xiangqian was the commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front, the deputy commander-in-chief of Wang Shusheng, the commander of Xu Haidong's 15th Army, the commander of Chen Geng's 12th Division, the commander of Chen Xilian's 10th Division, the commander of Han Xianchu's 78th Division, and the commander of Xu Shiyou's cavalry. Founding Lieutenant General Qian Jun was also a well-known figure in the Red Fourth Front.

Qian Jun beat Zhang Guotao with the soles of his shoes, and Chairman Mao apologized for him, saying that he was not a monk as a general

Qian Jun, born in 1905 in Qianjiawan, Guangshan County, Henan Province, to a poor peasant family, at the age of 6 to the landlord cattle, 8 years old with a lacquer maker to learn art, 13 years old into the Shaolin Temple to do chores, learn martial arts, 18 years old to become a lacquer maker, 20 years old to participate in revolutionary activities, 24 years old with the guerrilla army into the 31st Division of the 11th Army of the Red Army, and later served as the captain of the pistol team in the Eyu-Anhui Border Special Zone.

On April 16, 1930, Qian Jun and the pistol team were stationed at Chen Jiaping, and a Kuomintang plane landed on a grassy field in the rumble of the plane. Qian Jun heard the noise and grabbed the pistol and led the team members to rush out, he saw the pilot of the enemy plane was about to escape, shouted "Chase, live!" When the pilot saw that he could not escape, he gave up his useless work and raised his hands. Qian Jun had the plane covered up and sent a team member to look after him, interrogated the pilot, and learned that the plane had been forced to land due to the fog disoriented and the fuel ran out.

In accordance with the instructions of his superiors, Qian Jun led people to disassemble and disperse the aircraft and transport it to Xinji, the seat of the Eyu-Anhui Special Committee, and the reassembled aircraft was named "Lenin". In order to prevent the pilots from escaping, Chen Changhao, the general political commissar of the Red Fourth Front, personally boarded the plane to supervise the battle, and he also threw grenades at the enemy positions from the plane. After liberation, this Chinese Aviation Museum collected exhibitions.

In January 1931, Qian Jun was appointed commander of the 1st Battalion, 28th Regiment, 10th Division of the Red 4th Army, and during the Battle of Shuangqiao Town, he led his troops to capture Yue Weijun, commander of the 34th Division of the Kuomintang Army. Later, he served as the political commissar of the Red Fourth Front Guard Regiment, the political commissar and regimental commander of the 33rd Regiment of the 11th Division, the chief of staff of the 11th Division, and the chief of the reconnaissance section of the 4th Army Headquarters of the Red Fourth Front.

In 1933, when Qian Jun was the captain of the pistol team in the old district special committee, he led the pistol team to attack the lair of the "Red Gun Society" at night. They sealed the gate, dozens of bandits wanted to climb the wall to break through, Qian Jun jumped on the wall to guard the rabbits, the bandits climbed up, he grabbed one and fell out, and fell out of the way, and fell more than a dozen bandits in succession, some fell to their deaths on the spot, some were thrown into the pond, and the pistol team members grabbed those who begged for forgiveness and successfully completed the combat task.

When Qian Jun was serving as political commissar of the 33rd Regiment of the Red Fourth Front, a bullet pierced his left abdomen during a battle. After the warriors carried him off the battlefield, he was unconscious for a day and a night. Everyone thought he had died and put him in a coffin. Early the next morning, Qian Jun woke up, and the voice of the regimental commander faintly came from his ear: "What about Commissar Qian?" The warrior replied, sacrificed. When the regimental commander sadly opened the door panel covering the coffin, he saw Qian Jun's eyes open. Soon after, he returned to the front line from his wounds. Qian Jun later recalled this past and said, "Prince Yan doesn't want me, what can I do?" ”

Qian Jun beat Zhang Guotao with the soles of his shoes, and Chairman Mao apologized for him, saying that he was not a monk as a general

During the Long March, Qian Jun served as the commander of the cavalry regiment of the Red Fourth Front, led his troops to trek through the uninhabited grassland three times, and was infected with severe typhoid fever when crossing the snow-capped mountains all year round, and almost lost his life.

In June 1935, when the Red First and Fourth Fronts joined the division, Zhang Guotao forced the palace to seize power and vainly assumed the throne. However, he did not have that ability, resulting in serious losses to the troops, and the four fronts were sharply reduced from 100,000 to more than 40,000 when they went south, paying a heavy price, which made Qian Jun and other cadres angry. After hitting walls everywhere, Zhang Guotao had to give up going south to Yan'an. After he arrived in Yan'an, all circles demanded criticism and reckoning with Zhang Guotao's crimes of vainly trying to split the party and the Red Army.

In September 1937, Qian Jun entered the Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University to study. The Kang Da launched a congress criticizing Zhang Guotao for his vain attempts to split the Party and the Red Army. At the meeting, Zhang Guotao's attitude was vague, pushing three obstacles and four obstacles, and finding objective reasons to defend himself. Some people from the Red Fourth Front were very angry at Zhang Guotao's daring behavior, and Qian Jun stood up to expose Zhang Guotao's erroneous behavior, and when he was filled with righteous indignation, he could not help but come up to the stage, take off his shoes, and slap Zhang Guotao with a split head and face slap. Zhang Guotao hugged his head and shouted, "I protest, I protest." I am still a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee, and you dare to beat me! ”

Qian Jun beat Zhang Guotao with the soles of his shoes, and Chairman Mao apologized for him, saying that he was not a monk as a general

Although Qian Jun was criticized for this impulse, he showed the evil spirit in many people's hearts, and this matter was very gratifying. Mao Zedong personally went to the cave where Zhang Guotao lived to apologize for this incident. Mao Zedong said: "Comrade Guotao, you have been wronged. We heard about today's events, the conference was not organized, and some of them can't stand you. How can you hit people casually! ”

Zhang Guotao was annoyed and ashamed, believing that there was someone behind this matter, saying that there was an article in it. Mao Zedong said: "Comrade Guotao, have you ever thought about it, but the person who beat people is your four fronts." Your review is not passed, everyone is anxious, 'Knowing mistakes can be corrected, good is not good.' Now, we are stable, with such a home, it is time to sum up. You, me, Wen Tian, Enlai, Bogu, everyone has hung up the account, there should be an attitude. As you said, it is only right to review the political line. Otherwise, if this continues, it will be detrimental to the whole party from top to bottom..."

This incident greatly touched Zhang Guotao, who corrected his attitude from the root and admitted his mistake to the Central Committee: "I deny the political line of the Central Committee, in fact, in order to compete for the supreme command of the Red Army. ”

Qian Jun lived in the Shaolin Temple for five years and practiced martial arts, especially cinnabar palm kung fu. He could jump over the high wall, two people sat on a stone bench, he put his hands on the top of his head and walked, seven or eight pounds of stones, he smashed it with one punch. At the age of 61, he can also hold up his old comrade-in-arms Tao Yong with one hand.

Qian Jun beat Zhang Guotao with the soles of his shoes, and Chairman Mao apologized for him, saying that he was not a monk as a general

Mao Zedong jokingly called Qian Jun "an improper monk as a general." Xu Shiyou was also from Shaolin and entered the temple three years before Qian Jun. The two spent five years together in the temple, but did not know each other. When the two talked about their respective experiences in Yan'an, they realized that they had lived at a temple gate.

In 1938, Qian Jun served as the commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 4 detachments of the Lunan Anti-Japanese Guerrillas. In one battle, in order to regain the two radio stations that had been taken by the enemy, he led a company into the enemy position. When the battle reached the white-knife battle, Qian Jun brandished a large knife, and where the cold light shone brightly, the enemy's flesh and blood flew everywhere, and he recaptured the radio.

In October 1939, Qian Jun led a team in Wujing, Linqu, Shandong, and won a major victory in total annihilation of more than 50 Japanese troops and the killing of more than 120 puppet troops, and the Dazhong Daily praised it as "the most exemplary victorious battle in the two years of the Shandong War of Resistance.".

General Qian Jun spent his whole life on horseback, walked through the rain of bullets and bullets, and hung up the color on his body 19 times. He was one of the few first-class First-class cripples among the senior generals of our army. In many large knives against the Japanese bayonet, the Japanese never took advantage of him.

After the founding of New China, he served as the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, transferred to the deputy commander of the Zhejiang Military Region in 1955, and became the commander of the Zhejiang Provincial Military Region in 1960. In 1965, he was appointed deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region and enjoyed the full-time treatment of the Grand Military Region.

On April 13, 1990, lieutenant general Qian Jun, 85, died in Nanjing.

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