
Millet mung bean porridge

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Millet mung bean porridge

8 hours ago

The high temperature of the summer these days makes many people can't stand it. Taiyuan is fine, the temperature during the day is about 29-32 degrees, after 23:00 at night is about 20-23 degrees, compared to the south we are still relatively cool and comfortable here!

Every year into the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter every day, my family's dinner is millet mung bean porridge + garlic cucumber + steamed buns,

Basically, during the 60 days of the child's summer vacation, every day is eaten like this.

You may ask: Isn't it boring to eat like this? In fact, every day when I come home from work, not to mention tired dogs, the weather is hot and upset, many people will go out to beer barbecue food stalls, I don't drink, I really don't want to eat!

Or millet mung bean porridge on the steamed bun, convenient and simple. Fortunately, in our rural areas, we basically eat like this, and my two children eat obediently, and naturally never know how to resist!

Say millet tonic vitality, mung beans can clear the fire, a portion of rice, 10 parts of water, a little mung beans, boil on high heat, slow boiling, cook until the rice water dissolves, mung beans hem peel blossoms, put out in the bowl, cool a little, porridge surface floating a layer of oily rice oil, such porridge, rice fragrant nose, mung beans sweet and mellow, sucking in the mouth, the taste is luscious and delicious.

Let's take a look at what my millet mung bean porridge does: (collapse)

Difficulty: Cut Pier (Beginner)

Time: 10-30 minutes

Xiaomi Mi 120g

Water 1500g

Mung beans 30g

Millet mung bean porridge

1. Ingredients: millet + mung beans. The specific dosage can be based on personal preferences and the size of the family population.

Millet mung bean porridge

2. Soak the mung beans in cold water overnight and cook the porridge the next morning.

Soak it before going out at work during the day and cook porridge at night.

(This way the mung beans will be easily cooked)

Millet mung bean porridge

3. Add a certain amount of tap water to the casserole dish.

(Look at many people with pure water to boil porridge, according to the habit of cooking porridge for generations in our village, I think it is better to cook porridge or use well water or tap water, and there may be a lot of trace elements in pure water that have been filtered out, right?) Buyers in my shop often say that the color of the boiled millet porridge is not yellow, in fact, this has a lot to do with water quality)

Millet mung bean porridge

4. Set the casserole on fire and bring to a boil over high heat!

Do not use an iron pot when cooking mung beans! Because the trace element tannins in the mung bean skin react with iron under high temperature conditions, they will become black tannin iron after cooking, making the mung bean soup black, affecting the detoxification effect of mung bean and may also be harmful to the human body.

Therefore, when cooking mung bean soup, it is best to use a casserole, followed by a stainless steel pot or a special stew pot.

Millet mung bean porridge

5. When the water is boiling, pour the rice in.

The habit of our rural people is that we never know how to wash millet, pour the bowl to estimate the amount of millet used, and when the pot is opened, it will be directly boiled.

If you wash the millet into clear water, then the nutritional essence is washed away, and the rice oil skin cannot be boiled, it is better not to wash!

My habit in the village may be sloppy!

Haha, in fact, I said: the grain harvested by my own family, the pot is boiling, then what is not to worry about eating it)

Millet mung bean porridge

6. Also pour the soaked mung beans into the pot.

Millet mung bean porridge

7. Cover the pot, change to low heat and let it cook slowly! You can remember the time and do something else first!

Note: The lid of the pot should be supported with a stir-fry spoon or a longer chopstick, exposing a large seam, if the lid is tight, it will definitely overflow the pot.

Millet mung bean porridge

8. After about 40 minutes of cooking, the millet will be boiled and the mung beans will be peeled.

At this time, see the water rice fusion, turn off the fire, can eat!

Millet mung bean porridge

9. If you are not in a hurry to eat, cook for more than 10 minutes, the millet and mung beans will be softer, and the rice soup will be thick and sticky, so the taste will be better!

(Note: At this time, you should observe how much water there is, beware of the paste pot, if it is sticky enough, you can turn off the heat, cook the porridge halfway without adding water, do not add water, add water will separate the water and rice, cooked porridge has become a clear soup, the taste will be much worse)

Millet mung bean porridge

10. This time I cooked for more than 50 minutes, let it dry for a while, and the porridge noodles were covered with a thick layer of rice oil skin!

Millet mung bean porridge

11. Another photo taken from a close distance, the rice oil on the surface of the porridge is the nutritional essence of millet fiber, there is a saying that ginseng soup, put it cooler, taste a bite carefully, and return the mellow aroma.

In fact, the farmhouse millet continues to use traditional processing methods to cook this effect!

Millet mung bean porridge

12. On this sweltering summer day, clear your mind and reduce some irritability!

Every day when you come home from work, it's simple!

Add water to the heat, put the rice into the pot, cook a bowl of millet mung bean porridge, and sit on the table. Shallow small spoon patiently taste, the day is long, there will be a breeze in the chest, of course, the world is beautiful!

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