
You Taizhong was appointed general in 1988, his son was a lieutenant general, his son-in-law was very powerful, and he was a pro-family official to the rank of Zhengguo

author:Read the city

In 1955, our country held the first major award of titles for military generals. Some of the generals were young, such as Wu Zhong, who was only 34 years old at the time.

The fact that he was able to be awarded the rank of general at a young age is one thing, that he must have joined the revolution very early. A review of the information revealed that he was only 12 years old when he joined the revolution. Today it is not him, mainly to talk about some things about General You Taizhong.

You Taizhong was appointed general in 1988, his son was a lieutenant general, his son-in-law was very powerful, and he was a pro-family official to the rank of Zhengguo

You Taizhong, whose ancestral home is Henan. When he was young, because the landlord squeezed and left, the family could barely eat. Later, with the arrival of the Red Army and the launching of the peasant movement, people's lives gradually improved. Influenced by the Red Army, he decided to join the Red Army.

In 1931, 13-year-old You Taizhong entered the Red Army.

When he first joined the army, he worked as a trumpeter, but as he grew up, he gained some combat experience and began to be promoted. First he became a platoon leader, and after the Long March began, he became a company instructor.

You Taizhong was appointed general in 1988, his son was a lieutenant general, his son-in-law was very powerful, and he was a pro-family official to the rank of Zhengguo

During the Long March, because of Zhang's mistakes, the Red Army suffered heavy casualties. He himself had said that his company had lost half of its men, and the company commander had sacrificed two.

Throughout the Long March, the sacrifice of cadres was not only at the grassroots level, but also at the level of division commanders and regimental commanders, such as Sun Chuanzhang, Cai Hongru and so on.

He had experienced so much and knew a lot of tragic things that he didn't write any memoirs in his later years, and he rarely gave interviews. After all the major stages, on the eve of the founding of the country, he was already a division commander.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and later became a military commander. In 1955, the conferment ceremony was held and he was awarded the rank of major general. Later, he basically served in the major military regions.

You Taizhong was appointed general in 1988, his son was a lieutenant general, his son-in-law was very powerful, and he was a pro-family official to the rank of Zhengguo

It should be noted that he was awarded the rank of general at the conferment ceremony in 1988.

On the list of generals at that time, he and Li Desheng were very lucky, and they went to the Korean battle together, both shown in the Battle of Shangganling, and later studied at the Military Academy.

You Taizhong was appointed general in 1988, his son was a lieutenant general, his son-in-law was very powerful, and he was a pro-family official to the rank of Zhengguo

Later, both of them achieved great success, especially Li Desheng, who was a member of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Politburo of the Central Committee and an official at the level of Zhengguo. It should be noted that the two were still relatives, and the daughter of General You Taizhong and the son of General Li Desheng formed a family.

Son-in-law Li Heping is also a soldier, participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, and is currently the secretary general of the China Patriotic Engineering Federation. Like him, my son is a soldier and is now the deputy commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army Army, with the rank of lieutenant general.

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