
A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

author:Qu Ji Jellyfish

Introductory language

With the improvement of consumer living standards, health awareness is also constantly strengthening, people's demand for seafood is also constantly improving, the emergence rate of seafood in family life has also risen sharply, fish, shellfish, soft seafood, etc. have become the must-have of the table, of which the outstanding performance is jellyfish as a new marine food has won the love of the majority of families, and has formed a mature industrial chain from daily diet to special gifts.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Morphological map of Laizhou jellyfish

Jellyfish, commonly known as jellyfish jellyfish fresh, etc., belongs to the bowl jellyfish, is a kind of coelenteral mollusk living in the sea, the body shape of the hemispherical, edible, above the umbrella-shaped, white, by virtue of the telescopic movement, called jellyfish skin, there are eight mouth wrists underneath, there are filaments under it, gray-red, called jellyfish head. Jellyfish are coelenterates. The umbrella bulge is steamed bun-shaped, up to fifty centimeters in diameter, up to one meter in size, and the gum is harder, usually bluish blue, and the tentacles are milky white. There are eight mouth and wrists, and they are missing into many flaps. It is widely distributed in the seas of the north and south of China. In particular, Zhejiang has the most coastal areas. It can be eaten and can be used in medicine. The adaptation range of jellyfish to water temperature is 15~32 °C, the suitable water temperature is 20~24 °C, and the adaptation range to salinity is 8~32, and the suitable salinity is 18~26. It prefers low-light environments with a light intensity of 2400 or less. Jellyfish jellyfish live in floating life in the ocean, inhabiting near-shore waters, especially near the mouth of the river, and the distribution area is generally 5 to 20 meters, sometimes up to 40 meters. It is found along the coasts of China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and the Russian Far East. In the 1980s, with the Shandong Laizhou jellyfish as the weathervane as the vane of China's jellyfish, laizhou yitian Food Co., Ltd., an Internet jellyfish supplier, was born here.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Quji Jellyfish, a professional Internet jellyfish supplier in China

Jellyfish taste salty, flat, into the liver, kidney meridians, has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, eliminating stagnation, moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, used for yin deficiency lung dryness, hypertension, phlegm fever cough, asthma, food accumulation and swelling, stool dryness and other symptoms.

1, jellyfish contain a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, especially containing iodine in people's diet, is an important nutritious food.

2. It contains substances similar to acetylcholine, which can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure

3. The mannose polysaccharide gum contained in it has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

4, jellyfish can be soft and firm loose knots, staltation, heat and phlegm, tracheitis, asthma, gastric ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases are beneficial, and have the effect of preventing tumors, engaged in haircuts, prevention, food processing, minerals equal to dust contact with more staff often eat jellyfish, help to accumulate dust, clean the stomach, and protect health.

The nutritional value of jellyfish is very rich, according to the determination of jellyfish contains protein, fat, inorganic salt, calcium, magnesium, vitamins and other more than ten kinds of nutrients.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Laizhou Quji Jellyfish Nutrition Facts List

It can be seen that there is a reason why jellyfish has become a particularly popular food in recent years.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Quji jellyfish, honored production of Laizhou Yitian Company

High-quality jellyfish skin: should be white or light yellow, shiny, naturally round, large and flat, no red coat, variegated, dark spots, thick and tough meat is the best, no fishy odor, crunchy and palatable taste. Inferior jellyfish skin: the skin becomes darker, has a peculiar smell, has poor hand kneading toughness, and is easily broken.

High-quality jellyfish head: it should show a natural color such as white, yellow-brown or amber, shiny, only complete shape, no stinging whiskers, thick and tough flesh, and crunchy taste. Inferior jellyfish head: purple-black, poor hand kneading toughness, easy to break when picked up. There is an odor and a concentrated liquid.

Note: In recent years, some producers have used fucoidan as raw materials to produce artificial jellyfish skins, artificial jellyfish skins (silk) and natural jellyfish skins, although similar in appearance, but no natural jellyfish skin nutrients.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Cucumber minced jellyfish, open is home cooking

The jellyfish sold on the market are divided into two kinds of jellyfish that are salted, usually put a lot of salt to prevent jellyfish from deteriorating, so they can also be wrapped in salt at home, sealed like pickles, and careful not to get wet. Such jellyfish can be preserved for a longer period of time. Jellyfish must be soaked in clean water for a day or two before eating, otherwise it will be very salty. There is also a ready-to-eat jellyfish silk, which does not need to be soaked, and the manufacturer will use equipment to analyze the salt in the jellyfish to retain the ingredients suitable for consumption. This Laizhou jellyfish is generally a home-cooked dish when opened, which will make you feel the freshness of the waves between your lips and teeth.

1. Chilled jellyfish cucumber shreds

Specific steps: 1, cut the cucumber into strips and set aside 2, pour out the ready-to-eat jellyfish to drain the water, 3 mix the jellyfish and the cut cucumber together, add the seasoning in the seasoning, according to personal taste appropriately added.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

Qu ji jellyfish, open is home cooking

2. Sweet and sour jellyfish silk

Specific steps: 1, shredded carrots, cucumbers, garlic mashed into a set aside 2, drain the jellyfish and mix with the prepared carrots, cucumbers, etc. 3, Add sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, old vinegar and mix well to eat.

1. Laizhou Bay is located in the south of the Bohai Sea, the north of Shandong Peninsula, the largest bay of Shandong Peninsula, an area of about 8,000 square kilometers, the coastline is more than 90 kilometers long, the water depth is more than 15 meters, the substrate is dominated by sediment, there is fresh water injection from the Yellow River, Weihe River, Jiaolai River and other rivers, known as the "Gold Coast", the sea water quality is good, the bait is abundant, it is Shandong's offshore fishing ground, and it is also an important fishing salt production base in Shandong.

2. Laizhou as a seaside county, people's daily life, production will deal with seafood, so the processing method of seafood is more advanced than the mainland, seafood has become an essential food item for receiving foreign guests, while Laizhou seafood has also become a fashion gift for visiting relatives and friends, of which jellyfish is a well-known hot commodity.

3. Laizhou's latitude and longitude and sunlight irradiation make Laizhou's seafood exceptionally delicious, due to the frequent consumption of jellyfish this convenient seafood so healthy and long-lived, according to the survey Laizhou City longevity of the elderly proportion occupies the forefront of the country. It can be seen that geographical location and eating habits have a certain impact on people's longevity.

4. Laizhou fishermen in 2009 for the first time found China's unique ancient rare fish - Chinese sturgeon, this fish used to be distributed in the Yangtze River, Zhuhai, Minjiang River and other places, found in Laizhou shows that Laizhou Bay water quality is excellent, water temperature is suitable, excellent hydrological environment. Therefore, Laizhou jellyfish as the seafood of Laizhou Bay has always enjoyed a high reputation in China.

A few minutes to teach you to know jellyfish, and from then on live tall, what is a jellyfish? Second, the efficacy and role of jellyfish Third, the nutritional value analysis of jellyfish Fourth, how to choose jellyfish? Fifth, the storage method of jellyfish Six, home cooking method (within 3 minutes) Seven, why choose Laizhou jellyfish?

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