
10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

Buy Liang Ping grapefruit result to buy the wrong, hey, in fact, I accidentally ordered the wrong, with it to buy back a Zhenxi red grapefruit, eating a slight numbness, the meat is relatively sour, not sweet, no way, can not waste it can only make grapefruit tea

by small orange xixi

1 grapefruit

Honey 100g

Rock sugar 100g

Sea salt 30g

1 scoop of salt

Water to taste

10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

1, grapefruit first with sea salt (coarse salt) to rub the surface to clean again (so that the skin will be relatively clean), and then wash and dry ☞ with water As long as the grapefruit skin is yellow and thin layer on it, 3/1 skin of a grapefruit is on the line (this step is more time-consuming, the skin is not easy to get, a little white can not be wanted, very technical), grapefruit skin first processed, the processed grapefruit skin is shredded with boiling water and spoon salt soaked for 2 hours (personally like to cut short wire, the later taste can be, long feel not very tasty) ☞ These 2 hours to process the grapefruit meat, but also peeled and peeled (grapefruit can go to the head and tail, cut off the waist, the back is very good to break open, the flesh is also any white meridian to clean up yo)

10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

2, after the treatment of the grapefruit meat and skin directly into the non-stick pan, put in the rock sugar, simmer slowly over medium-low heat, rock sugar at the same time the meat moisture also comes out, during the period can be stirred while gently pressing the pulp, cook for a while the flesh of the fruit ball is very good to spread, the flesh after the spread out after the medium heat continues to boil

10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

3, 20 minutes later, the pulp and peel become soft rotten, continue to boil slowly, the water will slowly boil dry, and finally become grapefruit jam, this time turn off the heat to cool, and then add honey to stir evenly, put into a clean sealed jar refrigerator refrigeration after two days to eat ☞ home honey liquid, such as jam cooling, feel cold add honey stirred evenly ☞ Honey cured at home, such as jam cooled to feel a little warm residual temperature when adding honey stirring evenly High temperature will make honey nutrient loss, so the temperature should be low, honey can be warmed and melted on the line , stir well

10 minutes out of the pot of honey grapefruit tea, tender and refreshing

After 4 or 2 days, just like the yuzu tea bought outside, it is best to drink warm water, not too hot, at this time the pulp is also sweet and sweet, not wasted at all

Chinese medicine believes that the grapefruit flesh is cold, sweet, acidic, has the medical effect of coughing and asthma, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, healthy spleen digestion, alcohol elimination; grapefruit peel is also known as orange red, broad orange red temperature, bitter, spicy, rational gasification phlegm, healthy spleen digestion, cold and dry wet effect; grapefruit is the seed of grapefruit, containing cedarone, yellow cedar lactone, deacetyl mirin, etc., and also contains fatty oil, inorganic salt, protein, crude fiber, etc. The effect is similar to that of orange kernel, which is mainly used to treat hernia; grapefruit leaf, containing volatile oil, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, damp and other effects.

1. Promote wound healing

It has the effect of stomach, lung, blood tonic, intestinal cleansing, and stool, which can promote wound healing and has a good auxiliary effect on sepsis.

2. Lower blood viscosity and lower blood sugar

It can reduce the viscosity of the blood and reduce the formation of blood clots, so it also has a good preventive effect on cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral thrombosis and stroke. Because it contains insulin-like ingredients, fresh grapefruit meat is an ideal food for diabetics.

3. Anti-cancer and anti-stroke

If the elderly have cerebrovascular diseases, eating grapefruit often helps prevent the occurrence of stroke. Grapefruit contains a lot of vitamin C and calcium, which helps prevent the occurrence of bowel and stomach cancers.

4. Aids digestion

Rationalizing phlegm, moisturizing the lungs and clearing the intestines, replenishing blood and strengthening the spleen, etc., can cure symptoms such as lack of food, light mouth, dyspepsia, etc., and can help digestion, remove phlegm and quench thirst, and rationalize qi and disperse.

5. Promote the growth and development of the fetus

Grapefruit also has the effect of enhancing physical fitness, it helps the body to absorb calcium and iron more easily, contains natural folic acid, for pregnant women, has the effect of preventing the occurrence of anemia symptoms and promoting fetal development.

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