
Located in Shanghai, the "highest revolutionary institution in southeast China", 35 teachers and students participated in the August 1 Nanchang Uprising

author:Shangguan News

On August 1, 1927, a gunshot rang out in Nanchang City, like a bolt of lightning that pierced the night sky, Chinese people saw the hope of revolution in the darkness and the strength to rise up in adversity. In the ranks of the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, a group of outstanding teachers and students who came out of Shanghai University participated in organizing and launching the uprising, some of whom served as party representatives and military commanders of the divisions, regiments, battalions, and companies of the uprising troops, and some engaged in propaganda, financial, and other work.

"The first shot of the stone breaking the sky, the eighty-one torrent blooming Fanghua"

Shanghai is a city with a glorious revolutionary tradition, an important birthplace of modern education in China, and a pioneering place for red higher education institutions. In the early days of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai University, which was founded and led in Shanghai, cultivated many outstanding talents.

Shi Tiantian's first shot, the Bayi torrent bloomed. According to incomplete statistics, more than 23,000 people participated in the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, and 1,063 people left their names. Among them, 35 teachers and students of Shanghai University are known, including Qu Qiubai, Yun Daiying, Deng Zhongxia, Zhang Tailei, Gao Yuhan, Mei Gongbin, Xiang Hu and other teachers, as well as Students such as Li Shuoxun, Li Yimin, Yang Hansheng, He Chang, Jiang Ruqun, Zeng Yansheng and other students.

Participation in the leadership and launching of the uprising —

At the beginning of the founding of Shanghai University, Li Dazhao recommended Deng Zhongxia as general manager and Qu Qiubai as provost and head of the Department of Sociology. In the summer of 1923, Yun Daiying was invited by Deng Zhongxia to become a professor in the Department of Sociology. In August 1924, Zhang Tailei, Peng Shuzhi, Li Da, and Jiang Guangci were hired as professors in the Department of Sociology.

On July 19, 1927, Deng Zhongxia arrived in Jiujiang with Li Lisan to participate in the planning of the Nanchang Uprising, and then returned to Wuhan on July 26 on orders from Zhou Enlai to report the detailed plan of the uprising to the Party Central Committee. On August 1, Yun Daiying participated in the organization and launching of the Nanchang Uprising, serving as a member of the Committee of Former Enemies.

Also involved in leading and launching the August 1st Nanchang Uprising was He Chang, a student at Shanghai University. In September 1923, He Chang entered Shanghai University. In July 1927, He Chang was designated by Zhou Enlai as a former member of the Enemy Committee, and together with Nie Rongzhen and Yan Changyi, he rushed to Jiujiang in advance to contact the rebel troops and carry out preparatory work for the uprising. After that, he worked with Nie Rongzhen in the 25th Division of the 11th Army.

Located in Shanghai, the "highest revolutionary institution in southeast China", 35 teachers and students participated in the August 1 Nanchang Uprising

The former site of the General Headquarters of the August 1st Nanchang Uprising - Jiangxi Grand Hostel

Political and military work -

In the 1920s, the teaching of Marxism-Leninism, the practice of anti-imperialist struggle, the opening of civilian night schools, and the baptism of the May Thirtieth Movement gave Students of Shanghai University a certain theoretical basis and practical experience in political work. In the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, there were teachers and students of Shanghai University in the Military Political Department and among the Party representatives and instructors at all levels of divisions, regiments, battalions, and companies.

For example, Luo Xiaoyu served as director of the Organization Department of the General Political Department and acting director of the Political Department of the 11th Army, Liang Bolong served as secretary of the Political Department of the 11th Army, Li Shuoxun and Yang Hansheng served as party representatives of the two main divisions of the 11th Army, and Chen Zijian served as director of the Political Department of the 24th Division, and so on.

At the same time, there are also a group of college students who serve as military commanders. For example, Xu Jishen served as the commander of the 72nd Regiment of the 24th Division of the 11th Army, and Yang Puquan was promoted to the commander of the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the 20th Army during the uprising.

Located in Shanghai, the "highest revolutionary institution in southeast China", 35 teachers and students participated in the August 1 Nanchang Uprising

To do all the work in the Revolutionary Committees -

Liu Junshan was the secretary of the Jiangxi District CPC Committee, Zeng Yansheng was the secretary of the Jiujiang Prefectural Committee of the CPC, and during the Nanchang Uprising, he was a member of the Grain and Straw Committee under the Revolutionary Committee, actively carrying out local work and collecting grain and grass materials for the troops.

Luo Shibing was the founder of the first party organization in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, one of the "Twenty-Four Martyrs of Longhua", who was then a member of the Finance Committee of the Revolutionary Committee; Gao Yuhan and Sheng Youxuan served as secretaries of the Revolutionary Committee after they arrived in Nanchang, and the secretary general was Wu Yuzhang.

In addition, a group of teachers and students of Shanghai University were sent from Shanghai to Jiangxi by the party organization to participate in local support work during the Nanchang uprising. For example, Wu Zhenpeng studied at Shanghai University in 1925, was sent to Jiujiang at the end of 1926, and was the secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League at the time of the Nanchang Uprising, mobilizing the youth and the masses to donate money and materials, and then died in Nanjing in 1933 at the age of 27.

"Heart to the mountains and rivers homeland, aiming to save the country and strive to be strong"

Before and after the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, teachers and students of Shanghai University were concerned about the homeland of the mountains and rivers, aimed to save the country and strive to be strong, experienced the baptism of revolution, inspired the revolutionary fighting spirit, and plunged deeper and more extensively into the historical torrent of seeking liberation and happiness for the Chinese people and seeking independence and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

First, the beacon of progressive youth, the cradle of revolutionary cadres.

In the 1920s, Shanghai University was one of the first universities in China to offer courses on ideological and political theory. A group of "red professors, represented by Qu Qiubai, Deng Zhongxia, Cai Hesen, Zhang Tailei, Yun Daiying, Ren Bishi, Shi Cuntong, Xiao Chunu, Shen Yanbing, Tian Han, and Jiang Guangci, have actively disseminated Marxism inside and outside the classroom. They also served as the editor-in-chief of party and group publications such as "Forward", "Guide", and "Chinese Youth", compiling and printing textbooks and publishing series of books, making Shanghai University an important position for spreading Marxism in modern Shanghai and becoming the "highest revolutionary school in southeast China" to which revolutionary youth aspire.

At the same time, teachers and students of Shanghai University also participated in the construction of early party organizations in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Hainan, Fujian, Shaanxi and other places, and the first party branches in many places were established after the return of Shanghai University students.

Before and after the Northern Expedition, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places urgently needed a large number of cadres, and the party organization urgently selected a number of teachers and students of Shanghai University. Cao Yuan, commander of the first battalion of the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, and Xu Jishen, commander of the second battalion, both studied at Shanghai University.

Second, hold the barrel of a pen in one hand and the barrel of a gun in the other.

Since the May Thirtieth Movement, teachers and students of Shanghai University have actively participated in the three armed uprisings of the Shanghai workers, the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising, and have established meritorious achievements in the creation and development of the people's army.

Shanghai University was the birthplace of the May Thirtieth Movement, and teachers and students at Shanghai University were the backbone of the three armed uprisings of Shanghai workers. Especially in the third armed uprising of the Shanghai workers, Guo Bohe, Gu Zuolin, and Lin Jun were appointed as the commanders of Zhabei, Yangshupu, Hudong, and Nanshi. After the victory of the uprising, Hou Shaoqiu, Lin Jun, and He Luo were elected as members of the Provisional Municipal Government of Shanghai Special City, and Lin Jun served as secretary general.

In the 1920s and 1930s, there was a saying among the revolutionary youth: "Literature has great power, and wu has Huangpu." "In the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, a group of teachers and students of Shanghai University, such as Shao Lizi, Yun Daiying, Xiao Chunu, Gao Yuhan, Zhang Qiuren, An Ticheng, Shi Cuntong, Yang Hansheng, Luo Xiaoyu, etc., were transferred to participate in the work of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy.

Located in Shanghai, the "highest revolutionary institution in southeast China", 35 teachers and students participated in the August 1 Nanchang Uprising

Shanghai University was also the Shanghai examination center for the first phase of the Huangpu Military Academy, and Xu Jishen, Cao Yuan, Yang Puquan, Xu Shilin and others all walked from here to the Whampoa Military Academy. Among the masters and students who participated in the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, Cheng Xijian, Xiang Hu, Zhou Wenzai, Zhou Dagen, Wu Weizhong, Li Yimin and others all studied at the Whampoa Military Academy.

During the Autumn Harvest Uprising, there were also students from Shanghai University in the rebel forces and local party organizations in Hunan.

For example, He Tingying participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Sanwan Reorganization, made important contributions to the creation and development of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area, and was praised as "an immortal Hero of Jinggang and a hero of the people throughout the ages".

For another example, Gong Jifei was unfortunately arrested while preparing for the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and heroically rebelled in Changsha at the age of 24.

Third, continue the red gene and be determined to continue to struggle.

After the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, Shanghai University was once shut down by the Kuomintang military and police. However, under the guidance and encouragement of the great power of thought and faith, the teachers and students of Shanghai University went to the vast world of battle, went to the workers and peasants, and depicted a long volume of history with great passion.

Among them, there were martyrs who made heroic sacrifices, first-class politicians, scholars, writers, playwrights, poets, and social activists, who fully practiced the purpose of "cultivating talents for building the country and promoting cultural undertakings," and vividly demonstrated the spirit of "sacrificing more for the sake of having a great ambition, daring to teach the sun and the moon for a new day."

(Wu Ming: Associate Professor, Shanghai University; Liu Xiaohua: Deputy Research Librarian, Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall)

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gong Danyun Text Editor: Xia Bin Caption Source: Xinhua News Agency Infographic Photo Editor: Xiang Jianying

Source: Author: Wu Ming Liu Xiaohua

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