
In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

author:One history per day

In 1967, in Changsha, Hunan Province, the Red Guards raided the home of a government official, and the contents of the house were turned over all over the floor, and the owner of the house ran straight to Zhongnanhai in Beijing, found Chairman Mao, and "complained" to him.

"I have nothing to lose, and the raiders have found nothing, but they have messed up many of my old books and left them incomplete, but it is a pity and a pity!"

"This is not good for you, I am responsible for compensation, your old books, I should have here, let you choose to take it to make compensation..."

In Chairman Mao's Juxiang Book House in Zhongnanhai, the two of them said one sentence after another, one breathed out and one good word of persuasion, argued endlessly for a while, and ignored each other for a while, and the scene was very rare to see.

And this person who dared to lose his temper in Chairman Mao's home in Zhongnanhai was not an ordinary person, but Chairman Mao's old classmate and friend of Zhou Shizhao, who had been friends for decades, and the two had a good relationship.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲Zhou Shizhao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" >, "bunk bed" friendship</h1>

Zhou Shizhao was born in Ningxiang in March 1897, more than 3 years younger than Mao Zedong, but the two families were similar in origin, both were ordinary peasant families, and Ningxiang was also very close to Shaoshan. Similar geographical locations, similar family origins, and similar accents have made Zhou Shizhao and Mao Zedong invisibly have more common languages and similar values. This was also one of the important conditions for their later friendship.

In the autumn of 1913, Mao Zedong, who had been studying in the library for half a year, decided to re-enter the school because his father Mao Shunsheng was no longer willing to provide him with living expenses. At that time, he saw in the newspaper that the Provincial Fourth Normal School was enrolling students, and there was no tuition fee, which made him very moved and decided to take the exam. As a result, this test was admitted with high scores.

In the same year, Zhou Shizhao was also admitted to this school. Coincidentally, Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao were not only classmates, but also roommates in the same dormitory. Because the conditions at home are not very good, both of them are very diligent, often go to the library to read books, self-study, go in and out together, eat and live together, it can be said that it is a very close kind of "bunk bed" friendship.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ In 1918, the eighth class of the Provincial First Normal School took a group photo, the second from the right in the fourth row was Mao Zedong, and the first on the right in the fifth row was Zhou Shizhao

In the spring of 1914, the Provincial Fourth Normal School was incorporated into the First Normal School, of course, Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao were not separated, or they were organized into the eighth class together, and continued to be fellow countrymen and classmates. However, from this time on, Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao began to distinguish between one bold thief and one conservative, the former began to pursue more radical ideas, and the latter preferred to learn knowledge steadily.

It is reported that Mao Zedong was one of the best chinese at that time, but at the same time, his painting and natural science achievements were very poor, and it was not that he did not learn well, but that he was unwilling to learn. In today's parlance, Mao Zedong was a serious "partial subject" at that time. At the same time, Zhou Shizhao's results were very average, and all subjects were good.

"I am against compulsory courses in the natural sciences. I want to specialize in the social sciences... Once, during a drawing exam, I drew an ellipse that counted, and I called it an egg. The result was a forty-point draw and failed. Thankfully, my social science scores were very good, which was tied to the bad scores of other courses. —Mao Zedong's 1936 conversation with Snow

In short, the young Mao Zedong pursued vitality and resistance, while the young Zhou Shizhao was gentle and generous, tenacious and studious. Although the two people have different personalities, they have different academic strengths and weaknesses, regardless of whether they are up or down.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ The fourth left of the second row is Zhou Shizhao, and the fourth left of the fifth row is Mao Zedong

In June 1917, the First Provincial Division carried out a "character mutual selection" activity, which was actually to vote on each other in the whole school, according to the three aspects of morality, intelligence and physical fitness, and finally to see who had the highest number of votes. It is worth mentioning here that at that time, it was a real-name vote, that is to say, which person chose which person, in fact, it was clear at a glance. In addition, voters can also write various comments on their chosen people on a slip of paper, whether good or bad.

At that time, there were 12 classes in the school, and a total of 575 students participated. In the end, Mao Zedong received 49 votes, ranking first among all. Who is in second place? It was his classmate Zhou Shizhao, and the number of votes was only two votes less than Mao Zedong,47 votes. At that time, the whole school had more than 40 votes, only the two of them.

As a result, Mao Tuesday became famous in the school. Mao Zedong served as the director of the General Affairs department and the director of the Education and Research Department of the General Affairs Committee of the school, and Zhou Shizhao served as the minister of literature, and the two had very close contacts.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Revolutionaries who came out of the provincial first division, the upper row: Cai Hesen, He Shuheng, Li Weihan, Luo Xuezhan, Chen Chang; the lower row: Zhang Kundi, Zhou Shizhao, Zhang Guotao, Guo Liang, Xia Xi

After graduating in the summer of 1918, Zhou Shizhao decided to practice his educational ideals and went to Changsha Xiuye Primary School to teach Chinese, which was his dream all along - to become a teacher. Mao Zedong also liked to be a teacher, but after graduation, he did not work immediately, but threw himself into the revolutionary wave. Together with Cai Hesen, Xiao Zisheng and others, he formed the Xinmin Society, and Zhou Shizhao was also very supportive, becoming the first batch of students.

After the two entered the society, they still met often. Mao Zedong always had many new ideas and tricks, and Zhou Shizhao taught seriously on the one hand, and on the other hand, he fully supported the ideal of his friends.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲Changsha Xiuye Primary School

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > two, one coaching whip, one horse whip</h1>

From the autumn of 1918 to the spring of 1919, Mao Zedong was busy in Beijing with the study abroad of members of the Xinmin Society, while Zhou Shizhao was conscientiously teaching at the Shuye School. In April 1919, when Mao Zedong returned to Hunan, he visited his old classmates at the Shuye School.

Zhou Shizhao asked him where he lived now, and Mao Zedong replied undecided. When Zhou Shizhao heard this, he graciously invited Mao Zedong to live with him and recommended him to teach history at Xiuye Primary School. Mao Zedong did not have a fixed residence at that time, so he gladly agreed, anyway, there were only 6 classes a week, which would not delay the xinmin society at all, and could also satisfy his dream of being a teacher.

As a result, the two seem to be back to the time when they were "bunk beds" and lived in the same dormitory. In the bitter cold of winter, Mao Zedong's bedding was very thin, so the two squeezed into a bed. Although life is hard, the two support each other and become closer friends.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ The dormitory where Mao Zedong lived at Xiuye Elementary School

In the following years, Zhou Shizhao always supported Mao Zedong's revolutionary cause with all his might—when Mao Zedong ran the Xiangjiang Review, Zhou Shizhao actively wrote articles for him; when Mao Zedong launched the "Exorcism Movement," Zhou Shizhao took part in the demonstration with teachers and students from Xiuye Primary School; when Mao Zedong founded the workers' night school, Zhou Shizhao also took the initiative to join and serve as the administrator of the night school.

Mao and Tuesday people, whether working or living, have always had a very close connection, like brothers.

In March 1920, when he heard that Zhou Shizhao's mother had died of illness, Mao Zedong, who was running in Beijing and Shanghai at the time, took the time to write a letter to Zhou Shizhao despite his busy work, hoping that he would mourn and change.

In fact, not long ago, Mao Zedong also lost his mother (October 5, 1919) and father (January 23, 1920). He couldn't have been clearer about the pain of losing his mother, so he said in his letter: "This is a painful barrier in life. People like us who have not been able to do a little bit of cultivation outside for a long time especially have the pain of 'wanting to repay the virtue, Hao Tian's recklessness'! At this point, my situation with you is the same. ”

In the letter, Mao Classifies himself and Zhou Shizhao as people who had to run away from home for the sake of their ideals and had to face people who "want to raise their children but don't wait for them."

Since they met in 1913, after nearly 7 years of acquaintance, they have formed a very deep friendship. Therefore, Mao Zedong said sincerely in his letter: "I now feel that you are a person who can really love me and really benefit me." If you and I can agree on our plans and actions, that's great. Mao Zedong was very outspoken, telling Zhou Shizhao his thoughts and imploring him to join his ranks and work together in the revolutionary cause, which was "very good."

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Young Mao Zedong

However, Zhou Shizhao did not agree at that time, and he was still unwilling to give up his educational ideals. Thus, in the twists and turns of the times, Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao eventually embarked on different paths: a career of horse fighting, a teaching and educating people; a horse whip, a coaching whip. Although the paths are different, the two respect each other's choices.

Regrettably, later, with the wave of the Great Revolution, Mao Zedong was forced to transfer to Jinggangshan, and almost no news was heard; and Zhou Shizhao resigned in anger because he refused to write anti-communist remarks for the Kuomintang, returned to Changsha, and successively served as a Chinese language teacher at Hunan First Girls' Normal School, Changsha Mingde Middle School, Provincial Second Middle School, Changjun Middle School, Zhounan Girls' Middle School, First Normal School, Changsha Normal School, and so on, enthusiastically implementing his concept of "education to save the country."

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > third, broken line reconnection</h1>

After Mao Zedong led the Red Army to yan'an in 1937, Zhou Shizhao gradually re-learned the news of his old friend, and learned that Mao Zedong had founded the Red Army and became a senior official of the Communist Party. He began to write letters to Mao Zedong again. However, Mao Zedong was too busy at the time to seem to write back to him.

In August 1949, Changsha was successfully liberated, and Zhou Shizhao was also elected as the principal of the Hunan First Division, in order to express his inner joy, he and his old friends in Changsha wrote a congratulatory letter to Mao Zedong, congratulating him on his revolutionary victory and expressing his thoughts about his old friends.

I thought Mao Zedong would not reply, but what Zhou Shizhao did not expect was that this time Mao Zedong quickly replied, saying: "... Brother did not participate in the revolutionary struggle in the past, teaching is beneficial to the people ... The brother is the principal of the First Division, and he is deeply celebrated, and it can be seen that the bones have not withered and are still alive. If it is possible, honor the old poems and pray for a number of copies, and it is easy to be good..."

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Mao Zedong's reply to Zhou Shizhao on October 15, 1949

After receiving Mao Zedong's reply, Zhou Shizhao was very excited, and Mao Zedong's words gave him great encouragement. After that, the two began to pass on the book again. The friendship of the same window in the past does not seem to have disappeared because of the passage of time, but has become stronger and stronger after experiencing the vicissitudes of the years.

In September 1950, Zhou Shizhao was invited to Beijing to attend the National Day ceremony and was very excited to meet his long-lost friend. At that time, Zhou Shizhao originally wanted to join the Communist Party, but Mao Zedong gently dissuaded him, "I think you had better not join the party." You place yourself outside the Party, first, more conveniently than your work, and secondly, you play a greater role outside the Party than in the Party. ”

Zhou Shizhao suddenly realized, and later returned to Changsha and joined the Democratic League in February 1951. In 1953, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic League.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Mao Zedong in Changsha in 1959, the first from the right is Zhou Shizhao

Zhou Shizhao not only often consulted Mao Zedong in his work, but also "shared worries" for Chairman Mao in his life. When he heard that Mao Anying had died on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and that his body had not been returned, Zhou Shizhao felt very sad and puzzled, and wanted to know Mao Zedong's true thoughts. This was Originally Chairman Mao's family affair, and Chairman Mao rarely mentioned it to outsiders, but when Zhou Shizhao asked, Chairman Mao still revealed his heart.

In Mao Zedong's view, although Kishi Ying was his own son, he was an ordinary member of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, he sacrificed for the country, he was honorable, and he should be buried in Korea forever like other fighters, contributing to sino-DPRK friendship, and should not sabotage the overall situation of China and the DPRK because of his own selfishness.

Zhou Shizhao was deeply ashamed of Chairman Mao's great righteousness, and at the same time was very touched by his frank treatment. Later, he followed Mao Zedong's guidance and continued to engage in education in Changsha, during which he occasionally exchanged poems with Mao Zedong to express his longing.

In 1961, Mao Zedong wrote the famous poem "Seven Laws and Answering Friends", which made many people wonder who the friends in the poems were, but in the "Collection of Mao Zedong's Poems" published two years later, the official annotation was: "Answer zhou Shizhao. ”

The white clouds on the Nine Ridges Mountain flew, and the emperor rode the wind to the green breeze.

A thousand tears of a branch of bamboo, a hundred flowers of red xia.

The cave garden is full of snow, and the people of Long Island sing and write poems.

I want to dream of it, and the kingdom of Hibiscus will be full of morning light.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Mao Zedong's letter to Zhou Shizhao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="68" >4, Beijing-Xiangxiang mutual look</h1>

Since Mao Zedong was elected president of the country, many relatives and friends in his hometown in Hunan have been very happy and hope to seek an official and a half-job through Chairman Mao, but Chairman Mao has never promised anyone that he will help him in life as much as possible every time. In the middle, Zhou Shizhao is a very key "middleman".

Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao, one in Beijing and the other in Hunan, they have a tacit understanding with each other: Zhou Shizhao actually shoulders a special mission, that is, as Mao Zedong's personal representative, to help him take care of the living difficulties of some relatives, friends or poor classmates in his hometown.

Sometimes, when it was inconvenient for Mao Zedong to send letters directly to relatives and friends, he sent letters and funds to Zhou Shizhao, who forwarded or visited them. On December 13, 1963, Mao Zedong wrote to Zhou Shizhao: "If there are other teachers and friends who have difficulties in life and have a difficult life, please sue me, and you should immediately assist me. This is a socialist aid nature. ”

Every time, Zhou Shizhao did his best and paid silently, just like when he was just graduating in Changsha, Mao Zedong was in front of the stage, Zhou Shizhao was behind the scenes, always silently expressing his wordless support for his friends with practical actions.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ Zhou Shizhao's family

It is based on years of friendship that when the Cultural Revolution occurred in 1967, in the face of social turmoil, Zhou Shizhao dared to speak out. He once went to Zhongnanhai in Beijing to find Chairman Mao and "advise" Chairman Mao on the damage to the book.

He said: "In today's situation, what role do the democratic parties still play... I have nothing to lose, and the raiders have found nothing, but they have messed up a lot of my old books, leaving them incomplete, but unfortunately, it hurts my heart! ”

Mao Zedong listened to the kind words and comforted: "This is not good for you, I am responsible for compensation, you old books, I should have here, let you choose to take it to make compensation... You don't have to be suspicious, Hunan things, you still have to manage, when said, can be managed, at least in the aspect of education, you have to manage, do not have to be negative. ”

For Zhou Shizhao, Mao Zedong was very patient, treating him as his own person and sincerely stating his thoughts and opinions. In addition to supporting and understanding, Zhou Shizhao truthfully relayed what he saw to Chairman Mao for reference. Both of them continued this beautiful friendship until the end.

In 1976, his friend Zhou Shizhao was critically ill, and Mao Zedong was very worried, so he quickly sent doctors to Changsha to save the friendship of "upper and lower bunks" and the second, a coaching whip, a horse whip three, a broken line and four, and Beijing and Xiangxiang looked at each other

▲ "Seven Laws and Comrade Zhou Shizhao"

In April 1976, Zhou Shizhao suddenly fell critically ill. When the news reached Beijing, Mao Zedong, who was also seriously ill, was very worried, and quickly sent two doctors to Changsha on the same day to save Zhou Shizhao. However, at that time, Zhou Shizhao was already seriously ill and died on April 20. Heart-wrenchingly, just four and a half months later, Mao Zedong also died on September 9.

The two met from 1913 until 1976, a friendship that lasted for more than 60 years.

During this period, they spent the most beautiful 5 years of campus time together; after graduation, one engaged in the cause of revolutionary struggle, the other practiced the concept of education; after the founding of New China, the two people who had not seen each other for many years regained correspondence, and the friendship between the former windows was instantly "rekindled".

Although in their work, one of them is the chairman and the other is the vice governor, and they are superior and subordinate; in life, they can talk and laugh, be honest with each other, and encourage each other. Mao Zedong and Zhou Shizhao can be said to have been friends for a lifetime, and such a friendship is very rare.

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