
Still using pesticides indiscriminately? All kinds of pests on passion fruit should be so medicated chewable mouthparticle pests internal suction mouthpart pest underground pest control drugs for special pests

author:Learn to farm every day

There are many pests on passion fruit, and for different pests, different insecticides need to be used to control them to achieve the best results.

Insecticides can only be effective if they enter the body of the pest and reach the site of action. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the pest's own characteristics and living habits can use the correct insecticide for the pest in the process of chemical control.

Most insecticides enter the insect through the insect mouth organ and exert their insecticidal effect. According to the feeding characteristics of pests, insects can be classified according to the characteristics of the mouth organs.

Such pests must eat leaves or other tissues when harming passion fruit, causing damage such as leaf lack, mainly lepidoptera larvae (such as leaf curls, noctuidae larvae, etc.), Coleoptera pests (beetles), orthoptera nymphs and adults (locusts, crickets, caddisflies), hymenoptera larvae and adults.

Gastric toxic insecticides have the most significant effect on the control of such pests, such as benzoylurea insecticides, avermectin insecticides and so on. Insecticides with good systemic properties but poor contact and gastric toxicity are usually ineffective against such pests.

Still using pesticides indiscriminately? All kinds of pests on passion fruit should be so medicated chewable mouthparticle pests internal suction mouthpart pest underground pest control drugs for special pests

This type of pest sucks the young tissue of passion fruit through the mouthparts, sucks the juice in the tissue, thus causing harm, mainly including aphids, leafhoppers, bugs, insect shell insects, adult mosquitoes, thrips and so on.

For such pests, insecticides with good astringency or endostomy and good gastric toxicity should be selected. Systemic insecticides mainly include imidacloprid insecticides, acetamidine insecticides and the like.

Still using pesticides indiscriminately? All kinds of pests on passion fruit should be so medicated chewable mouthparticle pests internal suction mouthpart pest underground pest control drugs for special pests

Underground pests mainly include grubs (scarab beetle larvae), ground tigers, crickets, caddisflies and bud maggots, leaf beetles and so on. According to the characteristics of life, these pests may live in the soil or on the surface of the soil at a certain stage, and the combination of pesticides and soil particles should be considered when applying pesticides.

Some pesticides will lose their insecticidal effect when combined with the soil, so the choice of insecticide ingredients is critical, which can be controlled by insecticidal granules mixed with soil or sprayed with insecticides on the ground, or by using insecticide mixed with bait.

Still using pesticides indiscriminately? All kinds of pests on passion fruit should be so medicated chewable mouthparticle pests internal suction mouthpart pest underground pest control drugs for special pests

On passion fruit, if the effectiveness of fruit fly pests is not good, the tendency of fruit flies to sweet and sour foods can be considered, and a lure agent can be made to prevent and control.

For borer pests, such as the tianniu that harms the branches, the control method is mainly based on high concentration liquid injection, and the drug selection is insecticide with fumigation effect or systemic effect.

For wood beetle moths and transfiguration moths that harm the branches of the year, it is necessary to grasp the incubation period of pest eggs for spray control. The agent should choose insecticides with good gastric toxicity, good touch killing (and good endospiration).

Still using pesticides indiscriminately? All kinds of pests on passion fruit should be so medicated chewable mouthparticle pests internal suction mouthpart pest underground pest control drugs for special pests
Thanks for reading! Click on the headline mini program below or "Learn more" to watch the video, teaching you to use 3 tricks to prevent and control 6 major pests of passion fruit.

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