
Taiwan Jujube Cultivation Techniques (Collector's Edition)

author:Agricultural assistant
Taiwan Jujube Cultivation Techniques (Collector's Edition)

Taiwan jujube, also known as Taiwan sweet jujube, is an excellent fruit variety selected and bred by indian hairy leaf jujube through many generations of improvement.

Its fruit is large, fine, the meat is crisp and sweet, the nutritional value is high, and it is deeply loved by consumers, and at the same time, it has the characteristics of early fruiting and strong yield, strong adaptability, etc., and has good planting benefits.

Meet Taiwanese jujube

Taiwan Jujube Cultivation Techniques (Collector's Edition)

Botany characteristics

Taiwanese jujube is an evergreen shrub or small tree, which is a typical tropical and subtropical xerophytic tree species.

The tree structure is relatively loose, the bark is cracked, the side branches are developed, there are barbs on the branches, the leaf color is thick green, the back of the leaf is gray villi, and the leaf margin is serrated.

Its flowers are hermaphroditic, yellow-green, and the pollinators are mostly bees and flies.

The ripe fruit is oblong and oval, with a large core fruit, a bright green peel, and a white flesh, which is rich in nutrients.

The root system is shallow, the main root is underdeveloped, and there are many lateral roots and whisker roots.

Phenological period

The nutritional growth period of Taiwanese jujube is mainly concentrated in March to August, the growth rate is fast, and the fruit can be hung in the same year of planting.

Branch growth and flower bud differentiation are carried out simultaneously, and can bloom and bear fruit many times a year, with autumn flowers as the main flowering period. The flowering period of the planting year is from July to December, and the full flowering period is in early to mid-October, and the flowering period is expanded from May to December from the second year, and the full flowering period is from August to September.

The fruit ripening period is from August to September and from January to March of the following year, mainly in winter.

The need for the environment

Temperature: Taiwan jujube is a typical positive tropical fruit tree, strong temperature adaptability, in the temperature range of -5 ~ 40 ° C can survive, but the most suitable growth temperature is 25 ~ 30 ° C, the most suitable for planting in the temperature of the average annual temperature of 18 ° C or more, short frost period in the area.

Moisture: The cultivation of Taiwanese jujube requires higher moisture and humidity conditions, but it is not tolerant to wet and shade, avoid immersion in water, and excessive moisture will cause poor growth and fruit drop.

Light: higher requirements, in places with sufficient light, the fruit set rate is higher, the fruit is well developed, and conversely, the fruit set rate is lower and the quality is poor.

Soil: the requirements are not strict, the adaptability is strong. It can grow on slightly acidic to alkaline sandy, loam, clay and even gravel soils, preferably in slightly acidic, deep and well-drained sandy soils.

Introduction to the cultivation technology of jujube in Taiwan

Taiwan Jujube Cultivation Techniques (Collector's Edition)

Establishment of gardens for colonization

It is advisable to choose a plot rich in organic matter, strong water retention and fertility retention, and loose soil to build a garden, and it is best to have a windproof belt around the garden.

The colonization time is from February to May, and the earlier the colonization, the earlier the growth time, the greater the yield of the year.

Because Taiwanese jujube likes light, it is advisable to plant 30 to 40 plants per mu, and the planting specifications are generally 4×4 to 5m.

One month before colonization, the hole is dug and fertilized, the length, width and height of the planting hole are 80 cm, and each hole is applied with 30 to 40 kg of decomposing manure, 2 to 3 kg of cake fertilizer, 0.5 to 1 kg of calcium superphosphate, layered burial pressure, and then fill the soil to 10 to 15 cm above the ground.

Young tree management

Fertilizer water management: In addition to the base fertilizer before colonization, young trees should be fertilized 1 to 2 times when they are plucked, and the sea spirit biological stimulant root application type 300 times liquid can be directly applied to promote its rapid growth.

Shaping pruning: after colonization, at 30 ~ 40cm at the short cut dry, with new shoots issued, select stout, good growth position of 3 to 4 as the main branch, and use bamboo poles to lead to the four directions, the rest of the erase; when the main branch is 120 cm long, pluck the heart, promote the secondary branches, each main branch left 2; when the secondary branch 80 cm and then pluck the heart, every 40 cm leave 1 tertiary branch, the third branch grows to 60 cm when the heart, the fourth branch can be appropriately denser, about 30 cm left 1, to increase the number of fruit branches, The remaining branches are removed in time. Select 1 main branch for grafting pollination varieties.

Result tree management

Fertilization management

Base fertilizer: after the fruit harvest and trunk renewal, it is applied, and each plant is guttered in the canopy drip line, mainly decomposing organic fertilizer, with balanced compound fertilizer.

Strong tip fertilizer: new shoots grow, the leaves begin to turn green when applied, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, can be drizzled with sea spirit biological irritant 300 times liquid.

Flower-promoting fertilizer: start to apply after the first flowering, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and pay attention to the supplementation of trace elements.

Strong fruit fertilizer: the expansion of the fruit stage began to apply, can be in the early stage of the next organic fertilizer, the later stage of supplementary application of fast-acting fertilizer, mainly potassium fertilizer.

Moisture management

In the growth period of branches and the growth and development of fruits, in case of drought, water should be irrigated in time to maintain an even supply of water. The soil should be kept moderately dry during the harvest of fruits.

For orchards with low-lying terrain and high groundwater level, attention should be paid to removing stagnant water to create a good growth environment for the root system.

Shaping trimming

Retract update: After the fruit is harvested, the trunk needs to be retracted and updated, and the trunk is sawn off at 20 to 30 cm above the original marriage interface, and the retraction position is appropriately increased with the increase of tree age.

Plastic pruning: Basically similar to the pruning of young trees, pay attention to the erection of pillars or supports around the initial fruit set.

Flower and fruit management

Flower and fruit thinning: When the diameter of the fruit is about 0.5cm, flower thinning and fruit thinning are carried out. Generally, 1 to 3 leaves leave 1 fruit, and all others are removed. The young fruits and flower spikes at the ends of the branches are also removed at the same time.

Bagging and fruit protection: When the young fruit develops to a horizontal diameter of 2 to 3cm, a special fruit bag is used for bagging, and the agent is treated once before bagging.

Pest control

Common pests and diseases are powdery mildew, root rot, black star disease, anthrax, poisonous moths, mites, thrips, fruit flies, mesozoans, etc., we must pay attention to prevention, appropriate medication, comprehensive prevention and control.

This article is written and sorted by the agricultural assistant team, please be sure to indicate the source of the agricultural assistant, and do not modify the content of the article, the modification must be investigated!

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