
Cultivation and production technology of Jujube in Taiwan, Meizhou City

author:Blue willow

Cultivation and production technology of Jujube in Taiwan, Meizhou City

Taiwan jujube is made of Indian jujube after years of improved breeding, rapid growth, abundant yield, good stable yield, with large fruit, fine core, crisp and sweet meat characteristics, single fruit weight 50 ~ 100g, sugar content of 11 ° ~ 14 °, per 100g jujube contains protein 1.2g, fat 0.3g, carbohydrate 23.7g, rich in vitamins and a variety of trace elements, high nutritional value, has the "natural vitamin pills", but also has cooling, detoxification, sedative and other effects. And the fruit of the year of planting in the same year can enter the harvest period in the second year. Taiwan jujube grows fast and coarsely, has strong temperature adaptability, can withstand high temperatures of 35 °C, and is suitable for planting in tropical and subtropical regions. Moreover, the ripening period of Taiwanese jujube is from mid-November to February to March of the following year, which is the off-season for fresh fruits to be listed, less competition from other fruits, the market demand is very large, the price is relatively high, and it is one of the fruit tree varieties with great economic value. Meizhou Fengshun County is located in the east of Guangdong Province, the southernmost tip of Meizhou City, the average annual temperature of 21.5 °C, mild climate, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, suitable for the promotion of planting Taiwan jujube, especially Taiwan jujube green production technology research and application, to further improve product quality, both in line with the current consumer requirements for the quality and safety of agricultural products, but also broaden the market channel, product supply is in short supply, planting benefits are significant.

In recent years, Meizhou City has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee and the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Work Conference, and vigorously carried out the battle of cultivating mountains and getting rich in accordance with the basic requirements of developing "modern agriculture, green agriculture and ecological agriculture", paying special attention to the construction of agricultural planting bases and green food production. In 1999, Meizhou City established a Taiwan Jujube Standardization Demonstration Base in Puzhai, and through the construction of the Taiwan Jujube Base, it promoted the application of modern agricultural technology and technical equipment on a larger scale and at a higher level, and strengthened and improved the scientific management of agriculture.

1 Garden selection and planning

1.1 Garden Selection

1.1.1 Climatic environment. It is required to be in areas where the average annual temperature is 18 to 22 °C and the absolute low temperature ≥ 0 °C.

1.1.2 Soil environment. In addition to complying with the relevant provisions of NY 5023, it is advisable to choose paddy fields or alluvial land rich in organic matter, strong water retention and fertility retention, loose soil quality, sufficient water source, good drainage, low groundwater level, open to the sun, sheltered from wind and cold. Gardens with slopes greater than 15° or groundwater levels that cannot be reduced to less than 1m are not suitable for use.

1.1.3 Irrigation water quality. Press NY 5023 to execute.

1.1.4 Atmospheric Environment. Press NY 5023 to execute.

1.2 Garden Planning

(1) It is best to have a protective forest belt around the garden, and the shelterbelt should not be related to Taiwan

Jujube has the same main pests and diseases. (2) According to the topography of the garden, put the garden

The land is divided into several small areas, and the area of each community is generally 1 to 2hm2. (3) Establishment

Smooth drainage and irrigation systems and road systems.

2 Variety selection

"Tianmi" advantages: high yield and stable yield and early ripening; disadvantages: poor fruit shape, fruit thinning strength. "Honey jujube" advantages: fruit shape beauty good quality good sweetness crispness is better, resistant to storage and transportation; disadvantages: lower yield, late ripening. "Mid-leaf" advantages: the fruit is large, the weight of a single fruit can reach about 150g; disadvantages: the ability to resist powdery mildew is poor and the result rate is not high. It is necessary to adapt to local conditions and select varieties that adapt to local ecological conditions, are of high quality, abundant yield, stable yield, strong resistance to stress, and good commerciality of fruits. At present, the more common varieties of excellent varieties are "honey jujube", "Gaolang No. 1", "Tianmi" and so on. The latest varieties are "mid-leaf" and "large-leaf".

Cultivation and production technology of Jujube in Taiwan, Meizhou City

3 Planting season

Spring planting or autumn planting, spring planting is preferred.

4 Seedling quality

Select pure, healthy and disease-free seedlings. It is preferable to have full bud eyes, stem thickness of more than 0.3 cm, and height of 30 cm or more above the grafting interface. It is best to use sprouted nutrient bag seedlings, and bare root seedlings must be planted within 3 days.

5 Planting density

General plant spacing (4~6m) × (5~7m), planned dense planting using 4m×5m, permanent colonization using 6m×7m, 667m2 planting 16~33 plants.

6 Fertilization management

(1) Pay attention to the use of organic fertilizers, and cooperate with microbial fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers. The use of fertilizers is based on the provisions of NY/T 496. (2) Advocate balanced fertilization and nutritional diagnosis fertilization, and timely topdressing according to the fertility status of orchards and different development stages of Taiwan jujube. Pay attention to the combined application of magnesium, boron, calcium and other trace elements, increase the type and quantity of topdressing according to the lack of hormones, and prevent the occurrence of symptoms such as magnesium deficiency, boron deficiency and calcium deficiency.

7 Regulation of the birth period

Early and late maturing varieties are planted in the region. Dates can be brought to market early by adopting measures such as light adjustment with evening lighting treatment when the first batch of flowers blooms. In July, light is used to promote flowers, and 24 consecutive days of evening light can promote flowering earlier and about 1 month earlier to market time. Short-term adjustment of dates is made through the cold storage.

8 Pest control

8.1 Principles of prevention and control

Implement the plant protection policy of "prevention first, comprehensive control", and adhere to the principle of "agricultural control, physical control, biological control as the mainstay, and chemical control as the supplement".

8.2 Agricultural control

(1) Select excellent varieties with strong adaptability to diseases and insect pests according to local conditions.

(2) Strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase the application of ecological organic compound fertilizer or fully decomposed organic fertilizer, enhance tree potential, cultivate strong branches, and improve the ability to resist diseases and insects. (3) Timely pruning of diseased and insect branches, cross branches, over-dense branches, shaded branches, dredging diseased and insect fruits, deformed fruits, mechanical injuries, and reducing the source of disease and insect infestation. (4) Strengthen the garden, combine the retraction pruning after fruit picking, remove the weeds, stumps, leaves and fruit fallen in the orchard, burn them centrally, and disinfect and sterilize them with sulfur suspension agents to reduce the source of disease and insect infestation.

8.3 Biological control

Create an ecological environment conducive to the reproduction of natural enemies; breed, release and protect predatory or parasitic predatory pests, such as predatory mites, mite-eating ladybirds, red-eyed bees, broad-bellied wasps, etc.; promote the use of biological pesticides and mineral-derived pesticides such as stone sulfur compounds and mineral oil.

8.4 Major pests and diseases

(1) Main diseases: powdery mildew, black spot disease, etc. (2) Main insect pests: red spider, small white striped poisonous moth, jujube inchworm, jujube stickworm, citrus mealybug, orange small fruit fly, etc. Yoshiyama Huayao