
Flower and fruit management and pests and diseases of Taiwanese jujube

author:Modern new agriculture

4. Flower and fruit management

Taiwan jujube flowers and fruits are very large, and each node generally naturally hangs 2 to 5 fruits. If it is allowed to grow naturally, the fruit volume will not be very large, the grade of the fruit will be reduced, and the price will decrease. Therefore, the planting of green dates must pay attention to the thinning of flowers and fruits, increase the volume of the fruit, in late September to early October, that is, when the diameter of the fruit is about 0.5cm, the fruit is selected for each section or 1 fruit is selected for each interval, and the others are all removed, and the young fruits and flower spikes at the ends of each branch are not retained.

In the fruit thinning operation, in view of the problem that it is easy to damage the fruit handle by hand and cause fruit to fall, the sharp scissors are used to thin the fruit, and the efficiency of fruit thinning can be improved. If you want to bag the fruit, generally when the diameter of the fruit is about 1.5cm, the bag can be used in a paper bag or plastic film bag with a length of 12 to 15 cm and a width of 10 cm.

5. Major pests and diseases

The main disease of jujube is powdery mildew, the main pests are red spiders, fruit flies, poisonous moths, and it is necessary to control poisonous moths as pests and young shoots during the growth period of new shoots in April to May. From September to December, it is necessary to prevent powdery mildew, red spiders and fruit flies. Available pesticides for the prevention and treatment of powdery mildew: pentocrazole (Singapore Linong), fine nail cream. Manganese Zinc (Xianzhengda), Green Princess (Xianzhengda) and Shigao (Xianzhengda).

Flower and fruit management and pests and diseases of Taiwanese jujube