
This emperor was so obsessed that the Shunzhi Emperor actually became a concubine. What kind of woman is this?

author:Little Qian Kan historical facts

In the short life of Shunzhi, the second emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he married a total of 19 wives and concubines, almost one a year, but the only one who pleased him the most was Concubine Dong.

This emperor was so obsessed that the Shunzhi Emperor actually became a concubine. What kind of woman is this?

In Shunzhi's eyes, Dong Efei was his heart. Although the two had never made any vows, that inseparable feeling could indeed touch the heavens and the earth and cry ghosts.

On August 17, 1717, the imperial concubine Dong Eshi died of illness, and Shunzhi was in pain. In order to mourn Concubine Dong, he ignored the government for 5 days. Not long after, he personally issued a holy decree to the Rebbe, deliberately adopting the method of posthumous sealing, and giving Concubine Dong the title of Xiao Xianzhuang and Zhide Xuanren Wen Hui Duanjing.

This emperor was so obsessed that the Shunzhi Emperor actually became a concubine. What kind of woman is this?

As for what kind of ceremony the additional queen should hold, he ordered the ceremonial department to discuss it carefully, in detail, and promptly, and submit it to him for consideration. After Dong Efei's death, Shunzhi's heart also opened his eyes, repaying that he had not raised his eyebrows in his life. He not only quit the dynasty for 5 days, but also promoted her to empress.

In Cai Dongfan's "History of the Qing Dynasty," he wrote: "After this tragic incident, the Shunzhi Emperor also saw through the world's conditions, so in the first month of the following year, he broke away from the world, leaving only one of the heavy edicts and passing it out of the palace." In addition, there are also books such as "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" and "Qing Dynasty Wild History Grand View" that tell stories about the Shunzhi Emperor's cutting of his home due to the death of Concubine Dong E.

The Shunzhi Emperor's departure from home made the Qing palace panic. In order not to arouse the criticism of the world, they had to announce to the outside world: the Shunzhi Emperor had died. However, this lie cannot be concealed for long. Soon, the story of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty cutting his hair and becoming a monk for a woman was widely spread among the people.

This emperor was so obsessed that the Shunzhi Emperor actually became a concubine. What kind of woman is this?

Shunzhi has always been a good Buddha, and there are wooden descending states in the palace, YulinXuan's second Zen master, and the seal has the titles of "Dust Hidden Daoist" and "Foolish Daoist". He once said to Mu Qigong, "May the old monk not look at the Son of Heaven as a son of heaven, but treat him like a disciple of the Disciple." "He already had the idea of cutting his hair and becoming a monk.

A few days before he announced his death, he also asked his most favored internal overseer, Wu Liangfu, to go to the Temple of Mercy to cut his hair and become a monk, because he went, as Yuan Shu wrote: "Wei General even at night some people thought that the reason for Shunzhi's renunciation was that he was at odds with Empress Xiaohui, so as soon as the beloved Concubine Dong died, he used this as an excuse to convert to the Pure Land." It is said that after the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi took the throne, he once visited Shunzhi on Mount Wutai many times under the pretext of entering incense, hoping that Shunzhi could return to the palace, but Shunzhi was not moved.

This emperor was so obsessed that the Shunzhi Emperor actually became a concubine. What kind of woman is this?

Shunzhi Emperor's pro-government edict

The Kangxi Emperor has a poem mourning: "When we reach the cool realm again, the rock rolls up and hangs again." Fang's heart is ashamed and self-reflective, and his bones have been sad for a long time. The ointment is with the feast, and the frost is spared. Manjushri is in the hue, but may the ghosts and gods know. The tone was mournful.

Legend has it that during the Kangxi Dynasty, the two palaces hunted in the west, passing through the northern Jin Dynasty, and the local government could not prepare imperial utensils, but found the inner court utensils on Mount Wutai, which seems to be another evidence of Shunzhi's renunciation. However, during the Republic of China, the Ming and Qing dynasty historian Meng Sen's "Examination of the Truth of the Ancestral Family" cited the records of history books such as "Donghualu", believing that Qing Shizu died of acne rash and did not become a monk, and also believed that the "room" in Wu Meicun's poem was a heavenly donkey, and "the room did not move" referred to the sudden death of Shunzhi general Wutai Mountain, and the last few poems Meng Sen believed that it was a word of self-blame. Therefore, whether Shunzhi became a monk or not is still a mystery.

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