
The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

author:History Teacher Li
The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

A question for everyone: What were you doing when you were 23? If you are a college student, you may say that you have just graduated; if you have not gone to college, you may say that you have just married, or that you are working hard in a strange city. But I would like to say that there is a person who died at the age of 24 (23 years old), who was already the father of 8 sons and 6 daughters.

This person was the first emperor after the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the Shunzhi Emperor, named Ai Xinjue Luo Fulin. Before the death of Emperor Taiji, no successor was established, and as a result, the succession to the throne was carried out between the most powerful Prince Hauge of Su and the Prince of Rui, Dolgun, and surprisingly, the 6-year-old Fu Lin became the heir to the throne.

The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

In September 1644, the Manchu Qing Dynasty moved its capital from Shengjing to Beijing. On October 1, the Shunzhi Emperor got up early and led the wen and military officials to the Temple of Heaven to worship the heavens. After the ceremony, Shunzhi held a grand enthronement ceremony at The Taihe Gate, and Shunzhi, who was only 7 years old, became a veritable emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

One of the hallmarks of the ancient emperor's pro-government was the great marriage, and so was Shunzhi. As early as the early days of Shunzhi's ascension to the throne, the regent Dorgon had arranged marriages for the Shunzhi Emperor according to the tradition of marriage between the Manchu qing royal family and the Mongols, and the marriage was arranged for the Borjigit clan, the daughter of Wu Keshan, the prince of Horqin Zhuoliktu.

The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

In February of the eighth year of Shunzhi, Wu Keshan personally sent his daughter to the capital to wait for the wedding ceremony. However, the Shunzhi Emperor was very dissatisfied with the marriage and delayed it again and again. The ministers saw that the emperor was 14 years old and should be married, so the ministers went up one after another to suggest that the emperor get married immediately. Unexpectedly, Shunzhi issued an edict: The great wedding ceremony cannot be discussed at this time, and the performance is not allowed.

When the time came to autumn, the princes and ministers became more and more anxious, and they had no choice but to ask Empress Xiaozhuang to come forward. Under the impetus of Empress Xiaozhuang, Shunzhi could only hold a big wedding, which was the first big wedding ceremony after the Manchu Qing Entering the Customs, so it was particularly solemn.

The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

However, the empress existed for only two years before being deposed by Shunzhi. According to historical records, Shunzhi had four empresses successively, in addition to the borjigit clan after the abolition of the previous ancestors, there were also empress Xiaohuizhang's Borjigit clan, Xiaokangzhang's empress Tong Jiashi, and Xiaoxian's empress Dong'e's clan (posthumously sealed). As for the number of concubines, fifteen are recorded in the Draft History of the Qing Dynasty.

The Shunzhi Emperor only lived for 24 years, so why did he leave so many children? Expert: The reason is actually quite simple

Among all the concubines, especially Concubine Dong, she was deeply favored, and she entered the palace in the thirteenth year of Shunzhi, where she was crowned as a "virtuous concubine". A month later, he was promoted to imperial concubine on the grounds that "hui duanliang, who had not yet been above Dong E's clan", and Shunzhi also held a grand canonization ceremony for Dong E's concubine and granted amnesty to the world, which was the only time in the history of the Qing Dynasty that a general amnesty was held for the establishment of concubines. Seeing this, everyone should understand why the Shunzhi Emperor had so many children in just 10 years after the big marriage. The reason given by experts is simple: one is that there are many concubines; the other is amorous.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Notes on the Living of the Shunzhi Emperor

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