
Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

author:Erudite Spring Breeze sA

Why are people anxious in reality? Isn't it because housing prices are high, jobs are difficult, and medical care is expensive? Not really.

The real cause of anxiety lies in the uncertainty of the mind.

Wang Yangming, a sage with the same name as Confucius, once said: Not moving in the breath is the supreme good.

Restraining emotions and settling down is the highest state of life.

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

Concentration is not the suppression of emotions

People have seven passions and six desires, which is a natural thing, how can emotions be restrained?

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

Wang Yangming's disciples also had such questions. When his disciple Xu Cheng was working as an official in Nanjing, he suddenly received a letter from his family one day, saying that his son was critically ill. Xu Cheng's spirit collapsed at once, and his body was no longer able to do it.

Wang Yangming said that this is the time to hone the mind. There is no father who does not love his son, and it is common for people to worry about their children. But what good is it for your child's condition to be so sad that you can't just go on with your work, but you can't let your family and friends worry about you?

That makes sense. Of course, emotions need to be expressed, but emotions that are too strong are often detrimental to the body and spirit, and there is no benefit to the matter itself.

So how exactly should emotions be handled?

When I was a child, I had to take medicine for a long time because I was sick, because I had to take medicine several times a day, my parents were busy with farming, they all took medicine on time, and once there was about 2 days of dosage in the bottle, so I ate it all. My parents asked me before dinner if I had taken any medicine? When I inquired and learned that I had eaten all the rest of the medicine, my mother was so frightened that she couldn't speak well.

My dad quickly grabbed it and asked my mom to help me induce vomiting, and then my dad rode me to the hospital.

More than half an hour later, my parents were taken to the hospital. The doctor looked at it and said it didn't matter, don't worry, go back and make some sugar water for me to drink.

Hearing this, my mother sat on a bench outside the clinic, tears falling like rain.

Yes, man has seven passions and six desires. Let people be reassured, not to make people suppress emotions.

The psychologist and psychiatrist Freud said that unexpressed emotions do not disappear, but are buried. One day, it will burst out in an even uglier form.

With emotions, of course, express them, but don't overdo them.

Just like my parents, if they also panicked when they learned that I took more medicine, and did not deal with it in time, then it may not be the result when they are sent to the hospital.

But when they restrained their emotions and calmed down, they found that there was still room for recovery. Then, after things get better, you can properly release your emotions.

This is what Wang Yangming said about "grinding on things." Usually it is easy to talk about it, but when you encounter something, you have to personally hone it. After practicing for a long time, you will not panic when things happen, and your anxiety will be far away.

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

Settle your mind, and there will be no anxiety

My uncle told us the story of a boss.

The base grows a lot of vegetables, including potatoes.

When the potatoes were about to be harvested in the first year, heavy rain for many consecutive days left most of the potatoes rotten in the ground. My uncle thought the boss wouldn't grow potatoes the next year because everyone else was like that. But I didn't expect it, and then planted.

Unfortunately, the following year there was a lot of rain. Just when everyone was worried that the potatoes would rot in the ground again this year, the boss asked them to pick up the potatoes before a certain rainy time. Everyone looked at the small potatoes the size of only ping-pong balls and quail eggs, and they felt very sorry.

But soon a van from the spicy pot shop came to pull the small potatoes away, and the price was not bad.

Since he was the first local to do so, the price was high and the sales were good. The operation of the base is getting better and better, and my uncle's salary is also rising.

When telling this story, my uncle sighed vigorously: No wonder we can't be the boss, the first year the potatoes rot like that, I can't stand it in my heart, how can I hold up for the second time?

It is conceivable that when this boss saw that the potatoes were out of production, his heart must have been very anxious. But he did not see this matter as the end, did not think that he was going to die from now on, but settled down and began to think of a way.

You know, the human brain absolutely rejects the vacuum, and it will not idle for a moment.

When we drive negative emotions such as "I'm going to be finished, I'm going to do it again" out of our brains, things like methods and schemes will sneak in and quickly fill the gap after the negative emotions leave.

Therefore, if people can settle their minds and are not dragged by anxiety, they usually think of solutions.

"Even if the sky is full of dark clouds, it is sunshine through the past."

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

Wang Yangming said: "There is a master, and people are born of this." "This Lord is the main bone of man's heart, that is to say, the man's heart must be fixed.

At any time, if people can settle their minds, there will be no anxiety, and life will be full of vitality.

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

With all your efforts, you don't have to worry too much

Life is really not easy in the world, not only to restrain emotions from time to time, but also to think about how to overcome difficulties, but also to practice to see if the idea is right. Sometimes, even if you have already started to do it, you still can't help but worry about whether there is a result and how much effect it has.

Wang Yangming said: "If you have a meaning, that is, the mind and body are tired, there are many places of movement. ”

If you put your mind on the result, you will be angry, your heart will be uneasy, you will be anxious.

As long as you try your best, you don't have to worry. The so-called personnel, obey the destiny, as long as we do our best, we should not be too anxious about the result.

But how do you know you've "tried your best"? Obviously, the effect is not obvious. At this time, what we need to do is to do what we have at hand and find a better way, rather than worrying about the final effect.

Wang Yangming's disciple Xu Kan complained one day while pulling grass in the garden: Why are good things so difficult to cultivate, and how can bad things be so difficult to remove?

Wang Yangming said: Flowers and herbs are not good or bad, and if you want to see flowers, you will feel that the flowers are good and the grass is bad; if you want to see the grass, you will feel that the grass is good and the flowers are bad. Why bother?

Xu Kan did not understand: According to this, the grass is also good. So I don't pull the grass anymore?

Wang Yangming said: If you like to see flowers and the grass hinders the growth of flowers, then of course you have to pull the grass. I mean, so that you don't see the grass and worry that the flowers are going to be drowned by the weeds, and then you don't get angry, so anxious that you have the hair on your head. The grass is to be pulled, but don't pull it with anger or resentment. It is only right that the drafting in this way is not impatient.

Wang Yangming also said that not only should you not be upset when pulling grass, but you will occasionally forget to pull it out a few times, or if you don't pull it out, don't worry about it.

Wang Yangming: The heart is fixed, and the matter is accomplished

The same is true of us, and no matter what the end result is, there is never a mistake in doing our best. If we put our minds more on the process, we will be more relaxed and the anxiety will be far away.

If you can't control your anxiety, then anxiety will control you. The more fixed the mind, the more things come true.

If you've been working hard, why worry?

The road ahead will be brilliant. Even if your life is dull, as long as you are at ease, it is extraordinary.

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