
Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

author:Fat man who wants to be a doctor

There are some patients with gout in taking benzomallon this drug, when reducing uric acid, the doctor will also prescribe sodium bicarbonate tablets to advise patients to alkalinize urine, and the chemical name of baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, and there have recently been many kinds of soda on the market, so many gout patients have such doubts, long-term drinking soda can help us lower uric acid, today we will talk about this problem.

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

When we go out of the clinic, we often encounter patients with repeated attacks of gout, complaining that they have been taking sodium bicarbonate tablets for a long time, why is uric acid still high, and there are repeated attacks of gout? After reading Dr. Xie's next content, you will understand!

Usually, when do we recommend that patients take oral sodium bicarbonate tablets? The most common situation is to instruct patients to take oral benzbromomarone to lower uric acid, the main role of the drug is to inhibit the renal tubule reabsorption of uric acid, so that the effect of promoting uric acid excretion can be achieved.

What kind of patients is this drug particularly suitable for? It is mainly suitable for patients with hyperuricemia and gout who have been laboratory determined to be renal uric acid excretion disorders. During taking this drug, the concentration of uric acid (uric acid in the urine) will be significantly increased, so that the risk of uric acid kidney stones will be increased, and by taking sodium bicarbonate tablets can help us alkalinize the urine, in general, we recommend 0.5 to 1 gram per oral dose, three times a day.

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

In principle, when we require taking sodium bicarbonate tablets, the pH value of the urine should be stabilized between 6.2 and 6.9, if the phH is too high, more than 7, then it will increase the risk of calcium salt stone formation, so it is also a kind of harm for patients, so we recommend taking benzbromarone and sodium bicarbonate tablets to control blood uric acid patients, to regularly test their own urine, the simplest way is to buy a household urine PH detector.

In addition, there are some patients who also recommend taking sodium bicarbonate tablets, that is, patients with hyperuricemia who have been tested for low pH (<6).

See here we should understand that the main role of sodium bicarbonate tablets is to alkalinize urine and prevent the formation of uric acid kidney stones, and it does not promote uric acid excretion.

However, we also do not recommend that patients take sodium bicarbonate for a long time, because some patients may experience significant stomach discomfort, flatulence, and long-term use should be vigilant against the risk of elevated blood sodium and high blood pressure.

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

Studies have shown that if the concentration of bicarbonate in our blood is greater than 26 millimoles per liter, it will increase the risk of heart failure; and if the concentration of bicarbonate in our blood is less than 22 millimoles per liter, it will increase the risk of kidney disease, according to the recommendations in the 2019 China Hyperuricemia and Gout Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines, we must control the concentration of bicarbonate in the blood between 22 and 26 millimoles per liter in the process of guiding patients to alkalinize urine by oral sodium bicarbonate.

In fact, for gout patients or people with hyperuricemia, it is not suitable for long-term drinking soda, let's calculate the account!

When we buy baking soda, we must pay attention to learning to look at the ingredient list of the product, whether it contains sodium bicarbonate first, and what is the amount of sodium bicarbonate? The following figure is a commercially available baking soda, in the ingredient list, we see that there are mainly water, food additives, including carbon dioxide and sodium bicarbonate, The content of sodium bicarbonate is 0.6 grams per liter, which is equivalent to buying three bottles of such mineral water, which is equal to about one sodium bicarbonate tablet, and we recommend that patients who take sodium bicarbonate have a minimum amount of 0.5 grams per day, three times a day, so it is also necessary to calculate nine bottles of such soda water a day to meet the amount that patients need in a day, how much does it cost to take these 9 bottles of soda? Is it higher than drugs?

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

In addition, we should also pay attention to the specific content of sodium indicated in the nutrition facts list. Still take this ingredient list as an example, if you want to meet the dosage of sodium bicarbonate, you need nine bottles of such soda, providing 10% of the sodium ions we need every day, if we have some patients with a heavier mouth and like to eat salty foods, then it is easy to cause patients to have high sodium ions and increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

There is also a quantity that we have to calculate, that is, the amount of drinking water, 9 bottles of such soda water is nearly three liters of water, it is difficult for anyone to drink three liters of such water every day, right?

After calculating such an account, everyone can consider for themselves whether it is feasible for patients with gout to drink soda for a long time!

So some friends say, I put the sodium bicarbonate tablets I need every day into the water, is it okay to drink this way? You can try to do it this way, what kind of taste the water is! It can be said that the taste is very bad, I have tried such a drink, it is really difficult to swallow, and simply eat the pills will not get it, it is not fragrant? Is it necessary to do so?

In fact, for patients with gout, actively cooperate with their own doctors, scientific and reasonable medication, scientific and reasonable control of their diet, scientific and reasonable exercise. Slowly control your uric acid, this is a very systematic job, you need to take it slowly!

And many patients around us think that taking medicine will be harmful to the body, so they often want to try to control their uric acid through a particularly simple way, and want to be once and for all.

For soda, if you want to drink a little every day, do not cause your own blood pressure abnormalities, do not cause stomach discomfort is OK, but want to drink soda water for a long time to help their uric acid control, and do not want to control uric acid through drugs or other dietary moderation, I am afraid that it will not achieve the goal.

What do you think?

How should I exercise specifically, and what diets need to be controlled? Dr. Xie has written a lot of articles if everyone is interested. You can search dr. Xie's previous articles! Hope that helps.

I am insisting on using simple language to explain the knowledge of complex diseases Xie Xinhui, code words are not easy, if you agree with my point of view, please help to pay attention to or like it, if you or your family and friends also have uric acid control problems, please forward this article to the need for them, thank you!

(The above content does not have any diagnostic and therapeutic value, the specific treatment should also consult the local doctor, some pictures from the Network infringement deleted)

Gout, long-term drinking soda can lower uric acid? Doctor debunks rumors and talks to you about sodium bicarbonate Why should doctors tell gout patients to alkalize urine during medication? Long-term use of sodium bicarbonate, also not good! So can baking soda be drunk for a long time? summary

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