
Sodium bicarbonate, gout/high uric acid are you eating right? Alkalized urine (3)

author:Dr. Ginger, who is dead and sick

Sodium bicarbonate is a commonly used drug for the treatment of gout and hyperuricemia, and has a certain effect on relieving gout symptoms and reducing uric acid levels.

Everyone with gout and high uric acid knows that lowering uric acid levels in the body is the main means of preventing gout attacks. Uric acid in our body is formed by the metabolic conversion of purines, and the amount of uric acid produced in the human body is roughly equal to the amount excreted every day, and the uric acid level remains balanced. However, when our purine metabolism is dysfunctional, the amount of uric acid produced increases, and the amount of excretion decreases, it will increase the amount of uric acid retained in the body, resulting in an increase in uric acid levels. If patients with gout and high uric acid want to reduce uric acid levels, it is very important to increase the excretion of uric acid, and the effect of taking sodium bicarbonate is precisely here.

Sodium bicarbonate, gout/high uric acid are you eating right? Alkalized urine (3)

Alkalinizes the urine and promotes the excretion of uric acid

The effect of taking sodium bicarbonate is to help us alkalinize the urine.

After sodium bicarbonate enters the human body, it can react with gastric juice and reduce the concentration of gastric acid. In order to maintain the concentration of stomach acid, the human body leaves hydrogen ions in the blood in the stomach, resulting in increased alkalinity of the blood. When the kidneys filter the blood, they need to maintain the original pH of the blood, which will filter out too many alkaline substances and let these alkaline substances excrete with the urine.

The alkaline substance in the urine increases, the alkaline nature of the urine becomes higher, which is alkaline urine.

Taking sodium bicarbonate to alkalinize urine can improve the efficiency of urinary excretion of uric acid and promote the excretion of uric acid. Usually 3 to 6 grams of sodium bicarbonate tablets per day are required.

However, can we eat sodium bicarbonate without restraint?

Answer: Eating too much can have a range of side effects.

Sodium bicarbonate and gastric juice reactions can cause a lot of carbon dioxide, resulting in hiccups and secondary increased gastric juice metabolism, stomach pain, etc. Long-term consumption can cause high sodium, low potassium, etc., causing heart failure and edema in people with hypertension.

Long-term large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, easy to cause metabolic alkalosis, affecting the basic function of the kidneys; sodium bicarbonate in the gastric acid, so that the human body digestive function weakens, the emergence of loss of appetite and other undesirable phenomena; carbonic acid components and calcium in the human body to form calcium carbonate, not only lead to calcium loss, but also easy to form stones. For patients who already have tophi, it is tantamount to "making it worse".

Correct alkalinization of urine: We can use compound potassium citrate, sodium citrate components to alkalize urine, so as to solve the drawbacks of single sodium bicarbonate, which can correct the uric acid metabolism environment, improve the urine PH value and increase the solubility of uric acid, promote blood uric acid and uric acid excretion, prevent the formation of uric acid crystals. Especially in people with hypertensive hyperuricemia/gout, the possibility of water and sodium retention is very small, and it is safer to use.

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