
The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

author:Beiqing Net
The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

Old ledgers, old title deeds, silver wine glasses, glazed food boxes... Several precious objects that bear witness to history are displayed in the cultural corridor on the second floor of the Fortress Park Hotel. On September 22, the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was held in Zhushikoudian, and the nine-day Fortress Garden Lu Cuisine Culture Week will have 6 famous dishes to give back to consumers.

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Corridor tells about the development and inheritance of 90 years

On the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month in 1930, Fengzeyuan opened at the south entrance of Coal City Street outside the qianmen, and the calligrapher Li Qi inscribed the plaque "Fengzeyuan". Today, after 90 years of spring and autumn, "Fortress Garden" has become a representative of Lu cuisine in Beijing, inheriting and developing the production technology of Lu cuisine.

The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

The "Cultural Ring Corridor" located on the second floor of Fortress Garden, after being redesigned and renovated, shows for the first time the precious historical objects preserved since the establishment of the store in 1930, including the shareholders' capital investment contract, the old ledger and the old land deed; the silver plates, silver wine glasses, silver spoons, ivory chopsticks, glazed colored food boxes used in the restaurant that year, and the yellow wine bowls that the boss Luan Xuetang exchanged from the glass factory one by one... Precious objects and precious photos are explained by the docents to tell the development and inheritance of Fortress Garden.

In order to further carry forward the traditional Chinese culture and express their admiration and gratitude to the predecessors in the development of brands and skills, the employee representatives of Fortress Garden, under the leadership of Manager Fan Dongsheng, jointly carried out a plaque ceremony to the "Fortress Garden" plaque, and in the brand concept of "Rich Lu Cuisine, Zerun Binpeng" recited together, they expressed the original intention and determination of Fortress Garden people to keep the integrity and innovation, and will also unite their hearts and inherit development.

On the day of the event, Fortress Garden invited the 87-year-old national treasure level cooking master, Lu Cai Taidou, and Wang Yijun, technical director of Fortress Garden, to present a book to 8 high-level disciples, hoping to continuously inherit and carry forward the production skills and fine traditions of Fengze Garden Lu cuisine.

The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

Feng Rao Lu cuisine lasts for 90 years of exquisite craftsmanship

To this day, Fengzeyuan, which was famous for its authentic Lu cuisine, still adheres to the art of making Lu cuisine and continues to put it in the first place. On the day of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden, the Fortress Garden Lu Cuisine Culture Week opened. The Cultural Week lasts for 9 days, during which customers are specially prepared with stir-fried shrimp, fried squid rolls, red braised elbows, pot collapsed tofu, nine turns of fat sausage, dried pot fish fillet and other special priced delicacies, while customers can get a 90th anniversary medal of Fortress Garden Hotel after spending 900 yuan.

On the opening day of the Cultural Week, the official website of the brand was opened at the same time, and the exquisite skills of Lu cuisine were jointly disseminated online and offline, carrying forward the traditional Chinese food culture, and tasting and appreciating the unique oriental charm of flavor cuisine.

The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

At the event site, the famous chefs of Fortress Garden specially moved the exquisite skills of the back kitchen to the front of the stage, and demonstrated the production process of roasted sea cucumbers onion on the spot. As a brother brand belonging to Quanjude Group, Sichuan Hotel's Bai Yu Chaofeng - chicken bean flower, fangshan restaurant dish - pocket tofu, Quanjude brought the 2014 apec state banquet roast duck - Shengshi peony is also a good product for life; at the same time, the event specially invited Chinese cooking master and Chinese Lu cuisine cooking grandmaster Li Peiyu team to present Shou Shandong traditional dishes - bad fried belly slices, Tongheju Chinese cooking master Wu Genshen team presented the Beijing Municipal Competition Gold Medal dish - three non-sticks.

Inheritance is a bridge connecting the past and the future, Fortress Garden has experienced the changes of the old and new societies, spanning two centuries and ninety years, always maintaining and representing the highest level of authentic Lu cuisine in Beijing, and is the epitome and memory of the inheritance and development of Lu cuisine in Beijing in the past hundred years. According to Zhou Yanlong, general manager of Quanjude, as the epidemic improves, the catering industry is picking up, and the turnover of Fengzeyuan Hotel in September this year has exceeded the operating level of the same period last year. "Fortress Garden inherits and develops this valuable national cultural heritage with its long history, profound tradition, exquisite skills and thoughtful service. In the future, we will continue to uphold the brand concept of "rich Andu cuisine, Zerun Binpeng", and then start the journey and sail away. Text/Beiqing - Beijing headline reporter Li Jia Photo/ Wang Zhenlong

The 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden was opened

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