
Strangely, Fortress Garden turned out the old ledger from 90 years ago...

author:Beijing Daily client

Walking up the stairs of the Main Store of Fortress Garden Zhushikou to the second floor, a large and heavy old plaque of "Feng Ze Yuan Restaurant" appeared in the middle of the ring corridor, although the old plaque was cracked due to its age, but it looked solemn and dazzling. On September 22nd, the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden and the opening of the Fortress Garden Lu Cuisine Culture Week were held at the Fortress Garden Origin Store, and the intangible cultural heritage corridor of inheritance of history and culture was unveiled at the same time.

Strangely, Fortress Garden turned out the old ledger from 90 years ago...

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1930, Fortress Garden opened at the south entrance of Coal City Street outside the front gate, and the calligrapher Li Qi inscribed this "Fortress Garden" plaque. This year is the 90th anniversary of the opening of Fortress Garden, the store deliberately redesigned the second floor ring corridor into a heritage corridor that inherits history and culture, and for the first time shows the old plaques, old ledgers, old land deeds, and several precious objects that bear witness to history, such as silver plates, silver spoons, silver wine glasses, ivory chopsticks, glazed food boxes used in the store, which have become the exclusive "history museum" of Fortress Garden, and also tell the development and inheritance of the time-honored restaurant culture.

At the beginning of the opening of Fortress Garden, it was a four-entry compound, a green hall tile house, neat and spacious. The hall is decorated with celebrity calligraphy and paintings, and the tableware such as wine glasses, fruit plates, and cloth plates in the private room are made of silver, which was created by the famous silver shop Dexing at that time. Due to the exquisite preparation of dishes, unique style and thoughtful service, it soon became a place where dignitaries and celebrities in the old capital city drank and feasted, and people came to Fengzeyuan Restaurant to eat, just like the current "net red" restaurants that need to be ranked.

According to Jin Xue, manager of Fortress Garden Restaurant, the use of this rectangular isobar bronze medal about one inch in the display cabinet was quite high at that time. The inscriptions on the bronze plaque are arranged in the order of the thousand-character text "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, Cosmic Flood, Sun and Moon Rising, Chensu Column Zhang", and there is a number after the word, indicating that there are tables and different private rooms for different numbers.

In the Historical and Cultural Corridor, the rice wine pots and rice wine bowls often used in the store in those days were also displayed in the exhibition cabinets to meet the audience. "The back of the wine bowls is engraved with the words 'Great Qing Guangxu Year System', and listening to the old people, these bowls were all bought from the Liuli Factory one by one by the founder Luan Xuetang." Jin Xue said.

Strangely, Fortress Garden turned out the old ledger from 90 years ago...

In addition, all the ledgers of Fortress Garden from its opening in 1930 to the present day have also survived, from the first page of the first day of opening to the last page before the liberation in September 1949, and the old ledgers used in the Republic of China chronicle are all displayed in the display case. Also on display were the purchase and interest certificates of Fortress Park's purchase of the first phase of the People's Victory Folding Treasure Public Bond in 1950, and the original contract and related seal of Fortress Park becoming the first public-private joint venture in Beijing in 1952.

After 90 years of spring and autumn, "Fortress Garden" has developed into a representative of Lu cuisine in Beijing, inheriting and developing the production skills of Lu cuisine, and is still loved by many consumers today. According to Zhou Yanlong of Quanjude Group, the sales of the Fortress Park brand have recovered the best in the Quanjude Group, and as of September 20, the sales of Fortress Park have exceeded the operating level of the same period last year.

Strangely, Fortress Garden turned out the old ledger from 90 years ago...

In order to further promote the traditional Chinese culture and express their admiration and gratitude to the predecessors in the development of brands and skills, the staff representatives of Fortress Park, under the leadership of Manager Fan Dongsheng, jointly carried out a plaque ceremony to the "Fortress Garden" plaque, showing the original intention of the time-honored brand Shouzheng innovation. At the same time, Wang Yijun, a national treasure-level cooking master, Lu Cuisine Taidou and the technical director of Fengzeyuan Hotel, also presented a book to 8 high-level disciples, hoping to continuously inherit and carry forward the production skills and fine traditions of Fengzeyuan Lu cuisine.

On the day of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Fortress Garden, the Fortress Garden Lu Cuisine Culture Week also opened at the same time. During the 9-day Cultural Week, six special-priced delicacies were prepared for customers, including stir-fried shrimp, fried squid rolls, red braised elbows, pot tofu, nine-turn fat sausage, and dried pot fish fillet.

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