
Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network Lightning News April 8, residents of Fengzeyuan Community in Qufu City, Jining Reported that the elevators in their communities often have problems, and a 16-story building elevator has been broken for nearly 20 days and has not been repaired. Residents climb the stairs every day, miserable!

Residents climbed the building for nearly 20 days Why has the high-rise elevator been repaired badly?

Residents of Fengzeyuan Community in Qufu City, Jining Told Reporters that the elevator was broken several times a month before, and this time it was broken for nearly 20 days. The other elevator in the same building is almost never used from the residents of the community.

Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

The elderly need to be supported by young people when they go upstairs, and young children can only be carried up the stairs slowly by their parents. Because there is no carport and charging place in the community, residents can only carry the battery of the electric vehicle upstairs for charging, which has caused great trouble to the lives of residents.

Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

In this regard, the developer said that there is no longer money to repair the elevator. Previously, because of the elevator failure, there have been dangerous situations in which family members have been trapped. In this regard, residents hope that the broken elevator will be repaired as soon as possible, and another idle elevator can also be opened and used to ensure the most basic travel needs of residents.

Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

In order to find out the reason for the matter, the reporter rushed to the property center, but found that during normal working hours, the property door was closed and no one was working inside. Residents say they often don't see the property's staff, but the elevator is broken and needs to be repaired, so how can the developer explain it?

Elevators have problems one after another Who can solve them?

Subsequently, the reporter went to another building in the Fortress Garden community, and similarly, the two elevators could not be used.

Residents of the community told reporters that they had gone to find the property and the developer before, but the two sides have been pushing each other's responsibility, the property blame to the developer, the developer pushed back to the property, the property was pushed to the elevator company, and finally no one cared about the matter.

Ms. Zhao, the owners' committee, said that the elevators in Building 2 and Building 5 in the Fortress Garden Community had also been broken, and residents went to petition the developer to repair it, but the developer had been dragging and saying that there was no fund.

The reporter rushed to Qufu Fengpeng Real Estate Co., Ltd. to look for the developer who worked here, but found that the same door as the property was closed, and there was no staff.

Property, developers can not be contacted, the reporter is also a practical experience of the helplessness of the owners of the community, but the elevator can not be so bad, in the face of the historical problems of the elevator in the Fengzeyuan community, the Jining Qufu Municipal Government unified arrangements for the Qufu City Commercial and Trade Circulation Industry Promotion Center to solve. Can they solve it?

Reporter coordination: Relevant departments interviewed developers to solve problems

Ms. Zhao of the owners' committee told reporters that after the elevator maintenance company inspected, it said that the main board was broken and needed to spend 28,000 yuan to replace the motherboard, but the owners inquired that other maintenance companies were not so expensive. Now, it is hoped that the maintenance price of the elevator can be reduced.

Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

Subsequently, the reporter came to the Qufu City Construction System Committee to reflect the situation. Director Zhang of Jining Qufu Commercial and Trade Circulation Industry Promotion Center said that the owners' committee signed the meeting minutes, starting from 2021, the owners will be responsible for maintaining the elevators, and the costs before December 31, 2020 will be borne by the development company, and from January 1, 2021, they will be borne by the owners.

Property with developers "kick the ball"! The owner of Qufu Fengzeyuan Community climbed 16 floors for 20 days

Director Zhang said that he will help residents contact developers, according to the results of coordination, strive to be able to operate, try to do work for developers and elevator maintenance companies, and reduce the cost. If the cost cannot be reduced, the maintenance company will be replaced through legal channels. Urge the original elevators that were not repaired to be repaired by the developer, so that the developer can repair them and deliver them to the owners.

As of press time, Ms. Zhao of the owners' committee told reporters that after consultation, one elevator was repaired and delivered on May 20, and the maintenance price of another elevator was 2,000 yuan cheaper on the basis of the original 28,000 yuan, and the maintenance company signed by the developer must be used, and only receipts were issued without invoicing.

Editor's note: Such a good community, the location is also good, the construction time is not long, even two or three encountered the problem that the elevator can not be used, it really should not be. After all, the elevator is also a daily must be used by residents of the community, and I hope that under the coordination of the relevant government departments, the elevator problem will be completely solved, and the residents of the community will no longer be afraid when taking the elevator.

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