
One ancient poem a day | Five generations, Li Yu 'Magnolia · Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow" Magnolia Flower • Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow

author:Literary poetry

Five generations: Li Yu

Evening makeup at the beginning of the bright muscle snow, spring temple concubines and fish.

The sheng flute blew through the water and clouds, and the song was repeated throughout the neon clothes.

Who is more fragrant in Linchun? Drunken patting dry taste cut.

When you return home, put candlelight red, and wait for the horseshoe to clear the night moon.

One ancient poem a day | Five generations, Li Yu 'Magnolia · Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow" Magnolia Flower • Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow

Translations and Notes


On the night of the full moon, a large court song and dance banquet. Before appearing, he first painted makeup. Because it is evening makeup, in order to fit the dance floor and candlelight, thrush lips, may wish to be colorful. The moment the palace ladies just finished painting makeup, how glorious it was! After the makeup, the beautiful women on the Spring Hall are like clouds, they are lined up neatly, and the fish are in, although they are the ranks of layers of delicate women, they also have a sense of the vastness of the army.

The song is gone, and the moon is brighter. Immediately instructed his entourage to extinguish the red candle, pure ren get the horse's hoof, and walk all the way back to the moonlight, only to see that although the song and dance were scattered, the afterglow was not over!


This tune is "Magnolia", and the Quan Tang Poems note: "One "Yulou Chun", one "Spring Xiaoqu", and one "Xi Chun Rong". "Caotang Shiyu", "Word", "Ancient and Modern Lexicon", "Ancient and Modern Poetry Yu Drunk" and other books have inscriptions as "Palace Words".

Xiao Makeup: A "night makeup". In the Quan Tang Poems, it is written as "Xiao Makeup". Xiao makeup has just begun, Xiao makeup has just ended. It's the beginning, it's just over. Bright muscle snow: Describes the skin as clear and delicate, white as snow.

Haruden: The Imperial Palace. It is called "Spring Hall" for its luxury and grandeur. Li Bai's poem "Yue Zhong Lan Gu" has the sentence "Palace women are like flowers full of spring halls". Concubine (pín) E: Here refers to the woman in the palace. Fish line: arranged one by one like swimming fish, here referring to the appearance of concubines arranged in rows.

Sheng Zhen blows off the water and clouds: Sheng Zhen, "Zi Zong", "Poetry of past dynasties", "Ancient and Modern Lexicon", "Quan Tang Poetry" and other works such as "Feng Zhen". "Flowers and Grass Compilation" as "Sheng Song". Sheng Zhen , Sheng and Zhen , generally refers to wind instruments. Blow off, blow out. Between the water and the clouds, the second main word of Lü Ben, the second main word of Hou Ben, and the second main word of Wu Ben are in the space at "between". "Quan Tang Poems", "Compilation of Flowers and Grasses", "Ancient and Modern Lexicon", "Word Synthesis" and other books are all written as "Water Cloud Idle"; "Song Yin Anthology" is "Water Cloud In the Clouds". The water and clouds are the place where the water and the clouds meet, which is extremely far away.

Re-press ní (ní) song is everywhere: re-press, repeat the song. Press, play. Neon Dress, short for "Neon Dress Feather Song". The famous Faqu of the Tang Dynasty court was passed down to Yang Jingzhong, the envoy of Hexi Jiedu during the Tang Kaiyuan Dynasty. Originally named "Brahman Song", it was later polished by Tang Xuanzong and formulated lyrics, and later changed to this name. There is a sentence in Tang Baijuyi's "Pipa Line": "Gently twist and slowly wipe and double pick, initially "Neon Clothing" and then "Six Elements". "The song is sung all over the place, and the last song in the big times is sung, indicating that the song is long and long, and the tone is high and urgent. Over, big times, also known as big songs, that is, the whole set of dance music. The great song has a row, a positive repeat, a repeat, and a long way, and its elders can be repeated several times. Che, in the "History of Song and Yuan Opera", Yun: "Thorough, into the end of the break again", the six words "Yulou Chun" has the sentence "The heavy song rhymes, into the broken dance waist red swirling", it can be seen that the song is high-pitched and urgent after it is broken.

Linchun: "Linfeng" in the "Dictionary of Words", "Poetry of past dynasties", "Ancient and Modern Lexicon", "Quan Tang Poems" and other books. Zheng Qian's "Selected Words" in the cloud: "Linchun, the name of the cabinet in the Southern Tang Palace, but the 'Linfeng' echoes the word 'piao', which seems to coexist." "Incense chips: incense powder. Incense crumbs: According to legend, the main incense palace lady in the main palace, with incense powder scattered everywhere.

Drunkenness: intoxication, intoxication. Beat: Beat, here also has the meaning of beating the beat for the music. Trunk: i.e. railing. Taste of Love: "Compilation of Flowers and Herbs", "Dictionary of Words", "Quan Tang Poems", "Chronicle of the Cilin" and other books are all written as "Love Untouched". Cut: Earnest, sincere and urgent mood.

Return: Back. Hugh Fang: "Word Synthesis", "Word Spectrum", "Poetry of past dynasties", "Quan Tang Poems" and other books are the same. Xiao Ben's second main word, Lü Ben's second main word, Wu Ben's second main word, "Chronicle of the Word Forest", "Class Compilation Caotang Poetry Yu" and other books are all "Rest Zhao". Candlelight: The same is true in the two main words of the morning book; the two main words of Lü Ben, the second main word of Wu Ben, the second main word of Xiao Ben, the "Compilation of Flowers and Herbs", "Word Synthesis", "Word Spectrum", "Quan Tang Poems" and other books are all "candle flowers". Candle red, refers to bright candlelight.

To be stepped on: "Word Synthesis", "Poetry of past dynasties", "Word Spectrum", "Quan Tang Poems" and other books are the same. Lü Ben's second main word, Xiao Ben's second main word, Wu Ben's second main word, and "Class Compilation Caotang Poetry Yu" and other books are all "to be released". Stepping on the horse's hoof: the horse travels slowly, which has the meaning of stepping on the moon. There is a work called "Putting a Horse's Hoof", which means to let the horse walk at will.

One ancient poem a day | Five generations, Li Yu 'Magnolia · Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow" Magnolia Flower • Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow


This word is a masterpiece created by Li Yu in the heyday of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The upper part of the word mainly writes about the grand scene of the spring night feast. The first sentence highlights the makeup and beauty of the concubines who "have begun to make up the evening", thus writing the author's flying interest in these bright and beautiful people, and at the same time rendering the luxurious and luxurious beauty of the night feast from the beginning. Following the two sentences of feast music, the song and dance debut, and the author writes about the melodiousness of the music and the beauty of the utensils. For example, the word Sheng Zhen can give people a feeling of exquisite and luxurious, which coincides with the luxurious hedonistic life and mood described in the words. And "blowing" as "blowing off", "pressing" as "re-pressing", not only can the words and words show the author's laissez-faire and extravagantity, but also very expressively give the music a strong emotional color. According to Ma Ling's Book of Southern Tang, "At the height of the Tang Dynasty, the Neon Dress Feather Robe was the most important, and it was chaotic, and the master was absent from his post, and his sound was extinguished. After the Lord obtained his own score, the musician Cao Sheng was also good at pipa, and according to the score, he got his sound, but he was not perfect. (Da Zhou) After the change is easy to false, quite to wow, rich and new sounds, Qing Yue can be heard. "Li Yu and Da Zhou Hou are proficient in musical rhythms, and the love between the two is deep, not to mention that "Neon Dress Feather Coat" was originally a famous song of Tang Xuanzong, first lost and then gained, and then discovered and personally sorted out by Li Yu and Zhou Hou, at this time played in the palace, naturally very happy. Therefore, it is not only necessary to "re-press", but also to "sing through", which can also be imagined as the author's indulgence.

One ancient poem a day | Five generations, Li Yu 'Magnolia · Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow" Magnolia Flower • Evening Makeup First Bright Muscle Snow

The next film of the word is to describe the scene of the song finally dispersing and stepping on the moon and returning drunk. The sentence "Linchun" is clearly to write incense, dark is to write wind, dark incense drifts with the wind, the lyricist is interested in Shanshan, from the word "who is more", more lively and elegant. The word "drunken beat" comes out bluntly, write drunk, write with pleasure and paste to the extreme. Up to this point, the author has the appreciation of sight, the enjoyment of hearing, the aftertaste of smelling incense, coupled with the drunken beat from the intention of drinking, it is the entertainment of polar color, sound, incense, and taste in one place, the heart is relaxed, excited, so it is "love and taste", drowning in it can not extricate itself. The last two sentences, writing wine and song, but written meaningfully, the afterglow is not exhausted, so it has always been praised by people. In the "Commentary on the Words of the Mountain People of Yizhou", it is praised as "Zhiyu Ye". Ye Jiaying, a modern person, once commented on this sentence in detail: "The Hou Lord is really a person who knows the most about the taste of life. Moreover, the three words 'stepping on the horse's hoof' are written very eloquently, one, the word 'stepping' can make people think of the sound of the horse's hoof in both sound and sense; second, not 'stepping on the horse's hoof' but 'stepping on the horse's hoof', can give the reader a double feeling, that is, not only to step on the horse's hoof, but also to step under the horse's hoof is such a clear night of the moon, and the sound of the trance is in the ears. This kind of innocent and indulgent lyricism brings the reader an extremely real feeling. Reading these two sentences, you can not only feel the author's intoxicated mood, but also see the quiet and clean moonlit night beauty, and you can also see the elegant and leisurely pleasure of the literati rioters who are full of the author.

The whole word brushwork is natural and unrestrained, the meaning is smooth and flowing, the language is bright and straight, and the situation depiction is moving. Starting from the scene of personal court life, although the author has a relatively strong rich and noble fat powder, he fails to show profound ideological content, but in just one article, he vividly shows the situation of a grand feast, the artistic depiction is vivid and realistic, the scene portrayal is delicate and moving, from the metaphor to see the feelings, in the plain white, it is far away, fully showing the author's exquisite artistic skills, is "a small word written with extremely handsome and flying".

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