
Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

author:Fishing bells

There is a special kind of fish in our country, full of mucus, there are incense glands in the body and will overflow with sesame-like fragrance, and it can make a sound similar to the "clucking" of piglets, and their body size is slender, long like a sword, so it is named sesame swordfish, which is what I introduce to you today. Sesame sword is one of the most expensive freshwater fish in China, known as the king of freshwater! So, how do you go fishing for him? Before you go into the process, understand the following questions:

What are the characteristics and habits of the sesame sword?

What method is best for fishing for sesame swords?

What do I need to pay attention to when fishing for sesame swords?

Sesame sword is one of the precious fish in our country, and now it is becoming less and less common, almost becoming a scarce resource, and it is difficult to catch him. At the end of July 2015, Xiaobian was fortunate to personally fish for a sesame sword weighing more than 1 kilogram, and at that time, he went to the tail of Jiaoling Changtan Reservoir with his brothers in the countryside, and he felt very honored to catch it at a place called Putan.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

Sesame swordfish, scientific name spotted trout, is a hornfish, only grown in the Hongshui River Basin, the Pearl River system and the rivers of Liangguang Yungui and other provinces, is an extremely valuable freshwater fish. It is named for its sword-like body shape and sesame-like spots on its body. Sesame swordfish are scaleless fish, gray in color, as if wrapped in a layer of gelatin, full of mucus. Adult fish are mostly 3-5 kg weight, the largest is 15-20 kg, large and medium-sized fish.

Sesame sword is rich in nutrients, has the effect of tonifying fatigue, benefiting the spleen and stomach, the meat is tender and delicious, and the fat content is high.

Sesame swordfish live in the waters where the underground Dark River meets the Aboveground Ming River. In China, Guangxi is the most surviving. Due to the inability to farm artificially, the overall salvage volume is less than 10 tons per year, which is a precious economic fish.

Sesame sword is a meat-eating fish. There are no scales on the whole body, and they are typical carnivorous fish species. The fish of the Sesame Sword have a lot of black spots on their bodies, which look like sesame seeds. There are incense glands in the body and will overflow with a sesame-like fragrance. Whether in appearance or in terms of living habits, this fish is very similar to catfish.

Speaking of sesame sword, Xiaobian has always remembered it vividly, although more than 4 years have passed, he still remembers the time and place of fishing. In order to catch this fish, drive on the winding country roads and drive for more than 2 hours to reach the village of KuweiPutan at changtan reservoir.

The power of the sesame sword is very fierce, when the fish is hooked, more than a pound of fish pull the rod loudly, which can make you addicted to the foot and truly reflect the fun of fishing. Not to mention that this sesame sword is the first time that Xiaobian has caught it! Well, no more rambling, let's start introducing fishing techniques.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

1. The choice of fishing spots

Sesame sword mostly lives in the water where the underground dark river meets the above-ground Ming River. He often lives in stone caves and prefers to live in waters with stone walls. When the weather is warm, the sesame swordfish swims to the Ming River to forage for food, and when it is cold, it swims back to the Didong River. Therefore, when choosing a fishing spot, you must choose a stone wall water with a large stone mountain, or in the water near the rock pile with a large number of rocks, these places can catch this fish. Of course, the best fishing spots are in the waters at the confluence of the Dark and Ming rivers.

2. Selection of bait

Since sesame swords are carnivorous fish, bait can be used with pork liver, duck liver, descaled fish skin, and large earthworms. The characteristic of sesame sword is that it likes to eat a slightly smelly taste, so the prepared bait is sealed in a plastic bag for stinky reuse. The bait used by Xiaobian for 15 years is pig and earthworm with thick finger tails.

First of all, the pork liver should be cut into chopsticks thick and long strips, the length can be cut into 8 to 10 cm, prepare 20 to 30 strips (you can also determine the number of fishers, not enough earthworms), and then use a plastic bag to seal the cut pork liver, and make it slightly smelly, pay attention not to fully odorous, you need to keep the pork liver fresh. The bait is ready, and then take the big earthworms with you when you leave.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

3. Fishing method

Sesame sword is timid, almost will not be close to the shore of the inhabited, the strength is large, so the requirements for the rod are high, the best fishing rod is the sea rod, the need for the long line of the sea rod to throw away from the shore about 30 meters away.

Since the sesame sword belongs to a relatively large fish, the largest individual can reach about 40 pounds, and the general individual is more common in about 1 to 6 pounds. Fishing with a sea rod to listen to the fish in the ringtone, so the line group is more strict, the main line uses the No. 6 carbon line, because the mouth of the sesame sword is very large, the bite force is amazing, and when eating, it belongs to the eating phase swallowed in one bite, the sub-line uses the No. 4 anti-bite line to prevent biting breakage, and the length of the sub-line is more than 30 cm on one side. Fish hooks require Ishini barbed hooks of 11 to 13.

There is also a method called "barrage fishing", which is often used by Xiaobian when he was a child. It is a long rope with many fish hooks tied in the middle, similar to today's string hooks or seven-star hooks. Without the fishing rod method, you can tie it to a tree, spend the night in the river, and get up the next morning to collect the fish, there will be unexpected surprises.

It should be noted that the sesame sword can not be fished with a flap hook or an explosive hook, and the commonly used fishing method is double hook heavy lead falling to the bottom.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

3. Hanging bait method

When fishing for sesame swords, hanging bait is very important, not simply hanging on, bait is not hung well, running fish rate is a high probability of things. So how do you need to hang it?

First of all, the hook distance should be widened, and the distance of the double hook is 10 to 15 cm. In this way, it prevents the middle fish from bridging the back line, and the second is to keep the two hook baits at a distance under the water, emitting a stronger smell of pork liver and emitting a longer distance, so as to achieve a better fish lure rate.

So how do you hook pork liver? Take out the slightly smelly pork liver strip, first put one of the middle through the hook, and then use the winding method to wear the pig liver strip section by section on the fish hook, so that the hook of the fish hook is hung with pig liver strips, but the hook tip must be exposed, and the hook tip cannot be hidden in the pig liver strip.

4. Throwing

Hang the installed hook bait on the figure-of-eight ring, the lead drop needs to weigh 20 to 30 grams, and throw the hook bait about 30 meters away. Pay attention to the fishing point not to be too close to the dark river or stone cave, stone pile, otherwise the sesame sword will quickly escape after biting the hook, running towards the stone cave or dark river stone pile, which will cause tangential lines.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

Sesame sword is extremely expensive, there are many anglers in order to catch it, do not hesitate to drive hundreds of kilometers to find fish, especially in Guangxi Guizhou Yunnan, these places, is the most sesame sword waters, but also by anglers to go. Fishing for sesame swords requires the following:

1, sesame sword has high requirements for water quality, but it is not fishing in the clearer the water quality, but it is not in the clear water. Fishing spots need to be selected in a muddy and slightly yellow mud-tinged water.

2, its living environment for anglers, relatively bad, easy to cause tangential lines, so when throwing must choose a good fishing point, Ray to throw the bait in the muddy water near their dens.

3, due to the great power of the sesame sword, the middle fish will be scurrying around, keep a distance between the rod and the rod when fishing, and quickly close the line after the middle fish to prevent it from entering the stone cave or the dark river and other places.

Sesame sword is currently the most expensive freshwater fish known to Xiaobian, the distribution of water area is relatively narrow, not all over the country, in Guangxi Guizhou and other provinces more, other provinces are relatively rare. And can not breed can only be wild, it is a very happy thing to be able to catch it, most anglers have never caught this fish in their lives.

Long sesame spots, full of mucus, similar to the sound of pigs barking, the most expensive freshwater fish at present: sesame sword characteristics and habits of sesame sword fishing methods and techniques Fishing precautions written to the end

Final advice: environmental protection is the responsibility of every angler! Please take away the garbage around you and create a beautiful fishing environment! I'm Fishing Bell Dang, remember to follow me! Thank you

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