
"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Collection of Think Tanks" (I) Author: Feng Menglong

author:Zero lives in the present

Think big

People with superhuman wisdom, who know people, employ people, manipulate people, and control people, often go beyond certain rules and are unexpected by ordinary people. In this regard, the average person is surprised by this, but the hero Haojie is confident. Therefore, there is a volume of "The Wise Man with a Big Mind".

1. The persuader should understand the object of persuasion, grasp the personality characteristics of the persuaded person, and the mentality at that time, so as to take a targeted approach that the persuaded person can accept. Because ordinary people only know the simple language, they reluctantly read the profound and grand truths to make them listen, just like using magic elixirs to treat nasal congestion and cough, and wearing mink fur to chop wood and dig up wild vegetables.

2. Mr. Feng Menglong also quoted this story in the "Ancient and Modern Tan Outline Machine Police Department", and commented: "Some people say that the Song Dynasty's move shows the arrogance of a big country, and it is disdainful to compete with a small country like the Southern Tang Dynasty in terms of tongue and tongue, but they do not know that the Song Dynasty did not have Xu Xuan's opponents at that time." If there were eloquent courtiers like Yan Bao and Qin Mi, who could argue with him with their tongues and return to the Dynasty in victory, wouldn't the experience of the song dynasty be even more glorious? Confucius hated those who spoke rhetorically, but did not reject the ability to speak eloquently, and it made sense. ”

However, the key to the victory of the fool is the use of the strategy of "foolish wisdom".

3. Governing the country should respect talents, and managing a department and an enterprise should not respect talents.

"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Collection of Think Tanks" (I) Author: Feng Menglong

4. Who is without fault? If you can change it, you can do it well. Open-minded people throughout the ages have understood this truth. Bing Ji at the time of Emperor Xuan of Han and Guo Jin of the Northern Song Dynasty were all such people who understood, so they could tolerate the faults of coachmen and military academies. The coachman and the military academy were also very grateful to their superiors for their tolerance, reflected on their mistakes, and later gave full play to their wisdom and courage and made up for their mistakes. In today's society, we pay attention to human rights, let alone easily punish a person, and hope that those who make mistakes will reform themselves and change evil to good. Even for criminals, it is not blindly punished, but emphasizes "reform" to make them reborn and rehabilitate.

5. Eclectic and bold use of people is the first step in attracting, educating, retaining and employing people, and whether or not to accurately identify talents is a common challenge faced by enterprise managers. What kind of vision to use to recognize people, will recruit what kind of employees; with what kind of employees, will build what kind of enterprise. Therefore, whether excellent talents can be accurately and quickly identified is related to the success or failure of the enterprise. We must dare to break with conventions, use talent in an eclectic manner, adhere to a series of measures such as the use of outstanding talents in an extraordinary way, the priority use of advanced talents, and the adjustment of the last place with mediocre actual performance, and earnestly place capable people with outstanding innovative achievements in important posts and give play to their leading role in innovation.

6. For people, you can't blame them for everything, and no matter how smart a person is, it is inevitable that he will make mistakes. For mistakes, it is necessary to analyze specific problems, sometimes be tolerant, more caring, and the returns will be unexpected.

7. There is no contradiction between taking into account the overall situation and improvisation. Encourage people to take into account the overall situation while adapting to people and things. Among them, seeking common ground while reserving differences is to take into account the overall situation between cooperation; to advance and retreat together is to take care of the overall situation in management; people-oriented is to take care of the overall situation in operation. Improvisation is the inevitable rule of development The person who responds to the time is the top entrepreneur; the person who bears the geographical advantage is the top operator; the one who is obedient is the top manager. Good professional ethics and literacy are mainly manifested in pragmatic and careful work, calm in case of trouble, able to take into account the overall situation, independent and autonomous, and conscientious and responsible. Strong ability to withstand pressure, like to accept challenges, easy to accept new things, good at learning, able to adapt flexibly to new situations, and skilled ability to adapt to changes.

8. People often can't afford to wear a "high hat", and the same is true of thieves. Wei Yuanzhong's plot was to "rule the thieves with thieves," and those who cited one example from the other were "using evil to control evil."

9. There are two channels for the transformation of the subjective world, one is to rely on oneself, and the other is to borrow external forces. Xu Cunzhai took the initiative to admit his mistakes and was not ashamed to correct them, which was just a manifestation of grace. For individuals, knowledge is limited, even for the most gifted. Therefore, we must always maintain a humble attitude, not self-satisfaction, but constantly learn, inherit the wisdom of our predecessors, and accept the achievements of today's people. Only in this way can we better understand the objective world and transform the subjective world.

10. Many people worship heroes, aspire to be superhuman, at least have foresight, but are not willing to make hard efforts, solid learning and exploration.

Heroes may rely on a little opportunity and passion, Superman may also have a little talent, and foresight can only rely on your efforts.

However, opportunities cannot be encountered and seized frequently, and talent is even more difficult to find. Solid efforts can be done by anyone, and there will be some gains. Therefore, instead of being full of fantasies, it is better to study and explore solidly.

In real life, a piece of hard work may not have a harvest. Unremitting efforts will make a difference. Therefore, do not be sad about a momentary setback, and do not be fascinated by a momentary success. Learning is endless, and foresight is always relative.

11. In real society, some news media are accustomed to catching the wind and exaggerating without conducting investigations. Similarly, some "long-tongued" and bored people like to seize on a little flaw and fault of others, fabricate and exaggerate facts at will, add oil and vinegar, stir up trouble, reverse black and white, and do nothing wrong. It was not until the contradictions between the two sides intensified, the conflicts deepened, and they were eager to die, that they were willing to give up. Isn't it ridiculous that they don't think they're bored, but on the contrary, they always blame others for their "little belly chicken intestines"? What good is this for you?

Also when dealing with things, blindly emphasizing the details, to cover the whole, will not grasp the key problems to do the work, no focus, confused, do not know where to start is the right. Therefore, whether it is employing people or doing things, we should pay attention to the mainstream, and do not hinder the development of the cause because of a small matter. We must know that gold has no feet, no one is perfect, and we must use a person's talent, not his fault, so why do we always keep our eyes on that fault?

"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Collection of Think Tanks" (I) Author: Feng Menglong

12. As the saying goes: "Those who can endure shame are safe, and those who can endure humiliation survive." Confucius also said: "If you can't bear it, you will be chaotic and big." And ordinary people are often "small and intolerant", thinking that such a person is a coward, it should be a person who insults me a foot, I insult him a foot, people do not offend me, I do not offend people, if people offend me, I will not forgive him. However, the wise men of ancient China classified this behavior as "the courage of the puppeteers and despised it." Confucius also scoffed at this kind of courage of a puppet who only knew how to move forward and did not know how to retreat. Confucius once said that I would not want to get along with a person who fought a tiger with his bare hands, crossed a river with water, and died without knowing his regrets. Only those who must be cautious in their dealings, who can foresee strategies, who have the certainty of success, will I be willing to make friends with him.

Therefore, although advancing is courageous, in a sense, retreating is also courageous. What a wise person needs is the courage to advance and retreat, to bend and stretch. When the situation is favorable to me, we should move forward immediately; when the situation is not favorable to me, we should know how to stop at the right time and retreat immediately, in order to achieve a great cause in the future, without considering the gains and losses of one city and one pool.

13. In the face of the same deed of "sacrificing oneself to save others", there are two kinds of seemingly mysterious readings: some people praise the tragic feelings of "self-denial", and life becomes a tool to prove morality; some people pay attention to the practical action of "saving people", and life is the ultimate goal. The former is more morally passionate than the latter, while the latter is more concerned with the safety of life than the former.

Saving people doesn't have to be self-sacrificing. Over the years, our propaganda has often been that it is better to sacrifice oneself than to save others. If you dedicate yourself, you are a hero; if you are not injured or broken, even if you are not broken, there is no need to give you any honorary treatment, because you are unscathed and have not sacrificed yourself. This is actually a big misunderstanding. In the war years, we famously said that we won battles, called "Only by effectively preserving ourselves can we better destroy the enemy." We advocate sacrificing ourselves to save others, not advocating dedication, focusing on saving people, advocating the spirit of saving people at all costs.

The sublime resides in the ordinary. There are many such people around us, usually obscure, but they can stand up when it is critical. When there are more such people, the society will be full of hope.

14. Xu Mingkui, a Yuanren, said: "Wealth can benefit people, but it can also harm people."

The ancients regarded the subsection as the key to whether a person can become a big thing. What they advocate is to think about the big picture, not to dwell on the details, and to value the talent of the person, not his problem. Being able to forgive the shortcomings and faults of others and not to give up on the use of talents because of their shortcomings is the central content of the forbearance section. Therefore, those who want to do great things do not care about small things; those who have achieved great deeds do not pursue trivial matters.

It is precisely because of this that the wise rulers of history have recognized this, recruited a wide range of talents, and gathered the wise people of the world to serve their rule, and thus fulfilled their ambitions. On the contrary, it is very foolish to be jealous of the ability of others, because others have a small problem, and it is very foolish to ignore people and not use them.

15. "He who knows that he is a thief, but the enemy is obedient" is an ancient adage that means that the crimes of the opponents should be made public in the world, so that they can be defeated. Xiang Yu was proud and put himself in the position of overlord. Dong Gong seized on Xiang Yu's unjust act, which was indignant to the people of the world, and offered Liu Bang a plan, and in the end, not only made Liu Bang famous, but also formed a unified front with various princes to jointly resist the enemy and turn military inferiority into an advantage.

Throughout the ages, society has attached great importance to the great power and guiding role of public opinion. In modern society, radio, television, newspapers, periodicals, the Internet and other news media have become the main propaganda positions for disseminating culture and selling goods. However, "water can carry boats, but it can also overturn boats". No matter what form of reporting, it must be premised on winning the hearts and minds of the people and gaining support.

16. The ability to do no evil, to accept talents, and to drive virtue is an extremely important aspect of measuring and reflecting whether leaders can have strategy. There is no perfect person in the world, and no one can guarantee that you will not do anything wrong for the rest of your life. Therefore, in dealing with people who have faults and are preoccupied with themselves, we must have a broad mind, and use sincerity and practical actions to tolerate him and influence him. It cannot be said that good people cannot be faultless, on the contrary, they must treat their faults as calmly as an ordinary employee.

17. What is decency? Knowing what you can do, what you can do well, it's not too hard, knowing not to do it, can't do it well, it's hard. When you don't measure up, there are always too many, and it is not necessarily wrong to change the angle. But if it is wrong, most of it is not self-aware. Therefore, it is always easy to be frustrated and difficult to be proud.

A person should speak well, reasonably, decently, appropriately, and in place. Is not so easy. Looking back on a person's life, half of the experience is hung on his face, dry, arrogant, self-effacing, cunning, in every move, there is nothing to hide, there is no hiding. The so-called experience of life is just to make yourself look more decent, not to be too ashamed. And what is gained in it, what is lost, only you know.

Everyone needs a mirror. This is to the point, but most of the people who do this may already be ashamed and inferior. Life is a myriad of battles, and every piece wants to survive on the board to prove its importance, even if the end is only to stand firm. Unfortunately, most of them can only leave in the dark, be eaten, taken away, and die. The final big picture is mostly irrelevant to you. But which piece is insignificant, and which one can be left out in the cold? They all fought for a breath, in anticipation, in anticipation, and were not reconciled.

Say good things that you can say, do what you can do, work hard, be quiet, not arrogant, not inferior. Fight, but also know that you should not care too much, just fine. Without attachment, you can be at ease.

18. Integrity is the foundation of everything, without integrity, everything can not be talked about. In the ancients, "sincerity" and "faith" were originally two noun concepts with similar meanings that could be interpreted by each other. For example, Xu Shen's "Explanation of Words and Characters" of the Eastern Han Dynasty interprets "faith" with "sincerity" and "sincerity" with "faith", and the so-called "faith, sincerity" and "sincerity, faith" are all meanings of "truth and innocence". Sincerity refers to truthfulness and sincerity, and by extension, human moral feelings and social behaviors have the meaning of honesty, sincerity, sincerity, sincerity, innocence, and innocence. Faith refers to seeking truth and keeping sincerity, and by extension, people's moral feelings and social behaviors have the meaning of pursuing truth, adhering to truth, keeping promises, and keeping agreements.

The fundamental spirit of creditworthiness in social development is truthfulness and innocence, which requires people to respect objective laws and establish the spirit of seeking truth and truth. In the face of the spiritual yardstick of "integrity", all words and deeds of hypocrisy, deception and fraud will be invisible, and will be thoroughly exposed, criticized and spurned; at the same time, "integrity" as a value concept has the characteristics of justice and impartiality, which requires social groups to establish a just and reasonable system, and requires every member of society to establish a just and fair attitude towards things and a selfless moral concept.

19. In a modern society where everyone is equal, it is no longer necessary to abide by the red tape of ancient society, but to maintain normal interpersonal relations in society, it is also necessary to formulate some necessary etiquette norms. To form a good interpersonal relationship, it mainly depends on the sincere treatment between people and the goodwill of mutual help and mutual love. Etiquette is more of a form.

20. The people are the foundation of the country, and the way to govern the country lies in winning the people, and there are three ways to win the people: with virtue, with wealth, and with strength. Virtue and people are the most brilliant. By giving grace to the people, the rulers impressed the people with virtue and made the people wholeheartedly support them.

Feng Chen's act of buying "righteousness" is precisely through giving up the small profits in front of him and relieving the people's difficulties, in exchange for long-term benefits, that is, the people's support for Meng Tianjun, which has accumulated people's expectations for Meng Tianjun and won the essence of Confucian strategic thinking.

21. The ancient saying goes, "The Dhamma is not a favoritism. "However, people must not mistakenly believe that the law is ruthless. Of course, the situation in the law cannot be taken lightly, but should only be taken wisely. Like Sun Jue, first, do not violate the law, everything is reasonable; second, do not violate reason, and see righteousness everywhere. If Sun Jue did not have such great wisdom and rushed to the crown with "too harsh government, the people are invincible", Qing history can leave a british name, but the pain of the common people is not the same? Some self-made smart people only know how to exploit loopholes in the law, while really smart people understand the mystery of the "foot-and-use policy.". Therefore, when we praise Sun Jue's great wisdom, we are by no means advocating "substituting emotions for the law," but only to show that no matter what we do, we must work hard and work smartly, combine principle with flexibility, and combine legal reasoning with feelings.

"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Collection of Think Tanks" (I) Author: Feng Menglong

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