
Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

author:Shaanxi Legal Network
Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

Xiao Xuan Xiao Xuan, recently there is a newly released movie called "Sweeping Black And Decisive Battle", have you seen it, I feel that the political and legal cadres and policemen in it are too handsome!

Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

Look! Quietly tell you, in fact, our Yanta Court also has a handsome cadre policeman, who has just been rated as an advanced worker in the special struggle against organized crime and evil in Shaanxi Province! Let's get to know him together

Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

Recently, Li Guoliang, vice president of the Criminal Division of the Yanta Court, was appraised by the General Office of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee and the General Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government as an advanced worker in the province's special struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award


Li Guoliang is currently the vice president of the Criminal Trial Division of the Yanta District People's Court of Xi'an City, and a first-class judge.

In 2017, he was rated by the Shaanxi Provincial Leading Group for "Eliminating Pornography and Cracking Down on Illegal Activities" as "a meritorious individual in handling cases of 'sweeping pornography and cracking down on illegal activities' in the whole country";

In 2018, Rong Li's personal third-class merit was rated as "100 Case Handling Experts" by the Xi'an Intermediate Court;

In 2019, he was rated as an "advanced individual in anti-gang crime and anti-evil work" by the Xi'an Intermediate Court.

Let's review the typical cases he has handled!

Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

Zhang Mou's case: Resisting the pressure and facing difficulties, he gave up all holidays, "closed" for more than two months, reviewed more than 100 case files, the trial lasted for many days, orderly and efficiently concluded the case of Zhang Mou and twelve other people who organized, led, and participated in the mafia-type organization, which formed a powerful deterrent to the lawbreakers and criminals, purified the commercial investment environment, and made contributions to the stable development of the region. Successfully selected as one of the top ten litigation cases for promoting the construction of rule of law in Xi'an in 2018.

Cao X's case: Regarding the good facts, evidence, and application of the law, he sentenced Cao X and seven others to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from nine to two years in accordance with the law; this case is the first case concluded by the Yanta court involving leading cadres of rural grass-roots organizations in participating in the crimes of criminal syndicates and evil forces.

Case of incitement to ethnic hatred: He concluded the first case of incitement to ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination in Shaanxi Province, and the criminal verdict he produced was reported to the Supreme People's Court for evaluation by the provincial court.

Zhang Moumou's case: He concluded the case of Zhang Zhongmou and others involved in organized crime in accordance with the law. In this case, he accumulated more than 200 volumes, produced hundreds of thousands of words of reading records, and nearly 400 pages of judgments. In the high-intensity trial process, he devoted himself wholeheartedly, night and day, sleeping and forgetting to eat, resulting in the original injured left foot suppuration, severe pain and swelling so that he could not sleep at night, but the slight injury could not get out of the line of fire, with illness insisted on the court, using the adjournment to hang a little drip, the hammer sounded, and immediately threw himself into the trial with full spirits.

In addition to the trial work, he also did a lot of rule of law publicity work!

He brought a vivid "open class on the rule of law" to the masses in his jurisdiction, carried out centralized judgments in cases involving criminal syndicates and evil forces, and achieved good publicity results.

Li Guoliang said: Next, I will take a more resolute attitude and a more pragmatic style, safeguard the fairness and justice of the law, and contribute my strength to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!

Educational rectification · Xueying Model ‖ Judge Li Guoliang of Xi'an Yanta Court won the award

Editor: Sun Yuying

Editor-in-Charge: Manin

Editor-in-chief: Yao Qiming

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